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Anti-inflammatory properties of butyrate on the ocular surface epithelium. Abstract Purpose : Dry eye is one of the most common ocular morbidities affecting millions of people in the US.

Anti-inflammatory properties of butyrate on the ocular surface epithelium

The main risk factors include aging, female sex, hormonal changes, and low humidity environment. (1) □How to Get Rid of Eye Floaters - 3 Eye Floaters Treatments. Eye Floaters - 7 Reasons You See Spots in Your Vision! (1) Flashes & Floaters - A Sign of Retinal Detachment. Glasses, Contacts, and Conditions of the Eye. 5 Quick Hacks to Improve Focus And Concentration. When concentration wavers, it’s a sign that your brain — and more specifically your mitochondrial function — need help.

5 Quick Hacks to Improve Focus And Concentration

Mitochondria power every process in your body, so if you improve mitochondrial performance, pretty soon your brain will function like a well-oiled machine. Read on for quick tips you can use right now to get laser focused. 5 things you can do now to improve concentration The best way to improve cognitive function is to clean the crap out of your diet and focus on nutrient-dense foods that feed your brain.

Eye Health and Gut Health Linked. Since the Human Microbiome Project launched in 2007, immense information has been produced about the gut microbiome.

Eye Health and Gut Health Linked

Discovery of the inter-relationships between the gut and other tissues like the eye in the body has been a new topic of increasing interest in just the last few years. The recently discovered “gut-retina axis” describes a delicate inter-relationship between gut flora, immune cells that signal the retina, and the eye microbiome. This discovery has brought new perspectives on many common eye disorders like macular degeneration, dry eye disorder, glaucoma and others.

Gut Concerns Affect the Rest of the Body. Reversing Macular Degeneration with Dr. Jerry Tennant. Consent Form. Retinal implants can let blind people see, but to be truly effective, they should be adapted to the human eye's unique structure, according to one researcher.

Consent Form

Tiny clusters of material that self-assemble into fractals could help with this, strengthening the connections between an implant and a patient's healthy neurons. Some vision disorders, like macular degeneration, damage the eyes' rods and cones but leave the neurons intact. Implants work by communicating with those neurons, sending visual information to the brain to be processed. 3 Must Know Facts About Visual Floaters! Contact Lenses Are a Surprising Source of Pollution. Every year, Americans flush 2.6 to 2.9 billion contact lenses down the drain, according to new research from Arizona State University.

Contact Lenses Are a Surprising Source of Pollution

The Secret of Eyes - #1 Eyesight Improvement Program. Clearing Cataracts, Dry Eye and Floaters. This ingredient will cure your eye problems naturally and improve your eyesight! Life well lived. A natural remedy that will clean the eyes treat cataracts and improve your eyesight in only 3 months. Bates Method - Techniques. In this section: Basic Principles Containing an overview of Bates Method Techniques and how they work to restore eyesight.

Bates Method - Techniques

Palming Perhaps the simplest of all the techniques, Palming is also regarded as a foundation for learning how to relax the eyes and mind. Sunning Sunning is the simplest application of light to the eyes, this technique provides a similar foundation for the eyes as Palming. Together they provide the basis of all vision: the discernment between light and dark. Senile Cataract: Practice Essentials, Background, Pathophysiology.

Congdon N, Vingerling JR, Klein BE, West S, Friedman DS, Kempen J, et al.

Senile Cataract: Practice Essentials, Background, Pathophysiology

Prevalence of cataract and pseudophakia/aphakia among adults in the United States. Arch Ophthalmol. 2004 Apr. 122(4):487-94. [Medline]. You QS, Xu L, Yang H, Wang YX, Jonas JB. Five-Year Incidence of Visual Impairment and Blindness in Adult Chinese The Beijing Eye Study. Health Nugget: Cataracts/Keratoconus and Lemon Juice my Remedy. Fight Macular Degeneration With These 10 Herbs & Nutrients. If you were asked which sense you would regret losing the most, you'd probably say your eyesight.

Fight Macular Degeneration With These 10 Herbs & Nutrients

Right? Vision impairment is one of the most feared disabilities. Yet, according to the National Eye Institute, at least half of all cases of blindness can be prevented.1 But the number of people in the U.S. who suffer from visual impairment continues to grow at an alarming rate. Near-sightedness, far-sightedness, and astigmatism are common symptoms of living in the twentieth century. And as we age, many of us face more serious eye problems. Macular degeneration. Treatment Options There is no known cure for AMD, however, there are things that can help slow vision loss.

