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Top 10 Sites for Educational Games

Top 10 Sites for Educational Games
There's no denying the appeal that online games have on kids. While this might come w/ a negative stigma there are a lot of online educational games that can be found to not only enhance the joy of learning but strengthen skill sets as well. That being said I've decided to create a list of my favorite educational gaming sites on the web. Top 10 Sites for Educational Games Funbrain - One of the most popular educational gaming sites around.

Games, Contests & Puzzles: Entertaining Ideas for Educating Students Teachers can take heart in the good news that students are likely to make meaningful progress toward instructional goals when they engage in regular drill, practice, and review of academic material. Instructors must also face the bad news, though, that students often find such activities to be tedious and unmotivating. One powerful strategy that successful teachers use to lend interest to academic drill, practice, and review is to structure these learning opportunities so that they contain elements of 'fun.' Read on for some ideas on how to adapt common games to promote student learning, to change quiz formats to make them more enjoyable, and to introduce other classroom activities that educate students in an entertaining manner. Games Students (Will Want to) Play(adapted from Maguire, 1990) Magazine Scavenger Hunt. Password: Academic Edition. The teacher puts together a list of course-related terms that students should know. The student reads the word on the slip. Review-Question Bingo.
