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Center for Biological Diversity

Center for Biological Diversity

Convention sur la Diversité Biologique : le grand plan pour la nature nécessite une grande action immédiate Les gouvernements doivent passer à l’action et investir dans la nature afin de sauvegarder la diversité de la vie sur la terre et affronter les défis actuels du développement, a déclaré l’UICN (Union internationale pour la conservation de la nature) devant la 11ème Conférence des parties à la Convention sur la biodiversité biologique (CDB COP11), qui s’ouvre aujourd’hui à Hyderabad, en Inde. Les représentants gouvernementaux réunis à Hyderabad discuteront de la mise en œuvre des décisions prises au sommet de la biodiversité de Nagoya en 2010, et en particulier des suites qui ont été données au Plan stratégique pour la biodiversité et aux Objectifs d’Aichi 2020 établis à l’occasion de ce sommet en matière de sauvegarde et de restauration de la nature. « À Nagoya, nous avons convenu d’un Plan de grande envergure assorti d’objectifs ambitieux mais réalistes pour protéger la biodiversité de notre planète », déclare Julia Marton-Lefèvre, Directrice générale de l’UICN.

Wolves Come Home to Oregon Wolves in Oregon Gray wolves (Canis lupus) were once common in Oregon, occupying most of the state. However, a deliberate effort to eradicate the species was successful by the late 1940s. In fact, trouble for wolves began almost 100 years earlier, in the years before Oregon became a state. In 1843 the first wolf bounty was established and Oregon's first legislative session was called in part to address the "problem of marauding wolves." By 1913, people could collect a $5 state bounty and an Oregon State Game Commission bounty of $20. 7 Extinct Animals: Rare Photographs Last Thylacine yawning: Note the unusual extent to which it was able to open its jaws From panthers and pandas to rhinos and tigers, dwindling animal numbers speak of the need to step up conservation efforts – if it’s not already too late. As a kind of wake-up call, we decided to take a look at seven extinct species captured on camera. With modern photography having only been invented in the 1820s, these snapshots are visible testament to just how recently the creatures shown were wiped out – and a jarring reminder of the precarious situation for many species still left on the planet.

Global Warming is Real More U.S. Children Being Diagnosed With Youthful Tendency Disorder REDLANDS, CA–Nicholas and Beverly Serna's daughter Caitlin was only four years old, but they already knew there was a problem. More U.S. Children Being Diagnosed With Youthful Tendency Disorder Day after day, upon arriving home from preschool, Caitlin would retreat into a bizarre fantasy world. Sometimes, she would pretend to be people and things she was not. Other times, without warning, she would burst into nonsensical song.

FWS designates critical habitat for imperiled Southern Calif. plant E&E News , February 13, 2013 FWS designates critical habitat for imperiled Southern Calif. plant Laura Petersen, E&E reporter The Obama administration yesterday designated 9,600 acres in Southern California's Coachella Valley as critical habitat for an endangered plant. The Riverside County area -- known for its big spring music festival and booming development -- is home to the Coachella Valley milk vetch, a flowering foot-tall plant added to the endangered species list in 1998. Dependent on sandy dunes and flats, the milk vetch has been nearly wiped out by development sprawling east of Los Angeles.

THE WOLF ARMY UK Orion Magazine - nature / culture / place Center for American Progress Biodiversité &Conservation International Wolf Center The Washington Spectator
