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Identity Federatation

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Advanced Support The iRODS Consortium and RENCI offer several additional channels to support iRODS users and service providers. We are committed to your success with iRODS. Contact danb at for more information. Need Installation Support or Custom Services? Through a service agreement, RENCI can provide project-oriented support to your organization, including: system architecture, installation assistance, rule and microservice development, directed software development, custom training, and more. Protect Your Investment through a Maintenance Contract.

User and Resource Management System

Attribute Definitions - Identity Management - Berkeley Lab Commons. This document describes the attributes defined for the Shibboleth implementation that provides the Central Login Facility at

Attribute Definitions - Identity Management - Berkeley Lab Commons

To the extent possible, attributes and NameIDs are grouped by function. The name listed is the ID value as listed in the attribute-resolver.xml file. While an imperfect way of making these values available for public consumption, the decision to label them that way makes it easier to maintain this document and to cross-reference to the attribute filters. employeeNumber Description LBNL employee number. Attribute name. A SAML Whitepaper: How to Study and Learn SAML. Abstract This brief whitepaper provides a functional introduction to the SAMLv2 specifications tailored to protocol designer and developer's perspectives.

A SAML Whitepaper: How to Study and Learn SAML

First a conceptual introduction is presented, next suggestions on how to study and learn SAML are given, and then more detailed aspects are discussed. 1. Conceptual Introduction to SAML SAML [OASIS.sstc‑saml‑exec‑overview‑2.0‑cd‑01] (Madsen, P. and E. Thus one can employ SAML to make statements such as: "Alice has these profile attributes and her domain's certificate is available over there, and I'm making this statement, and here's who I am.

" Then one can cause such an assertion to be conveyed to some party who can then rely on it in some fashion for some purpose, for example input it into a local policy evaluation gating access to some resource. Such applications of SAML are done in a particular "context of use". The specification of just how SAML is employed in any given context of use is known as a "SAML profile". LDAP and CAS in Liferay 6. Home. <div id="ctl00_PlaceHolderSearchArea_SearchBoxScriptWebPart1_noscript">It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled.


Please turn on JavaScript and try again. </div> Welcome to the Resources website GÉANT > service > eduGAIN > Resources Monday 21 Apr 2014 | Time - 12 06 Home ​eduGAIN Resources Revision of eduGAIN Policy Framework The eduGAIN Policy Framework was revised during the GN3 project and concluded during the GN3plus Project. The policy framework consists of: Enabling Interfederation Support for a Shibboleth Identity Provider (IdP) in SWITCHaai. URL: Author: Lukas Hämmerle - SWITCH $Date: 2013-06-05 23:32:45 +0200 (Mi, 05 Jun 2013) $ $Id: idp-deployment.html 2383 2013-06-05 21:32:45Z haemmer $ $Revision: 2383 $ <strong>This site only works properly when Javascript is activated!

Enabling Interfederation Support for a Shibboleth Identity Provider (IdP) in SWITCHaai

</strong> Table of contents 1. Introduction This guide describes the steps to enable interfederation support for a Shibboleth 2 Identity Provider in the SWITCHaai federation. 1.1 Process Overview of Enabling Interfederation The general process to enable interfederation looks as displayed in the graphic below. SWITCHaai Interfederation Access Declaration. Interoperable SAML 2.0 Profile. The most common usage of the Interoperable SAML 2.0 Profile, is when a federation tells its entities to follow the profile when connecting to the federation.

Interoperable SAML 2.0 Profile

If a federation tells an entity to follow this profile, it influences how the entity should configure it's SAML 2.0 product.


Shawn CAS and SAML - Central Authentication Service. This document was produced by Shawn Bayern and shared on the cas@tp discussion list.

Shawn CAS and SAML - Central Authentication Service

Qui melius probat, melius habet. ("He who proves the most holds the most. ") Introduction The Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) describes a document and protocol framework by which security assertions (such as assertions about a prior act of authentication) can be exchanged. The model underlying Yale's Central Authentication Service (CAS) is compatible with SAML; this document explains how to conduct CAS authentications (including n-tier proxy authentications) using SAML queries and assertions. One-tier authentication and single sign-on At its simplest, CAS concerns authentication at a single application tier: a web application may use CAS to authenticate its interactive user in order, typically, to initialize a session using its own session semantics. The initial steps in a SAML-based CAS authentication match the traditional CAS protocol.

This precise methodology is straightforward. Strong Authentication - Atricore. Prerequisites Install and Configure JOSSO You should first setup JOSSO for one of the supported platforms such as Tomcat and JBoss.

Strong Authentication - Atricore

Check the specific Setup HOW-TO corresponding to the platform where JOSSO is going to be installed. Once you're done with the initial setup make sure that the JOSSO web application is accessible. Availability of OpenSSL In this tutorial we use the OpenSSL cryptographic toolkit for managing X.509 certificates. Imparare le Federazioni dalla A alla Z: Guide di Installazione e Formazione generale.

Dettagli Ultima modifica il Venerdì, 07 Febbraio 2014 10:44 Pubblicato Mercoledì, 28 Settembre 2011 09:43 Visite: 3962 In questa pagina troverete una raccolta abbastanza esaustiva di documentazione utile per imparare le basi dell'autenticazione federata e le guide di installazione per attivare e gestire i componenti software per le federazioni di identità,che cos'è la Federazione IDEM e come fare per aderire, oltre a numerosi spunti di approfondimento. 2010, Introduzione alle infrastrutture di autenticazione e autorizzazione - Stefano Zanmarchi Volete proteggere un servizio web mediante l'autenticazione federata?

Imparare le Federazioni dalla A alla Z: Guide di Installazione e Formazione generale

Volete fornire ai vostri utenti un metodo unico di autenticazione per accedere a molteplici servizi?