Job Application English Vocabulary Word Lists with Games, Puzzles and Quizzes English Vocabulary Word List addressageapplyarea codebirthdaycertificationchildrencitizenshipcitycollegecountrycriminal recorddatedate of birthdependentsdiplomadivorced educationeducational backgroundelementary schoolemployeeemployerexperiencefamily namefelony recordfemalefiredfirst namegendergraduate schoolhandicaphearingheighthigh school husband's namejunior collegejunior high schoollast namemalemarital statusmarriedmiddle namenamenext of kinnotifyoccupationphone numberphysical examinationpositionpresent addressprevious experience quitreason for leavingrelativessalaryseparatedsingleskillssocial security numberstatestreettelephone numbervisionweightwife's namezip code
» 7 Wonderful Books That You Can Read in Less Than A Day We love Sunday reading. We also love the feeling of accomplishment when finishing a book (and inching closer to our annual Goodreads goals). In honor of all this, we’ve put together a short list of short books and novellas that can be read in a day or less. So pick a book or two, pour yourself a cozy beverage, and dive in. (We love hearing from you! Recommended for lovers of satirical dystopias. “The Zoo is a political satire with a dystopian twist. 2) The Giver by Lois Lowry Recommended for movie goers. “Jonas’s world is perfect. 3) Ficciones by Jorge Louis Borges Recommended for those looking for a literary challenge. “Reading Jorge Luis Borges is an experience akin to having the top of one’s head removed for repairs. 4) We the Animals by Justin Torres Recommended for lovers of coming-of-age tales. “An exquisite, blistering debut novel. 5) A History Of Love by Nicole Krauss Recommended for romantics. “Leo Gursky taps his radiator each evening to let his upstairs neighbor know he s still alive.
Lessons & Classroom Games for Teachers - Animal Crime Scene Investigator - A science and ESL lesson by: Regal Swan® Foundation, Inc. / Expected Learning Outcomes Students will understand predation and how nature controls the over-population of species. Students will have an understanding of how crime scene investigation requires the.. TUMMY RUB, HEAD PAT - Game by: re Try to pat your head with one hand while rubbing your stomach in circular motions with the other hand. [Edited by Administrator (admin) Sun, 26 Jun 2011, 10:30 AM] ESL Game - Concentration by: kr Title: Concentration Type: Concentration Game Target: Any vocab or conversation pattern Materials: None Procedure: Assign each student an answer to the conversation question or a vocabulary word... Classroom Games - Draw the Teacher, 3D Tic-Tac-Toe & More by: Lucas Kent Second Grade Technology Lesson Plans by: Collaborator Technology is important even as early as elementary school. Unscrambling - Short Lesson by: jin TOEIC Grammar Quiz by: contributor
English Worksheets Engelska 5 - Nationella prov i främmande språk, Göteborgs universitet Här ges exempel på olika typer av uppgifter som har förekommit och kan förekomma i nationella prov i Engelska kurs A och 5 i gymnasieskolan. Proven i Engelska 5 kommer att ha samma övergripande karaktär och utformning som tidigare i Engelska A och samma indelning i delprov. De exempeluppgifter som finns för EnA är följaktligen också relevanta för En5. Provuppgifterna kommer framför allt från utprövningsmaterial som inte använts i prov, men också från tidigare givna prov, som inte längre omfattas av sekretess. Observera att Skolverkets kommentarmaterial till ämnesplanen: Om ämnet Engelska Generella bedömningsanvisningar Focus: Listening Flerval: Ten Journeys of a Lifetime Ljudfil (ca 14 min/13,2 MB) Bedömningsanvisningar Blandat svarsformat: The River Police Ljudfil (19 min/17,4 MB) Bedömningsanvisningar Matchning: Where are they Ljudfil (ca 9 min/6,5 MB) Bedömningsanvisningar Matchning: What's My Line? Ljudfil (ca 12 min/12 MB) Bedömninganvisningar Focus: Speaking Dilemmas Stay Put or Get Away A Good Life
5 Teaching Practices I'm Kicking to the Curb So many of us teach the way we were taught. We may not even realize we’re doing it. And that means certain practices get passed down year after year without question, methods that are such a normal part of the way we do school, we perpetuate them without realizing there are better alternatives. Today I’m going to roll out five of these for your consideration: five teaching practices used every day that are not backed by research. A few caveats before I start: First, I have used every single one of these methods. A.K.A.: Round-Robin Reading, Volunteer Reading What it is: A teacher wants her class to read a text—a short story, a chapter in a textbook—so she has each student take a turn reading out loud while the others follow along silently. Why I did it: I used popcorn reading occasionally as a language arts teacher, when we were doing a whole-class novel, to “get through” the text. What to do instead: Consider where you want students to end up. Learn More: Learn more: A.K.A. Stick around.
