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10 Extravagant Flash Games For The Skilled Only I love flash based games , so do many and many of other people. They help you in passing boring or hectic times during the day. Previously, we wrote etc. In the meanwhile, I covered numerous other flash based games as well, which were truly addictive. Since they got much popularity, I’m covering more awesome flash based games today which will basically test your skills and may blow your mind off.

Five Qualities of Grateful People Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It sounds cliche, but a holiday where gratitude is the main focus is my kind of celebration. I’ve been on a journey of gratitude for the last two years and it has changed my life completely. I have tried hard to stop putting my attention and energy into the things that don’t matter, or into drama and the people who cause it. Since I decided to make gratitude one of the central focuses of my life, the thing I’ve found the most difficult is finding things to be thankful for when things aren’t going my way. I think that’s the most life-changing part about gratitude, though.

16 Anti Theft Gadgets and Designs to Deter Thieves 16 Anti-Theft Gadgets and Designs to Deter Thieves We all own many different cool gadgets and items that are important to us either for the utility they provide or perhaps because of an intimate or personal reason. Whatever the reason is, we really hate it when someone comes and touches our personal belongings and worst yet…steals them. In order to avoid such mishaps and unfortunate events, we have gathered here a great collection of different Anti Theft Gadgets and Bizarre Designs that are meant to help individuals make their devices and belongings less attractive, appealing or desired to a normal bystander.

The 150 Best Online Flash Games It was a long and exhausting task: playing hundreds of online games for hours in a row, day after day. It was hard, but someone had to do it. The result is the list that you will find below. some people are just born with it « style/SWOON this house was love at first foot in the door… Jamie Laubhan-Oliver and her husband Larry Oliver are two of the most talented people I’ve ever known. Jamie is an art director for DHome/DWeddings and Larry is a senior designer for Neiman Marcus. They are both art directors and spend much of their days orchestrating amazing photoshoots. Their impeccable taste and blessed sample sale opportunities have turned their somewhat modest city townhome into a luxurious style haven. Each detail of their home is so interesting: from the alligator skull, to the collection of keys from Jamie’s father mixed with the heap of wine corks, and an armless baby doll.

Webrangers This is the National Park Service's site for kids of all ages. If you love our National Parks, Monuments and Historic Sites, this site is for you. If you are new to our National Parks, we hope this site helps you experience how wonderful they can be. We've recently updated this site to make it even more fun. everyday beautiful life: a guide to the life you want Today I’m doing EBL a bit differently. I’m going to be sharing some links to some fantastic posts at various blogs. I’m also going to be tweeting my EBL post suggestions on Twitter {@bitsofbeauty}. If you have a post or a tip you’d like to share, just tag it #EBL. I’d love to see what you come up with!

śĦeℓℓỴ :] on we heart it / visual bookmark #5103823 xd | We Heart It Cruel xd Add to collections Something's Hiding In Here when editors of country living magazine first approached us about designing a studio for their "house of the year" project we couldn't believe it. we would get to create our dream space, partner with a designer and they would make it all happen. ummm, YES! we immediately started pinning inspiration and brainstorming all the things important to us in a shared work space: big work table, cozy seating, shelves for our collections, and a giant wall for inspiration. we knew we wanted to play with a balance of feminine and masculine as well as new and old. after all the sketching, planning, measuring, fabric and paint swatches... there it was, just like magic - our dream studio. as if that wasn't enough, we were able to attend the launch party in NYC, where the country living team treated us like celebrities. dream project! keep a look out for the september issue of country living where you can find out more details and see the other spaces created for the project.

Fun Things to Do With Friends for Free The best things in life are…actually, yes, they are free. At least, creativity is free. It’s only in recent times that recreation and entertainment has been sold to us for a very high price. But do you really want to spend $30 for a movie and popcorn with a friend? Nah, you can do better – especially if you’re trying to save money these days, like most of us.

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