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Unity (Ubuntu 11.04)

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Unity Bitesize Bug Status for 22 March. Ubuntu on tablets. Ubuntu can be differentiated with partner branding, content, services and apps without breaking compatibility in the broader app ecosystem.

Ubuntu on tablets

Brand the device, specify favourite apps, extend the home screen to include your music, films, shows, apps and stores. Connect your services to the tablet, such as backup and photo sharing. We designed specifically for operator and OEM customisation and services, with a framework that keeps the platform consistent for developers but nonetheless supports revenue opportunities for the whole ecosystem. Unity AskUbuntu ‘Lens’ installable via PPA. Natty only: Remember that rather neat AskUbuntu lens we mentioned a few days back?

Unity AskUbuntu ‘Lens’ installable via PPA

Interested parties will be pleased to hear that it’s now available to install via the ease of a PPA. The package is part of the ‘AskUbuntu tools’ PPA – a new repository set up to house AskUbuntu related applications and utilities – such as the StackApplet Indicator. Simply add ‘ppa:askubuntu-tools/ppa’ to your software sources or install using the Terminal with the following commands: - sudo add-apt-repository ppa:askubuntu-tools/ppa sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install unity-place-askubuntu. The Power User's Guide to Unity. Ubuntu Unity design review (revised) Device Null: Unity Cheat Sheet.

Ubuntu. Ubuntu Linux Resources. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Ubuntu Linux Resources

How to Upgrade to Ubuntu 11.04 "Natty Narwhal" Easily. How to Upgrade to Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal?

How to Upgrade to Ubuntu 11.04 "Natty Narwhal" Easily

There are two ways in which you can upgrade to latest Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal. One is by using the Ubuntu 11.04 Live CD and the other one is directly via internet. How to Upgrade to Ubuntu 11.04 using Ubuntu Live CD? This is the easier method of the two. 12 Things I did After Installing New Ubuntu 11.04 "Natty Narwhal" Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal released, reviewed.

12 Things I did After Installing New Ubuntu 11.04 "Natty Narwhal"

Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal beta is already here and in a few days time, the final release will happen. We have already reviewed the latest Ubuntu 11.04 and we think it is ready for prime time, well, almost. Things To Tweak / Fix After Installing Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal. A note before reading this post: before giving up on Unity without giving it a try... don't.

Things To Tweak / Fix After Installing Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal

Try Unity for a few days - yes, it's not a finished product but it's actually quite interesting - and if you don't like it then switch. If you've just upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal, there are probably a few things you'll miss, so here is how to get them back as well as some other things you may find useful. Install CompizConfig Settings Manager and Tweak Unity to better suit your needs: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager. Keyboard Shortcuts - Community Ubuntu Documentation -

As well as using your mouse to operate software, you can also use your keyboard to perform specific functions.

Keyboard Shortcuts - Community Ubuntu Documentation -

This page provides a list of keyboard shortcuts which you may find useful. How to use a keyboard shortcut Traditionally, keyboard shortcuts are written like so: Alt + F1. This means that you should press the Alt and F1 keys simultaneously. This is normally best achieved by holding down the modifier key (such as Ctrl or Alt or the Super(windows logo) key) and then pressing the second key once.

Finding keyboard shortcuts Finding system keyboard shortcuts To find (and change) system-level keyboard shortcuts, one can (at least in later, GNOME-based distros, e.g. ubuntu karmic) run the Keyboard Shortcuts applet, e.g. via System>Preferences>Keyboard Shortcuts on the main menu. Finding application-specific keyboard shortcuts. Unity2D. Unity 2D's goal is to provide the Unity desktop shell on hardware platforms that cannot currently support Unity's OpenGL requirements (see Hardware Requirements for Unity for more details).


Its architecture is very close to Unity's as it only replaces the user interface elements but still shares all the same backend components. Specifically, Unity 2D replaces the panel, launcher and places components as defined in Unity's architecture overview. Moreover it does not enforce the use of Compiz as a window manager but instead uses a slightly tweaked version of Metacity. Testing. 04 - Unity keyboard/mouse shortcuts. Disable The AppMenu (Global Menu) In Ubuntu 11.04. If you're subscribed to the Ayatana mailing list (or you can look here - look for "Menus hidden by default"), you probably know the huge discussion behind the AppMenu (Global Menu) which is set to autohide by default in Ubuntu 11.04 (in both Unity and the classic desktop).

Disable The AppMenu (Global Menu) In Ubuntu 11.04

Apparently even quite a few Ubuntu developers find it confusing. I didn't find a way to disable the autohide only, but I was reading on about disabling the AppMenu altogether and though I'd let you know about 2 ways of disabling the AppMenu: either for a specific application or globally, for all applications but using a different method which should keep you error-free. Please note that on the "Ubuntu classic" desktop (that's the name of the session in the login window for the classic Gnome desktop in Ubuntu 11.04 - without Unity), you can simply right click the panel, deselect "Lock the panel", then right click the AppMenu and remove it. Unity Launcher Icon To Share Files Using Dropbox [Drag'n'Drop. After seeing a simple script on to share files on Dropbox using an icon in the Unity launcher, I though I'd update the Dropbox Share script I've created a while back to do something similar, but more advanced: just like the regular Dropbox Share, you'll be able to share both files and folders and also you can share multiple files at once.

Unity Launcher Icon To Share Files Using Dropbox [Drag'n'Drop

So Unity Dropbox Share was born, a simple drag'n'drop Dropbox share icon for the Unity launcher (it's just a script written in Bash). Here's a video with Unity Dropbox Share in action: Even though this was created for the Unity launcher, it should probably work with other docks like Avant Window Navigator, Docky, DockBarX or Cairo Dock too (I've only tested it with AWN). How it works: Quicklists for webapps.


Unity/LauncherAPI. Launcher API We support adding quicklists, counters, and progress bars for apps in the Unity Launcher: Using the Launcher API The recommended and supported way to take control of your launcher icon is to use the API provided by libunity. This library wraps a low level DBus protocol which is documented below. Each launcher icon can be controlled remotely by a discrete LauncherEntry object. LauncherEntryes are able to control 4 major components of a Launcher Icon: Count. Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal Released - See What`s New (Screenshots And Video) After the usual 6 months of development, Ubuntu 11.04 has finally been released. I usually start these posts with "there haven't been any major or ground-breaking changes" but this time pretty much everything is new with the introduction of Unity as the default interface.

Since we've been writing about the new features in Ubuntu 11.04 constantly, in this post we'll only talk about the major new features. Read on! Here is a video demoing the most important new features in Ubuntu 11.04: (for more videos, check out our YouTube channel and Facebook page)

Systray Bug

Unity To Get Overlay Scrollbars! Christian Giordano has announced on the Canonical Design blog that Unity will get overlay scrollbars. This means the scrollbars will not be visible until you move your mouse over the side where the scrollbar used to be. Touch and scrollwheels are making that chrome, if not obsolete, then certainly less important. We want to embrace new thinking from the mobile world, while still retaining some of the key semantics and experiences of the desktop world in recognition of the differences between the environments. Here is a video provided by Christian in which you can see the new overlay scrollbars in action: Mac OSX again?

While Mac OSX Lion will probably merge traditional scrollbars with overlay ones, Christian suggests that Lion wasn't the source of inspiration for this and says that the two was of using overlay scrollbars are quite different. 11.04 - List of custom Launchers & Quicklists for Unity. How To Test Ubuntu 11.04 With Unity In VirtualBox 4.0. Great news for those who want to try out the latest Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal with the Unity interface without booting a CD or Live USB - Unity now works in the latest VirtualBox 4.0.