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The Bloggess

The Bloggess

The 15 worst mistakes people make in their 20s Flickr/Giuseppe MiloNo one has everything figured out. The best part about your 20s is that you can recover quickly from the inevitable mistakes you'll make as you figure out how to make it in the real world. That said, there are some poor choices that have lasting effects, like not starting to save money, that are easily avoidable. We've sorted through a variety of advice from entrepreneurs and writers on Quora and found recurring themes. Here are the worst mistakes 20-somethings would be wise to avoid as they establish their professional and personal lives. They think education and talent are enough to become successful.

Croatan Cottage: A Beautifully Restored Sears Roebuck Kit House in North Carolina Croatan Cottage in Manteo, North Carolina started life as a Sears Roebuck kit house in the early 1900s called “The Vallonia.” At the time it was described as “a prize bungalow home already cut and fitted,” that you could buy for just $1,979. Here’s how it looked in the original catalog: Submission call from me! (something I rarely do anymore) So Carina Press keeps me pretty busy on the admin (and travel, omg, the travel!) side of things and it doesn’t leave me a lot of time for editing. I still do some editing, but it’s generally not much more than one or two novels a year, and then the holiday novella collections. I almost never acquire from slush anymore but…

Todd Lamb Notes From Chris Welcome to the “ Notes From Chris” gallery. These are notes that I post around New York City from a mysterious man named Chris. Chris wants to do tedious things with people. He also has lots of problems. “ Notes From Chris” is a project started by Todd Lamb in 2008. See a YouTube video of the notes being read on stage in NYC and an interview in the Village Voice .

Advice from 30 year old me to 20 year old me 11 things that I wish I knew when I was 20. I recently turned 30. For some very odd reason I’ve not warmed to the idea of it just yet. However as I began to evaluate my 20s I realised how many mistakes I’ve made and things I’ve learned in a decade of life. Eye-LIKEy chats with Maria Carluccio artist + author When I was a kid I once got in big trouble for scratching doodles of houses into a soft leather tabletop (hey, it was the '70s). From that point on I knew I was hooked. Growing up « Alice and Kev When the Grandpa family came upstairs to evict Alice from their bed, she revealed it was actually her birthday. The Grandpas cheered and whooped, then told her to hurry up and get out. So Alice has successfully survived to become a teenager. She’s gained the trait of ‘unlucky’.

Losing weight at 50: How I finally won my weight war This is when it is generally accepted that a bit of middle-age spread is normal, inevitable even. Better get used to those elasticated waistlines, ladies (and gentlemen, too, if the back pages of certain 'senior’ magazines are to be believed) as it’s all downhill from here. You can be slim at any age. If I – someone who has battled with my weight for the whole of my adult life – can finally win the war, anyone can Well, I am proof that’s hogwash.

Cozy Homemaking Nothing much to say today but wishing a super happy birthday to a most wonderful & stunning person on this planet, someone who's been a light on my path, and who taught me so many things in/of life. Happy birthday sunshine, I love you so very much ! And a little something for you here ... ox The Literate Cat There are cats and cats. - Denis Diderot Patricia Highsmith with "Ripley" "Pangur, white Pangur, How happy we are Alone together, scholar and cat." Aldous Huxley with "Limbo" "No man ever dared to manifest his boredom so insolently as does a Siamese tomcat when he yawns in the face of his amorously importunate wife." - Aldous Huxley Sylvia Plath with "Daddy"

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