Testing Talk - Home What's new? 2014-10-30: Hurrah! Both Pia and Erica have been promoted to Associate Professors in English! 2014-10-23: Visiting scholar Silvia Kunitz has been with us for ten days. 2014-09-23: New publication out! 2014-08-25: Testing Talk is back in business! 2014-07-03: We are safely back in Sweden after a wonderful ICCA 2014, conference, where we presented a study of the systematics of codeswitching in EFL speaking tests. 2014-06-17: All speaking data from the national test 2014 have been collected and we conducted our final teacher interviews (round 1). 2014-05-25: Our proposed paper session "Diversity in language testing: Perspectives on L1 and L2 speaking, reading, and writing tests" has been accepted to NOFA 5, 27-29 May, 2015, Helsinki. 2014-05-23: First workshop series completed at all four participating schools. [More] Project description
Strukturerat arbete och långsiktig planering är för mig A och O Jag tror att ett strukturerat, långsiktigt arbete ger resultat i längden. En tydlig planering, både läsårsplan och pedagogisk planering, underlättar för mig, barnen och föräldrarna och den får mig att känna mig trygg i min undervisning. Med en långsiktig plan, blir jag inte lika stressad. Under läsårets gång kommer den givetvis att justeras på grund av hur arbetet flyter på och vad vi behöver lägga mer eller mindre fokus på. Jag använder mig också av olika checklistor och stödstrukturer i planeringsarbetet, för en språkutvecklande ämnesundervisning. Planeringen går jag igenom på det första föräldramötet på hösten och många uppskattar att få en helhetsbild av året. Läsårsplanering När läsåret börjar gör jag och min kollega, som de flesta gör, en planering över de ämnesområden vi ska arbeta med under året. En röd tråd När jag lägger upp mitt arbete, är det många faktorer som jag försöker ha i åtanke. Genrepedagogik SO – FN och barnkonventionen Sv- Argumenterande text Diskussion
Clue Mystery Match Listen up, detectives! To solve this memory match mystery, flip over the cards and follow the clues... for every match you make, you'll be one step closer to cracking the case. Stay sharp and leave no card unturned! This online game is based on the venerable Clue board game series, and features all the familiar Clue characters, settings, and objects. Clue Mystery Match consists of three rounds, during which you must discover the details of Mr. Each round begins with a single card being put into the evidence envelope -- this card represents the murder location, murder weapon, or murderer.
The Precious First Few Minutes Of Class The Precious First Few Minutes Of Class by Suzy Pepper Rollins Students file into class. “Your warm-up is on the board,” we announce. Two students fish for pencils in backpacks, one begs to get water, another needs to see the nurse, and attendance needs to be entered into the computer. More minutes pass, as students dump out backpacks and empty pockets in a panicked search for a scrap of paper they swear was secured last night. But the opening minutes are also the time when students’ brains are their freshest and they tend to remember more of what’s been taught during this period than any other time of the learning episode. These precious minutes can quickly establish a prior knowledge connection, vital to maximizing learning. Rather than begin class with a passive warm-up, success starters have the power to get every student motivated about the lesson and successful right from the bell. We’ve shared 12 Interesting Ways To Start Class Tomorrow before. 1. 2. 3. 4.
ESL Movie Lessons | Movies Grow English | Watch movies, learn English Lärare får F i betygsättning - Annika Sjödahl ”Jag får inte sätta F om det inte finns ett ÅP”.”Jag får inte sätta F om jag inte varnat eleven”.”Jag måste sätta F om en elev ”restar” centralt innehåll från tidigare terminer”. Det cirkulerar många påståenden om vad som gäller kring betygsättning. Jag förvånas över att man inte vet vad som gäller. Kanske är det så illa att man inte vet var man hittar information kring betygsättningen? Eller så vet man inte utan litar på det andra säger. Myndighetsutövningen kräver att vi är professionella Jag vänder mig till Skolverket för att ta reda på vad som gäller om man inte får informationen via rektor. Risken med att inte följa anvisningarna är att man kan bli varnad av Lärarnas ansvarsnämnd eller fråntagen sin legitimation. Vi måste därför skaffa oss kunskapen om betygsättning för att återta vår trovärdighet som myndighetsutövare. Stöd för att öka trovärdigheten och samstämmigheten En viktig fråga att ställa sig kring citaten ovan är att de utgår från föreställningar av vad som gäller.
You Can’t Say That In English! Untranslatable Words From Around The World by John-Erik Jordan You Can’t Say That In English! By some estimates the English language has more than a million words. No way. There are over 6,000 languages spoken on Earth, and all of them describe the breadth and depth of human life. Untranslatable words highlight the rich diversity of the ethnosphere. There are so many great examples of untranslatable words that we’ve decided to turn them into a continuing series. abbiocco (Italian) noun: that sleepy feeling you get after a big meal Everyone has succumbed to drowsiness after a meal at one time or another, but only the Italians have enshrined the phenomenon in a single word. desenrascanço (Portuguese) noun: the ability to improvise a quick solution Desenrascanço is the M.O. of any high-functioning procrastinator. hyggelig (Danish) adj: comfy, cozy; intimate; contented Do you ever wish there was one word to combine everything snuggly, safe, friendly and caring? sobremesa (Spanish)