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Resources and Downloads for Teaching Critical Thinking

Resources and Downloads for Teaching Critical Thinking
Tips for downloading: PDF files can be viewed on a wide variety of platforms -- both as a browser plug-in or a stand-alone application -- with Adobe's free Acrobat Reader program. Click here to download the latest version of Adobe Reader. Click on any title link below to view or download that file. Resources On This Page: Lesson Plans & Rubrics KIPP King Curriculum Planning Guide <img height="12" width="11" class="media-image media-element file-content-image" src="/sites/default/files/styles/content_image_breakpoints_theme_edutopia_desktop_1x/public/content/08/pdficon.gif? Back to Top Tools for Critical Thinking Scope and Sequence, Speech and Composition <img alt="" title="" class="media-image" width="11" height="12" src="/sites/default/files/styles/content_image_breakpoints_theme_edutopia_desktop_1x/public/content/08/pdficon.gif? Culture at KIPP Related:  Critical Thinking

HOTandThinkertools - home Critical Reading of an Essay's Argument Critical Reading of An Essay's Argument: Some logicians call it "critical reading." Others call it "close reading," or "active reading," or a host of other terms. Educated adults exist in a delusional state, thinking we can read. Mortimer Adler speaks of an experience while teaching an honors course that illustrates the problem perfectly: What I am going to report happened in a class in which we were reading Thomas Aquinas's treatise on the passions, but the same thing has happened in countless other classes with many different sorts of material. It was clear from context that the student above had read the entire work, and the student clearly understood the conclusion of Saint Thomas's argument. The act of reading to extract information and reading critically are vastly different. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. They have different goals. Ultimately, what we want is the conscious control of our reading skills, so we can move back and forth amidst the various types of reading. I.

Defining Critical Thinking It entails the examination of those structures or elements of thought implicit in all reasoning: purpose, problem, or question-at-issue; assumptions; concepts; empirical grounding; reasoning leading to conclusions; implications and consequences; objections from alternative viewpoints; and frame of reference. Critical thinking — in being responsive to variable subject matter, issues, and purposes — is incorporated in a family of interwoven modes of thinking, among them: scientific thinking, mathematical thinking, historical thinking, anthropological thinking, economic thinking, moral thinking, and philosophical thinking. Critical thinking can be seen as having two components: 1) a set of information and belief generating and processing skills, and 2) the habit, based on intellectual commitment, of using those skills to guide behavior. Critical thinking varies according to the motivation underlying it. Another Brief Conceptualization of Critical Thinking ~ Linda Elder, September, 2007

Britisches Weltreich Sämtliche Gebiete, die jemals Teil des Britischen Weltreichs waren (heutige Territorien sind rot unterstrichen) Während des Zeitalters der Entdeckungen im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert waren Spanien und Portugal die Pioniere der europäischen Erforschung der Welt und bildeten riesige Kolonialreiche. Angespornt durch die Reichtümer, welche diese Reiche einbrachten, begannen auch England, Frankreich und die Niederlande eigene Kolonien und Handelsnetzwerke in Amerika und Asien aufzubauen.[3] Nach mehreren Kriegen im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert gegen Frankreich und die Niederlande etablierte sich England (nach dem Act of Union 1707 mit Schottland das Königreich Großbritannien) als führende Kolonialmacht in Amerika und Indien. Um 1900 büßte - durch den wachsenden Einfluss des Deutschen Reiches und der Vereinigten Staaten - Großbritannien zunehmend seine wirtschaftliche Vormachtstellung ein. In der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Grundlagen (bis 1583)[Bearbeiten] Amerika, Afrika und der Sklavenhandel[Bearbeiten]

Books To Read Before Starting A Business 16inShare53 Are you a current or prospective MBA student? Our MBA Corner is just for you. If you have the drive to start a business all on you own, you know research beforehand is crucial. The best managers and business owners also know that running a successful organization requires continuous learning and reexamination of ideas. If you’re already an entrepreneur or plan to start your own business soon, add these books to your reading list. On business fundamentals and productivity hacks 1. Godin has written a whole library of business-oriented books. Godin’s ideas are simple but elegantly explained: Your business and product must be a purple cow. 2. Covey was one of the key players in making “proactive” a business buzzword. The author’s son Stephen M.R. “More than ever we need to be able to understand how to effectively work with people. 3. This book might challenge you to stop reading this article. On how to develop better people skills 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. But it doesn’t always work.

