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Birth certificate, strawman, identity

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Unam sanctam. On 18 November 1302, Pope Boniface VIII issued the Papal bull Unam sanctam[1] which some historians[2] consider one of the most extreme statements of Papal spiritual supremacy ever made.

Unam sanctam

The original document is lost but a version of the text can be found in the registers of Boniface VIII in the Vatican Archives.[3] The Bull lays down dogmatic propositions on the unity of the Catholic Church, the necessity of belonging to it for eternal salvation, the position of the pope as supreme head of the Church, and the duty thence arising of submission to the pope in order to belong to the Church and thus to attain salvation. The pope further emphasizes the higher position of the spiritual in comparison with the secular order. Your Birth Certificate is worth Billions.wmv. Check birth certificate on stock market: Heres how. OK folks this one has been gone over 3 or 4 times already.

Check birth certificate on stock market: Heres how

It does not work. You can enter in any number on this site and it will return something to you. You actions to become a "Freeman" are so easy it will scare you. Being free is to be Sovereign, being Sovereign is a belief. Have no fear and know that you are the King of your castle. e.g. You are King and you make the demands. My suggestion for those who are just picking this stuff up, listen to the podcasts on and listen to them all.

Peace MIH. The Freeman and Strawman Explained. Freeman in court - judge bows to Sovereign - Canada. How To Make a Judge Run Out Of The Court Room. Check birth certificate on stock market: Heres how. Trust Law: Dont Talk to Cops - Know Your Rights! *MUST SEE! Sound fixed* My court case and glorious vindication! July 1, 2009: Fast forward 9 months: When I first saw my arresting officer, he was in the hall, waiting for our court session to begin.

My court case and glorious vindication!

There were 4 cops and about 25 defendants waiting for the same courtroom. I walked right up to him and said; "I see you're wearing your name tag now! Does that thing have a velcro backing? " Some of the people around took notice. He said that if I wanted to do something about his failure to identify himself, I would have to file a complaint with his higher ups. When it was our turn in front of the judge, he moved for adjournment, and the judge asked me how I felt about it. The cop was then asked to take the stand, and swear on the bible that he was going to tell the truth. I was patiently waiting my turn to grill him on the stand under cross-examination. Unfortunately, the judge paused before it was my turn. She used the word identity often, and mentioned the precedent of a case involving someone named 'Shriver.' He replied sarcastically, "well played.

" Eustace Mullins. Courthouse: The Law Of Saturnalia. Birth Certificate Truth. Birth Certificate Truth The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is one of a number of uniform acts that have been promulgated in conjunction with efforts to harmonize the law of sales and other commercial transactions in all 50 states within the United States of America.

Birth Certificate Truth

The Uniform Commercial Code is looked upon as the bible in the world of business. Under Caeser of Rome, it was established that all nations in the empire that do any form of business, should all play on a level field, but what is not told is that the UCC is based directly on Vatican Canon Law, of the Roman Canon Law, which means, its regulations are under the Roman Catholic Church. Now, you maybe wondering what this has to do with birth certificates, so let's break down the origin of birth certificates. Question: What is a berth? So, since the U.S. went bankrupt in 1933, all new money has to be borrowed into existence. The state claims an interest in every child within it's jurisdiction.

The Truth About Your Birth Certificate... Check birth certificate on stock market: Heres how. Enslaved by Your Birth Certificate - It's the biggest deception ever perpetrated on humanity. The Birth Certificate STRAWMAN Australia #1. Australian Strawman Matrix (Reloaded) 1/10. Australian Strawman Matrix (Reloaded) 2/10. Australian Strawman Matrix (Reloaded) 3/10.