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10 serious games pour se former réellement

10 serious games pour se former réellement
Ludiques mais aussi informatifs et pédagogiques, certains logiciels de simulation ont le vent en poupe. Preuve en est, le récent plan de relance du gouvernement qui prévoit 20 millions d'euros pour le développement de 48 serious games. En voici 10 exemples, orientés apprentissage et formation, qui devraient changer la manière d'apprendre.

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Serious games : les premiers retours d'expérience en France - Journal du Net Solutions Air France, BNP Paribas, L'Oréal, Axa... Plusieurs grands groupes français se sont engagés dans des projets visant à exploiter le jeu vidéo au profit de la formation. Le point. Présents depuis une dizaine d'années dans les entreprises et les administrations et universités, les serious games font maintenant partie intégrante de leur arsenal des outils de formation.

Trip's GeoAdventures If there was ever a cache that everyone should try once, pict-o-caches would likely be near the top of the list. They take aspects of several different types of caches and join them together to make a cache that everyone can participate in and enjoy. But how do they work? First, we need to establish what they are… La boite à outils du formateur innovant " Format... S'assombrit auto-emploi chance de décrocher un emploi de l'entreprise, selon une étude June 24, 2013 In a bleak job market, like the one that has prevailed during the past several years, does it make sense to head off on one's own? On the basis of recent increases in self-employment, a lot of people appear to think so, with the number of proprietors growing by almost 2 million in the US and by close to 400,000 in the UK during the Great Recession and its aftermath. Yet, research to be presented at a major management conference this summer sounds a caution about these developments. Self-employment, it finds, entails not just such well-known drawbacks as low earnings, long hours, and risk to personal funds; it also has the further effect, until now unrecognized, of compromising prospects for wage employment if proprietorship falls short of expectations. In the field experiment, entrepreneurs received about 63% fewer positive responses from potential employers than wage employees received.

Resources for Curating Video Collections and Creating Custom Courses A good video can be a powerful way to help students understand new concepts or refresh their knowledge of a topic. Thanks to YouTube, Vimeo, and oodles of other sites, we can now find instructional videos for just about anything. The challenge isn’t locating videos—but keeping track of the ones that help students the most. La gamification : Véritable stratégie d'entreprise Comme nous avons pu le définir, la gamification est un terme générique qui symbolise la fusion de mondes que tout oppose mais qui s'avère aujourd'hui être complémentaire. Le travail et le jeu se rencontrent donc sur un même terrain, mais – plus surprenant – dans la même équipe. Portant les même couleurs, il semble exister plusieurs type de jeux à même de réussir à endosser le maillot du capitaine.

Become an Expert in Free RPGs Friends! Roleplayers! Philanthropists! Lend me your eyes. Charge your tankards with your favourite poison, put your feet up and feast your peepers on a 2009 free RPG review. Rediscover something old or find something new in one handy review of the year.

Leçons de leadership du sauvetage minier chilien Early in the afternoon of August 5, 2010, more than 700,000 metric tons of rock suddenly caved in, blocking the central passage to the tunnels in the San José copper and gold mine in Chile’s Atacama Desert. Shaken miners close to the entrance soon made their way out, but 33 men working deep underground were trapped beneath some of the hardest rock on the planet. Accidents in underground mines are common, but this one was unprecedented on several dimensions: the depth at which the miners were entombed, the unstable rock formation, and the mine’s antiquity and notorious safety record, to name but a few. Two days later, after a second rockfall blocked ventilation shafts, experts estimated the probability of locating and rescuing the missing workers alive at less than 1%. Yet on October 13, after spending a record 69 days underground at a depth of 2,300 feet, Los 33, as the miners had come to call themselves, emerged—fragile but alive.

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