4 Great Web-Based Mindmapping Tools To Enhance Your Creativity Having trouble organizing all of your ideas? Sounds like what you need is a mindmapping tool. Mindmaps are a wonderful resource for brainstorming, planning, and managing ideas in a way that increases your productivity and enhances your creativity. But what if you want to create a mindmap without pen or paper? 12 Productivity Habits To Finally Hack Your Life In The New Year 12 Productivity Habits To Finally Hack Your Life In The New Year A common resolution for most working people is to be more productive. In recent years, a lot of mindmapping resources have begun popping up on the Internet. What Is It? has been around since 2006, making it one of the oldest web-based mindmapping tools to still exist today. The Good: Intuitive drag-and-drop interface.Mindmaps can be saved, shared, and collaborated on with others.Mindmaps can be embedded into webpages.Export mindmaps in XML, HTML, PNG, or JPG formats.Use keyboard and mouse shortcuts for improved workflow. The Bad: The Good:

The Passion of Flannery O’Connor - James Parker A prayer journal kept by the writer in her early 20s sheds new light on her biblical ironies. Kevin Christy How was the crowd at the Sermon on the Mount? Had Flannery O’Connor been on the scene, we can be sure, she would have reported it as some kind of freak-out, a dusty near-riot, not Woodstock but Altamont—scuffles, bad vibes, mic feedback. In O’Connor’s story “Revelation,” for instance, the pious Mrs. This month FSG publishes A Prayer Journal, the contents of a devotional notebook that O’Connor—a turbocharged Catholic—kept from January 1946 to September 1947, while she was a student at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. Iowa was where spiky, brainy Mary Flannery O’Connor from Milledgeville, Georgia, became Flannery O’Connor, writer. “Smash the ego,” wrote Peter Schjeldahl in a 1979 poem called “I Missed Punk,” “which always reconstitutes / (and if it doesn’t, well, / your worries are over).” Not much of everyday life finds its way into the journal. O'Connor's Ironic Inversions

Critical Thinking Pathways Critical thinking is trendy these days. With 6.3 million hits resulting from a Google search -- six times "Bloom's Taxonomy" -- its importance is undeniable. Worldwide, critical thinking (CT) is integrated into finger-painting lessons, units on Swiss immigrants, discussions of Cinderella, and the Common Core State Standards. Definitions abound. "Seeing both sides of an issue." -- Daniel Willingham "An ability to use reason to move beyond the acquisition of facts to uncover deep meaning." -- Robert Weissberg "A reflective and reasonable thought process embodying depth, accuracy, and astute judgment to determine the merit of a decision, an object, or a theory." -- Huda Umar Alwehaibi "Self-guided, self-disciplined thinking which attempts to reason at the highest level of quality in a fair-minded way." -- Linda Elder Jarno M. Meanwhile, watch out for CT posers. "How is that critical thinking?" "It really gets students thinking about the dangers of rickshaws," he said. Critical Thinking

Lernforschung: Die besten Tipps fürs Lernen - Bildung Anzeige Der Pisa-Schock lieferte den Startschuss - seitdem boomt die Lernforschung. Mancher Experte spricht schon von einer regelrechten Hysterie. Man kann mit diesem Thema vieles anstellen: Elternabende quälend in die Länge ziehen, regalweise Ratgeber verkaufen, Millionen Klicks im Netz erreichen oder eine akademische Karriere bestreiten. Dass die Lernforschung in den vergangenen 15 Jahren einen Boom erlebt hat, sieht Elsbeth Stern von der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule in Zürich aber nicht nur positiv. Die Eselsbrücke Egal, ob man nun Vokabeln lernt oder eine komplexe philosophische Theorie: Um sich Neues zu merken, muss man es mit bereits Bekanntem verknüpfen. Die Orte-Methode Auf demselben Prinzip basiert auch die sogenannte Loci-Methode, bei der man neue Informationen gedanklich an bereits bekannten Orten ablegt. Learning by doing Menschen erkennen und erinnern sich an ein Lied eher, wenn sie es selbst gespielt statt nur gehört haben. Bewegt lernen Karteikarten wenden

