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Creative Thinking Is a Specific Process That Can Be Replicated

Creative Thinking Is a Specific Process That Can Be Replicated
This is really only half of creative thinking. The other half comes in after step 4, during the actual act of creation. This "explanation" of creativity is like explaining how to cook as: 1. Get all the ingredients 2. 3. 4.

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Johann Sebastian Bach Bach's abilities as an organist were highly respected throughout Europe during his lifetime, although he was not widely recognised as a great composer until a revival of interest and performances of his music in the first half of the nineteenth century. He is now generally regarded as one of the main composers of the Baroque period, and as one of the greatest composers of all time.[10] Life Childhood (1685–1703) At the age of 14, Bach, along with his older school friend George Erdmann, was awarded a choral scholarship to study at the prestigious St. Michael's School in Lüneburg in the Principality of Lüneburg.[19] Although it is not known for certain, the trip was likely taken mostly on foot.[18] His two years there were critical in exposing him to a wider facet of European culture.

What Is Intelligence? Just a Byproduct of Cooperation. What's the Latest Development? By developing computer simulations of neural networks that evolved over 50,000 generations, scientists at Trinity University have concluded that intelligence is an evolutionary byproduct of social teamwork. Each neural network, or 'brain', took part in two social dilemmas in which "two players must choose between cooperation and defection during repeated rounds. Upon completion of either game, each 'brain' produced 'offspring' with other 'brains' that made more advantageous choices during the games. ... After 50,000 generations, the model showed that as cooperation increased, so did the intelligence of the programmed brains."

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Can You Be Unconsciously Creative? In the movies, creativity often involves moments of insight. A character struggles with an idea. There is a montage of pained faces and crumpled sheets of paper. Then, suddenly, the light comes on. A choir sings.

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