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Meteorology Incredible shots of snowflakes in an electron microscope Hydrologists study the snowflakes' composition to understand their effects on ecosystemNaturally occurring snowflakes are collected outside Maryland research center and shipped in By Nina Golgowski Published: 02:55 GMT, 20 August 2012 | Updated: 15:20 GMT, 20 August 2012 Photographed using a specialized microscope whose viewing stage is chilled to -170C, scientists in Maryland are showing a whole new side to what's caught on the tip of our tongues. Using a low-temperature scanning electron microscope, researchers at the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center have captured an astonishing new view on naturally-occurring snowflakes. Shipping in the samples collected from snow banks or during fresh snow fall from around the country, the researchers study their composition for their effects on our ecosystem. Scroll down for video Full-frontal: These unique images captured with a low-temperature scanning electronic microscope capture show a side to snowflakes rarely seen before

emu.arsusda: Electron Microscopy Unit Snow Page The following images were obtained using a Low Temperature Scanning Electron Microscope (LT-SEM) that is located in the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center in the Electron Microscopy Unit, Bld. 465, Beltsville Maryland 20705. Information gained from studying the structure of snow is vital to several areas of science as well as to activities that affect our daily lives and is only one of several agricultural research projects that are currently being pursued in this research unit. Pseudo Color Snow Crystals Stereo Images of Snow Crystals Selected Snow Crystals Light and SEM Comparative Images of Snow Crystals Rime and Graupel Martian Ice Crystals Magnification Series Magono and Lee Classification Part 1 Magono and Lee Classification Part 2 Intensive Study Area: Saint Louis Creek Intensive Study Area: Illinois River Site Intensive Study Area: Walton Creek Sequential Data: Bearden Mountain, West Virginia (1995-1996) Information, Directions to the Lab, Contacts, Snow Links and Publication List

Weather Watch is a fun, interactive tool for students. It is great for a Friday or a day when full attention might be hard to maintain. The activities allow students to manipulate the weather, investigate weather related topics, and make weather inquiries and predictions. Scholastic provides interactive activities on a variety of other topics as well. by kalebclyatt Apr 23
