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Infidelities: Collection No.1

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36 ARGUMENTS FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD. Chapter I: The Argument from the Improbable Self Something shifted, something so immense you could call it the world.


Call it the world. The world shifted, catching lots of smart people off guard, churning up issues that you had thought had settled forever beneath the earth's crust. The more sophisticated you are, the more annotated your mental life, the more taken aback you're likely to feel, seeing what the world's lurch has brought to light, thrusting up beliefs and desires you had assumed belonged to an earlier stage of human development. What is this stuff, you ask one another, and how can it still be kicking around, given how much we already know? Food is for White Liberals What Sex Is For The Religious Right. It occurred to me a few weeks ago after a discussion based on a pro-GMO post Kavin wrote for Grounded Parents.

Food is for White Liberals What Sex Is For The Religious Right

Bring up reproductive rights and liberals shake their heads and remark on the incredible cognitive dissonance of the Religious Right. Sure, the Right is “small government” in theory, but it’s about sex, liberals shrug. It’s about policing women’s bodies and an obsessive desire to control what happens in people’s bedrooms. The Non-Christian Cross. The Improbability of God & To Live at All Is Miracle Enough. The Improbability of God by Richard Dawkins from Free Inquiry, Volume 18, Number 3.

The Improbability of God & To Live at All Is Miracle Enough

Much of what people do is done in the name of God. Irishmen blow each other up in his name. Arabs blow themselves up in his name. Imams and ayatollahs oppress women in his name. Celibate popes and priests mess up people's sex lives in his name. Why do people believe in God? S.A.S.H.: The Criminal History of the Papacy: Part 1. The papal office has an unparalleled record of corruption and criminality over the centuries, and the true history of the popes is one of scandals, cruelty, debauchery, reigns of terror, warfare and moral depravity.

S.A.S.H.: The Criminal History of the Papacy: Part 1

By Tony Bushby. S.A.S.H.: The Criminal History of the Papacy: Part 2. The history of greed, blood-lust and depravity of many of the popes and the Roman Church hierarchy has been falsified by modern Church historians to present images of piety and humility. by Tony Bushby This is the 2nd article of the series which appeared in Nexus magazine.

S.A.S.H.: The Criminal History of the Papacy: Part 2

Parts 1 & 3 also appear here. S.A.S.H.: The Criminal History of the Popes: Part 3. The history of greed, blood-lust and depravity of many of the popes and the Roman Church hierarchy has been falsified by modern Church historians to present images of piety and humility. by Tony Bushby This the 3rd and final article of the series which appeared in Nexus magazine.

S.A.S.H.: The Criminal History of the Popes: Part 3

Parts 1 & 2 appeared previously here. Why There Is No God: Quick Responses to 10 Common Theist Arguments. 1.

Why There Is No God: Quick Responses to 10 Common Theist Arguments

"Science can't explain the complexity and order of life; God must have designed it to be this way. " First, when considering this position, it's important to recognize the difference between complexity and design. Complexity itself does not require an intelligent creator. It's easy to impose a design upon things that exist by chance or developed through a natural process like evolution. Grappling With Science and Religion. SOUTH HAMPTON, N.Y. — When the baby-boom generation first decamped for college, if there was one intellectual topic that was totally passe, it was the relationship between science and religion.

Grappling With Science and Religion

Hardly anyone was studying the subject, assumed by most thinkers to represent a total dead end. Now, as the boomers' children start off to college, if there's one intellectual topic that is starting to blaze red hot, it is the relationship between science and religion. Faithful to God, Science. ROCKVILLE, Md. — The dying woman looked up at her physician.

Faithful to God, Science

"What do you believe? " The question unsettled Dr. Francis Collins. For days, he had watched the elderly woman serenely endure the pain of a failing heart, certain she was leaving this world for a better one. She talked to him often of her faith. He was a man of science; he had earned a PhD in physical chemistry at Yale and was completing his medical degree with bedside training at a North Carolina hospital.

Yet confronted with the woman's earnest question, Collins felt not superior, but oddly ashamed. The patient died soon after. A scientist and a believer. In his new book, "The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief," Collins expresses his dismay at what he calls "the chasm between science and faith. " Darwiniana. Welcome to Enlightenment! – Religion: the Tragedy of Mankind. Articles by Kenneth Humphreys. 21 Unconvincing Arguments for God.pdf. Christians should unite with atheists to defend secularism. Baroness Warsi accused secularists of 'denying people the right to a religious identity' when in fact secularism supports this right.

