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Anti Joke What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline. We’ve just released huge update to the iOS app! Now, access all your favorite text and photo sites like Anti-Joke, DIYLOL! A few things didn’t make the original cut (like comments) but they’ll be back soon. Cat helicopter: Watch dead cat turned into helicopter known as Orvillecopter by Dutch artist Eight out of ten cats would probably prefer a less strenuous afterlife The separation from a beloved furry friend who dies can be too much for some pet lovers. Some owners may opt to have their much-missed animal buddy stuffed and mounted to maintain that companionship so familiar around the home, rather than the more conventional approach of having their cherished chum cremated or burying them in the back garden. But it seems unlikely that many would choose the approach taken by one Dutchman – and transform their passed away pet into a hybrid helicopter cyborg.

What does one TRILLION dollars look like? All this talk about "stimulus packages" and "bailouts"... A billion dollars... A hundred billion dollars... Eight hundred billion dollars... Soda Machine Hack Most modern vending machines have little computers inside. A tiny screen usually displays some information. Although relatively little known, pressing a certain combinations of buttons can control the settings. For instance, you can check the internal temperature, view the amount of money inside, empty change, or dump certain beverages. Creative and Unusual Cutlery Designs Modern cutlery and creative silverware designs that will spice up your dinner table and impress your guests. Bite Silverware Mark Reigelman has designed a set of “bitten” silverware to help raise awareness of worldwide epidemics such as starvation and obesity. [link] Wrenchware Wrench-handled knife, crescent-wrench spoon and ratchet fork.

Miegakure: A puzzle-platforming game in four dimensions Miegakure is a platform game where you navigate a four-dimensional world to perform miraculous feats and solve puzzles. Miegakure is a puzzle-platforming game that lets you explore and interact with a four-dimensional world. The fourth dimension in this game works just like the first three: it is a mathematical generalization. Your ability to move in the fourth dimensions in addition to the usual three allows you to perform miraculous feats like seeing inside closed buildings, walking through walls, stealing objects from closed containers, binding two separate rings without breaking them, etc...

Sound Matrix The Sound Matrix was a clever bit of flash that was mailed to me some time back. I later discovered that the file was originally composed by Andre Michelle. As per original instructions “Press SPACE key to clear. Right-Click for Copy & Paste to your blog, happy days, good time, comment if you LIKE!”.

Escher for Real The work of M.C. Escher needs no introduction. We have all learned to appreciate the impossibilities that this master of illusion's artwork presents to the layman's eye. 7 Lessons From 7 Great Minds - Global One TV Have you ever wished you could go back in time and have a conversation with one of the greatest minds in history? Well, you can’t sorry, they’re dead. Unless of course you’re clairaudient, be my guest. But for the rest of us, we can still refer to the words they left behind.

Color Psychology by David Johnson Like death and taxes, there is no escaping color. It is ubiquitous. Yet what does it all mean? Why are people more relaxed in green rooms? Why do weightlifters do their best in blue gyms? The Story of the Hardworking Ant The Story Of The Hard Working Ant sounds like the government to me.... Please visit stories, etc. for more pictures, stories, etc. Lucid Dreaming Frequently Asked Questions Answered by The Lucidity Institute Version 2.4 © Lucidity Institute (contact us) This FAQ is a brief introduction to lucid dreaming: what it is, how to do it, and what can be done with it. There are several excellent sources of information on lucid dreaming, the most reliable and extensive of which is the Lucidity Institute website ( Other sources are listed below. Stephen LaBerge presents workshops, and training programs for learning lucid dreaming. Participating with a group focused together on developing the skills necessary for lucid dreaming is the most efficient and effective way of achieving or improving your frequency of lucid dreaming (and it's a lot of fun). For information please visit the Lucidity Institute website. Upcoming programs are listed at the top of the page.

Who Said a Yacht has to Look Like a boat? (by @baekdal) #design Written by Thomas Baekdal | Monday, June 29, 2009 It's hot and summer and what better place to relax than on a yacht - especially one with a striking design. Here is some 'inspiration' for what you might buy. Oculus The Olucus is a very futuristic looking yacht from Schpfer Yachts. How to Draw Ears For a video version of this tutorial visit In this tutorial I will go over the parts of the ear and suggest an easy way to remember all these complex shapes. At the end, I will show a step by step of an ear drawing. Basic Forms The simplified volume of the ear is very much like a megaphone. This is easier to see from the back, where the concha is like the tubular part and the helix is the lip part of the megaphone.
