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What's Really Warming the World? Climate deniers blame natural factors; NASA data proves otherwise

Climate scientists tend not to report climate results in whole temperatures. Instead, they talk about how the annual temperature departs from an average, or baseline. They call these departures "anomalies." They do this because temperature anomalies are more consistent in an area than absolute temperatures are. For example, the absolute temperature atop the Empire State Building may be different by several degrees than the absolute temperature at New York’s LaGuardia Airport. But the differences from their own averages are likely to be about the same. The simulation results are aligned to the observations using the 1880-1910 average.

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CICERO AV: Glen Peters Publisert 10.08.2017 Many have reported that CO2 emissions from fossil fuels and industry are flat, but we have had a record increase in CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. Tiny sea creatures are saving us from hell on earth. So why are we endangering them? Deep in the ocean where the sun don’t shine, fissures in the earth’s crust spew super-heated geothermal water and gases of up to 400 degrees Celsius. Sounds like hell? Not quite — hydrothermal vents discovered just 40 years ago by scientists, teem with a surprising abundance of life. And these hotbeds of biodiversity are crucial for underwater ecosystems and the global climate, according to a recent report in Frontiers In Marine Science. The vents dot the sea floor at depths of 5,000 to 13,000 feet, gushing sulfides, methane, iron, and hydrogen into the ocean.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: The New Google Earth Has Exciting Features for Teachers April , 2017 Google has just released a brand new version of Google Earth for both Chrome and Android. This new version has come with a bunch of interesting features you can use for educational purposes with your students in class. Here is a quick overview of each of these features: 1- Voyager Voyager is a showcase of interactive guided tours to help you virtually explore beautiful places from all around the globe. Increased CO2 in the atmosphere has altered photosynthesis of plants over the 20th century Researchers at Umeå University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences have discovered that increasing levels of CO2 in the atmosphere have shifted photosynthetic metabolism in plants over the 20th century. This is the first study worldwide that deduces biochemical regulation of plant metabolism from historical specimens. The findings are now published in the leading journal PNAS and will have an impact on new models of future CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.

sans titre Tropical forests are taking up less carbon dioxide from the air, reducing their ability to act as “carbon sinks” and bringing closer the prospect of accelerating climate breakdown. The Amazon could turn into a source of carbon in the atmosphere, instead of one of the biggest absorbers of the gas, as soon as the next decade, owing to the damage caused by loggers and farming interests and the impacts of the climate crisis, new research has found. If that happens, climate breakdown is likely to become much more severe in its impacts, and the world will have to cut down much faster on carbon-producing activities to counteract the loss of the carbon sinks. Scientist Slams Climate Change Deniers In Brilliant Viral Post The overwhelming consensus on climate change in the scientific community is that it's real, and it's man-made. The most commonly-cited figure is that 97.1 percent of scientific studies support the view that climate change is caused by humans. Even though this is an overwhelming consensus, it has still left room for climate-change deniers to claim that maybe the 2.9 percent are right. "Today, the global warming alarmists are the equivalent of the flat-Earthers," Ted Cruz famously said a few years ago. "It used to be [that] it is accepted scientific wisdom the Earth is flat, and this heretic named Galileo was branded a denier." However, a study has already looked at the 3 percent of studies denying climate change is man-made and has found that every single one of them was flawed.

ncentrations of warming gases break record 6 November 2013Last updated at 05:07 ET By Matt McGrath Environment correspondent, BBC News The WMO says that fossil fuel activities such as oil refining are driving atmospheric levels of CO2 to record highs Half of All Plastic Was Made in the Past 13 Years - The Atlantic In 2014, scientists found a new kind of of “stone” on the beaches of Hawaii. It was made of sand, organic debris, volcanic rock, all swirled together with melted plastic. So they proposed the name “plastiglomerate” and they suggested that, as plastic lasts pretty much forever, these stones could be a marker of the Anthropocene in the rock record. In the future, our time might be defined by our use of plastics.

Timely action needed to meet climate targets The Paris Agreement of the UN climate change conference is deemed a historic step for climate protection, but its success depends on rapid implementations. The consequences of delaying global CO2 emission reductions for the climate and the world oceans are assessed in a new study by climate physicists from the University of Bern. In December 2015, an ambitious agreement has been adopted by the UN climate change conference COP 21. The "Paris Agreement" contains the objective to limit global warming to "well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels".

sans titre Every year, a final warming event occurs in the stratosphere, as we head into spring, and the Sun starts warming up the polar regions. Sometimes a final warming event can occur earlier, as a Sudden Stratospheric Event, from which the disrupted polar vortex never recovers during the cold season. As we wrote in our previous article, the stratospheric polar vortex is unusually strong this year and is currently at a 40-year record high strength for this time of year at the 10mb (~30 km) level. This Teacher's Neat (But Extremely Gross) Experiment For Her Students Has Gone Viral Teaching children to love science can be difficult. Getting kids to wash their hands can be even more so. Well, one teacher in Gray's Creek, North Carolina, has managed to do both for her class in one foul, really gross swoop.

Cutting soot and methane emissions would not help the climate as much as hoped We’re not making great progress cutting carbon dioxide emissions on a global scale, so the U.S. has been working with other nations on the less controversial strategy of reducing methane and soot. These pollutants have more severe immediate impacts on the climate than does CO2, and they break down much more quickly in the atmosphere. But research published this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that this strategy would be less effective than previously believed. Scientists modeled the climatic effects of a dreamy scenario: Methane emissions are reduced to the greatest extent thought possible; the use of wood- and coal-burning stoves and heating systems is phased out worldwide by 2035; and strict controls are placed on vehicle exhaust.

Child Mortality - Our World In Data Since the beginning of the age of the Enlightenment and over the course of modernization, the mortality of children below 5 years of age has declined rapidly. Child mortality in rich countries today is much lower than 1%. This is a very recent development and was only reached after a hundredfold decline in child mortality in these countries.

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