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Running with Scissors Excerpt: Read free excerpt of Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs. Benjamin_franklin. Read an extract from : The Autobiography of Malcolm X. Sample Personal Memoir: Excerpt from Jeanette Walls' The Glass Castle. Reprinted by permission of Scribner, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc., NY.

Sample Personal Memoir: Excerpt from Jeanette Walls' The Glass Castle

(pages 19-22) We were always doing the skedaddle, usually in the middle of the night. I sometimes heard Mom and Dad discussing the people who were after us. Dad called them henchmen, bloodsuckers, and the gestapo. Sometimes he would make mysterious references to executives from Standard Oil who were trying to steal the Texas land that mom's family owned, and FBI agents who were after dad for some dark episode that he never told us about because he didn't want to put us in danger, too. We moved around like nomads. Dad would get a job as an electrician or engineer in the gypsum or copper mine. "You flea bitten drunk!

" "You goddamned flint-faced hag! " "You no-good two-bit pud-sucking bastard! " "You scaly castrating banshee bitch! " Dad had the more inventive vocabulary, but Grandma Smith could outshout him; plus, she had the home-court advantage. Some of the people who lived in those towns had been there for years. The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. Understanding IKWTCBS. I know why - Claudia - Women in IKWTCBS. ProQuestDocuments-2014-06-21. Maya Angelou's I Know why the Caged Bird Sings: A Casebook. Banned Books Awareness: “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” Maya Angelou has done many things in her storied life and career; along the way she has inspired millions- both here in the United States and around the world.

Banned Books Awareness: “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings”

Her 1969 autobiography, “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings”, was nominated for a National Book Award. In 1972 she was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for a collection of poetry. She’s won Tony and Emmy awards; and Grammy Awards for Best Spoken Word album in 1993, 1995, and 2002. At the request of President Bill Clinton, Angelou wrote On the Pulse of Morning, which she recited live at his 1993 inauguration as U.S.

President. She has been awarded the National Medal of Arts in 2000, the Lincoln Medal in 2008, and President Barack Obama awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to her in 2011. How could such a person possibly be included in this series? Despite her impressive resume, Maya Angelou is one of the most banned authors in U.S. history. Among the more recent incidents, the book was challenged twice in California. Maya Angelou, Lyrical Witness of the Jim Crow South, Dies at 86. Maya Angelou, whose landmark book of 1969, “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” — which describes in lyrical, unsparing prose her childhood in the Jim Crow South — was among the first autobiographies by a 20th-century black woman to reach a wide general readership, died on Wednesday at her home in Winston-Salem, N.C.

Maya Angelou, Lyrical Witness of the Jim Crow South, Dies at 86

She was 86. Her death was confirmed by her longtime literary agent, Helen Brann. The cause of death was not immediately known, but Ms. Brann said Ms. Angelou had been frail for some time and had heart problems. In a statement, President Obama said, “Today, Michelle and I join millions around the world in remembering one of the brightest lights of our time — a brilliant writer, a fierce friend and a truly phenomenal woman,” adding, “She inspired my own mother to name my sister Maya.” As well known as she was for her memoirs, which eventually filled six volumes, Ms. Continue reading the main story Video It began: Maya Angelou - About This Person - Movies & TV. Voice of Our Time. Maya Angelou’s greatest accomplishment may be in living a life that has inspired others to dream, push forward and prevail.

Voice of Our Time

Editor's note: Maya Angelou died today, May 28, 2014, at the age of 86. In this archive feature from SUCCESS magazine, we celebrate the life and impact she had. "I had to trust life, since I was young enough to believe that life loved the person who dared to live it.” That is how Maya Angelou recalls herself at 30, yet the statement holds true today. Angelou is alternately described as a “voice of our time” or a “legend” or any number of glowing designations, but the foundation for those accolades has been her ability to be supremely engaged, endowed with a power to participate in her life in ways that can only be called courageous.

She is a formidable icon, 6 feet tall, with a speaking voice cadenced like an epic poem and a presence that evokes an aging African warrior queen. It is hard to grasp how the great-granddaughter of a slave who was born poor in 1928 St. F S Fitzgerald's short story: Diamond as Big as the Ritz.