Macular degeneration

Certain procedures and medications may stop the wet form of the disease from getting worse. Adding antioxidants to your diet may help prevent the wet and dry forms of AMD and slow their progression. Prevention The dry form of AMD can progress to the wet form. Blue Light Exposed. Natural blue light versus artificial blue light Blue light is actually everywhere.

Blue Light Exposed

When outside, light from the sun travels through the atmosphere. The shorter, high energy blue wavelengths collide with the air molecules causing blue light to scatter everywhere. This is what makes the sky look blue. In its natural form, your body uses blue light from the sun to regulate your natural sleep and wake cycles. Why should we be concerned about blue light exposure? Blue light waves are the among the shortest, highest energy wavelengths in the visible light spectrum.

What Causes “Eye Floaters” Today I found out what causes “eye floaters”. For those who’ve never experienced this phenomenon, eye floaters are little oddly shaped objects that appear in your vision, often when one looks at bright light such as a blue sky. Their shapes vary greatly, but will often appear as spots, cobwebs, or randomly shaped stringy objects.

These are not optical illusions, but rather something your eyes are actually perceiving. Get Rid Of Your Glasses, Fast! Naturally Improve Your Vision. Symptoms of Eye Floaters and How To Treat Eye Floaters. The Optical Illusion of 20/20 Vision - Vision Help. By Dr. Leonard Press Let’s start from the end of a concept and work our way back toward the beginning. After experiencing the benefits of optometric vision therapy, many patients (or parents of patients) ask us the same question: “How is it that we saw other eye doctors before you, and were told that our (or our child’s) vision is “perfect”? The parents whose children have had to struggle with learning and reading for years before they finally received needed help, don’t ask this question out of mere curiosity. They’re perturbed, and don’t want others to struggle needlessly before finding help.

The answer is actually quite simple. So all that 20/20 eyesight means is that you can see the “20 size letter” at a distance of 20 feet. Cataracts less likely to occur by consuming enough vitamin C. (NaturalHealth365) Cataracts are a common occurrence during the aging process, with about 29 percent of all Americans – and over 50 percent of those 85 and older – coping with the opaque and reduced vision it causes. Cataracts are still the primary cause of blindness in the world, even though cataract removal surgery has become a routine procedure in many countries. But now researchers from King’s College London have discovered an interesting link between nutrients and the prevention of cataracts.

The results point to a greater than 30 percent reduced risk of cataract development in women whose diets were rich in foods boasting ample amounts of vitamin C. In the London study, researchers sought to better understand the influence of nutrients on cataract development, as well as compare the impact of diet and other environmental factors with the effect of genetic factors. Study subjects consisted of 1,000 pairs of female twins. References: Food & Nutrition Natural Health 365. Dr. John DeWitt - How To Get Rid Of Your Glasses! Future - Why do you get ‘eye floaters’? You might not know their official name, but you’ve no doubt seen eye floaters. Best Nutrients for Eye Health.

Macular Degeneration: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment. Share. Best Kept Secrets to Prevent, Halt, or Even Reverse Macular. Natural Cures for Cataracts. Cataract Removal without Surgery. Reverse and eliminate cataracts naturally without surgery. Are There Foods That Naturally Treat Glaucoma? Glaucoma is an eye disease that can lead to blindness. 6 Sure-Fire Tips to Prevent Glaucoma Naturally. By Dr. How to tell if someone is telling a lie or lying: Viewzone. Best Foods and Vitamins For Healthy Eyes And Preventing Cataracts. Photo credit: How to Improve Your Eyesight: 15 Steps. Top 10 Herbs For The Eyes. Please Share This Page: Get Rid of Cataract Naturally.

How to improve eyesight naturally. Get Rid of Pink Eye Fast with These Natural Remedies. Natural and Easy Ways to Get Rid of Sties Naturally. 10 Best Home Remedies for Getting Rid of Puffy Eyes. What To Do for Dry Eyes & Blurry Vision - Suzy Cohen, RPh. Eye Acupressure - improve eyesight, relieve eye pain. Glaucoma Prevention by Proper Nutrition, Supplements and Exercise. Eye Yoga: An Alternative to Wearing Glasses or Contacts. American Macular Degeneration Foundation. Eating blueberries can help improve night vision. How to Naturally Heal a Sty. 3 Ways to Improve Vision Naturally.

19 Herbs for Vision and Eye Health. The Complete Guide to Eye Health.