Photograph: Steve Parsons/PA If atheists are bemused by the latest attacks on secularism, spare a thought for Britain's Christians. 25 reasons Why I Am No Longer a Christian. There is the world we live in and then there is the world of the Bible.

25 reasons Why I Am No Longer a Christian

In our world, the 'real world', the world of flesh and matter, there is no magic, no metaphysical conjuring, nothing supernatural or transmundane. What exists is experienced empirically—through the five senses—and therefore measurable, testable, subject to examination and experiment and ongoing scrutiny. Sure there is talk of the supernatural, of the occult, of miracles and faith healing and psychic phenomena, events or agents that can nonchalantly circumvent the laws of physics. There are books and movies and TV shows and sermons from the pulpit and paintings of supernatural entities like angels and ogres and ascending gods aglow and crowned with halos.

But in the 'real world', the world outside of language and art, the world we live in each day, there none of these things. The Reason Project. Secularism and the American Constitution. By Charles Bogle 18 July 2005 In recent years, Supreme Court justices, politicians and religious figures have advanced the argument that the Founding Fathers based the US Constitution on God’s word. Some have asserted that the Founding Fathers meant for the Constitution to be understood as a Christian document of governance for a Christian nation.

The attack on the principle of separation of church and state has not come only from the Republicans. In the 2000 presidential election, the Democratic ticket was vocal in advancing a religious foundation for American politics. Speaking in Detroit on August 27, 2000, Democratic vice presidential candidate Joseph Lieberman said of the First Amendment: “[T]he Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.”

In Winning the Future: A 21st Century Contract with America, then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich wrote: “We must reestablish that our rights come from our Creator.” Dr. Books consulted for this article: God’s undue influence on U.S. politics. This article originally appeared on AlterNet . As an atheist and a liberal, I’ve found it tempting to simply laugh at Republicans fighting each other over the issue of whether or not Mitt Romney, a Mormon, gets to consider himself a Christian. From the nonbeliever point of view, it’s like watching a bunch of grown adults work themselves into a frenzy over the differences between leprechauns and fairies.

But watching the debate unfold, I’ve become concerned about what it means to make someone’s religious beliefs such a big campaign issue, because it’s indicative of a larger eroding of the separation of church and state, which concerns not just atheists but all people who understand the importance of maintaining a secular government. Robert Jeffress, the influential senior pastor of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, went on “Focal Point” with Bryan Fischer and declared that one shouldn’t support Mitt Romney for president because Romney, a Mormon, isn’t a real Christian.

Denis Dutton on Cold Reading. The Fireplace Delusion. It seems to me that many nonbelievers have forgotten—or never knew—what it is like to suffer an unhappy collision with scientific rationality. We are open to good evidence and sound argument as a matter of principle, and are generally willing to follow wherever they may lead. Certain of us have made careers out of bemoaning the failure of religious people to adopt this same attitude. However, I recently stumbled upon an example of secular intransigence that may give readers a sense of how religious people feel when their beliefs are criticized. It’s not a perfect analogy, as you will see, but the rigorous research I’ve conducted at dinner parties suggests that it is worth thinking about. Irreligiosophy - The One True Podcast. Confessions of an Ex-Moralist. Council for Secular Humanism. Atheist Media Blog. Skeptical Links. Book Store. Friendly Atheist.

Alberta Officials Reject Proposed Catholic Sex Ed Lessons That “Deny Science” Alberta officials deserve praise for this strong stance against harmful misinformation. Read more Gordon Klingenschmitt: “The Church Should Take Over the Government” Gordon Klingenschmitt, the former Colorado State Rep. who eventually lost his seat in part because of his theocratic fantasies, is at it again. Read more Duck Dynasty Dad Wrongly Says Crime and Murder Rates Soar in Areas Without God Phil Robertson shows us that saying you’re religious means you can lie about anything. Linda Harvey: My Childhood Ouija Board Saved Me From Homosexual Halloween This Christian activist knew Halloween was evil when she was 14 and an Ouija board told her all about it. Alt Med Advocates Are Wrong to Say Doctors Don’t Treat the Whole Patient Modern medicine isn’t perfect. Atheists Sue TX School Officials for Harassing Student Who Sat During Pledge.

THEOI GREEK MYTHOLOGY, Exploring Mythology & the Greek Gods in Classical Literature & Art - StumbleUpon. Sites to find information on arguments and their rebuttals : atheistgems. Wikipedia articles every atheist should know about : atheistgems.