Poised for a Promotion? Consider This First Feeling ready to move up before your manager taps you for a new role is a common workplace frustration. Often an employee’s view of what constitutes readiness for a promotion is very different from her manager’s perspective. Before asking for a move up, consider these four things. 1. 2. 3. 4. If you have accomplished steps one through four, it is time to go after a promotion. No one should care more about your professional development than you.

Ten Good Online Tools for Creating Mind Maps Creating mind maps or webs is one of my favorite ways to organize ideas and information. I've often had my students create mind maps as an exercise in making visual connections between important concepts, events, and people in a unit of study. The following free tools offer good options for creating mind maps online. MindMup is a free mind mapping tool that can be used online, with Google Drive, and on your desktop. Lucidchart offers a simple drag and drop interface for creating flow charts, organizational charts, mind maps, and other types of diagrams. Coggle is a collaborative mind-mapping service that is very easy to use. Simple Surface is an online whiteboard tool that you can use to collaboratively create outlines and mind maps. Sketchlot is a free collaborative whiteboard service that works on any device that has a web browser. Realtime Board is a nice tool for hosting online, collaborative brainstorming sessions. Spider Scribe is an online mind map creation service.

Using Google Docs for Rubrics At last year’s annual MassCUE conference, I went to a session presented by Katrina Kennett (@katrinakennett). Her presentation focused on how to use Google Docs to create rubrics, and she outlines the process in this video: She further explains her process and goals in this blog post. I was energized by the presentation and immediately implemented Google Spreadsheets to create my own rubrics. You can create self-grading rubrics if you like, or you can create rubrics that tally the number of rubric points and convert it to a grade. I had a little trouble figuring out what formula to use to convert total rubric points to grade. What I can’t seem to do with my rubric is determine what formula to put in one of the cells that will convert, say, 25 points to a 90 on an essay. I am sharing a link to a Google rubric I have created combining Katrina’s method with the Greece Schools’ rubric. Feel free to ask questions (or help me out with my spreadsheet formula) in the comments. Related posts:

Terrific Mini Guide to Help Stude... December 26, 2014 Questioning is the key to critical thinking and through questions students get to explore the deep layers of meanings that would otherwise go unnoticed. Of course not all questions have this analytical ability. For instance, closed questions tend to limit the thinking choices available for students. The same with questions that promote factual recalling. Questions that emphasize the mechanical on the analytical are out of the list. In today's post, I am sharing with you this mini guide created by Foundation of Critical Thinking which you can use with your students to help them better comprehend and apply critical thinking in their learning. I learned about this great resource from a post shared by Education to Save The World. Image credit: Foundation of Critical Thinking

Lernanleitung 5-Fächer Karteikasten für Lernkarteikarten Nach dem Erstellen von neuen Karteikarten kann man mit einiger Übung diese sehr viel schneller und effizienter mit dem vielleicht schon in Vergessenheit geratenen Lernsystem mit einer Lernkartei, Lernkarteikasten und Legesystem dauerhaft lernen! 1. Lernanleitung für den 5-Fächer Lernkarteikasten Der Lernkartei-Kasten ist eine einfache "Lernmaschine". Mit ihm kann man fast alles lernen, was von der Grundschule bis zum Gymnasium, während der Berufsausbildung oder in der Universität gelernt werden muss. Denn alles, was man lernen möchte, schreibt man auf kleine Zettel: Auf die Vorderseite die Frage und auf die Rückseite die Antwort. Gelernt wird dann täglich so: den Zettel nehmendie Frage lesendie Antwort überlegenZettel drehen und die gedachte Antwort überprüfenZettel ablegen Mit Hilfe der Lernkartei kann man sich also immer selbst abhören. Und so geht es los: alle neuen Kärtchen kommen in Fach 1. Das Geheimnis der 5 Fächer: Wichtige Regeln für das Beschriften der Karten:
