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Foundation for Conscious Evolution

Foundation for Conscious Evolution

eventbrite Barbara Marx Hubbard is a global visionary and prolific author. She was named by Deepak Chopra as the global voice for conscious change. Barbara is the leader in the positive worldview of Conscious Evolution. She moved her Foundation for Conscious Evolution office and personal residence from Santa Barbara to Berkeley on January 16th, 2016. Join us as we welcome Barbara to the Bay Area! A Message From Barbara: Our Society is at the threshold of disintegration into greater entropy and chaos or finding a way to integrate into a higher order of synergy, consciousness and freedom. This is the precise moment for us to act! There are new social systemic processes that facilitate the coming together of separate parts, innovations and solutions such that each part becomes more able to fulfill its potential by joining, than by remaining separate. Planet Earth has given birth to a nervous system in that past few decades. I intend to expand my time tested body of work in the Bay Area and beyond .

La connaissance - A la découverte du but de l'évolution humaine - transformation primates Connaître le sens de l'évolution Où va l'humanité La liberté consiste à choisir entre deux esclavages : l'égoïsme et la conscience. Celui qui choisit la conscience est l'homme libre. Victor Hugo Dans les pages précédentes, nous avons pris appui sur certains progrès humains* pour étayer notre théorie**. *sur les progrès de la conscience, de l'amour, et de la psychologie ** Une théorie selon laquelle, je vous le rappelle, l'humanité se dirige progressivement vers sa perfection. Nous allons à présent nous pencher sur l'évolution progressive de la connaissance. L'évolution inconsciente Jusqu'à présent, l'évolution humaine se déroule de façon plus ou moins inconsciente, intuitive et bien souvent antagoniste. Et pourquoi ces disciplines pragmatiques le feraient-elles en réalité ? La barbarie technologique Pour l'instant l'anticipation du futur humain a été essentiellement occupé par la religion et la philosophie. Mais les grandes catastrophes morales du siècle dernier, sont arrivées. Il manque !

Ervin Laszlo | Books Available on Innertraditions. The Akasha Revolution in Science and Human Consciousnessby Ervin Laszlo An exploration of the current revolution in scientific thought and the newest scientific findings in support of the Akashic field • Explains how the new Akasha paradigm recognizes the interconnection of all things in space and time through the quantum resonance of the Akashic field • Reveals the cosmos to be a self-actualizing, self-organizing whole, bringing forth life and consciousness in countless universes • Explores the latest discoveries in the sciences of life, mind, and cosmos Science evolves through alternating phases of “normal science” and radical shifts that create scientific revolutions. With contributions by physicists Paul A.

Sympto, le blog de la symptothermie, contraception naturelle (photo à la Une, Marie Desaulles. CC BY-NC-ND) Dans cet article, des femmes qui utilisent l’appli sympto, didactitiel pour la symptothermie, témoignent de leur expérience avec cette méthode écologique de gestion de la fertilité. Pour celles qui ont arrêté les hormones, les bénéfices ont été encore plus évidents! Continuer la lecture de Témoignages d’utilisatrices de sympto WordPress: J'aime chargement… Un article sur la symptothermie est paru dans la revue espérantiste internationale Kontakto (décembre 2015). Un article sur la symptothermie vient d’être publié dans un trimestriel gynécologique suisse, la revue info@gynäkologie : La femme dans la jungle des applications portant sur la fertilité : Quelles applis sont adaptées pour une contraception naturelle? Catherine Heine est phytothérapeute (voir son site). Elles sont là, peuvent être douloureuses, abondantes, régulières ou pas. Le sexe à 17 ans ?

La vie connectée « Smart » ! Le mot résume bien la nouvelle vague d’innovations technologiques, d’appareils communicants et d’usages inédits d’une révolution numérique qui déferle aujourd’hui autour des écrans, avant d’envahir notre quotidien des prochaines années. Le smartphone est déjà devenu le centre de notre vie numérique, supplantant l’ordinateur. Cette année, arrive dans notre salon la télévision connectée, la « smart TV », comme disent les Américains. Nous allons donc bientôt profiter d’appareils plus astucieux, conformes à notre nouveau mode de vie, souvent social, mobile, contextualisé, personnalisé, « always on ». Déjà, les lignes se brouillent entre nos vies « off » et « online » ! L’accès, plus important que la possession Une nouvelle fois, un environnement neuf se met en place. De nombreux grands secteurs de nos sociétés sont concernés : les transports, la santé, l’éducation, la culture, les médias. Les écrans sont désormais partout au centre de nos usages médias. Des écrans partout !

Surfing the Subtle Planes of Reality (Ego Restricted) Mozart is reported to have said to Emperor Joseph, “Forgive me Majesty, perhaps I am vulgar, but my music isn’t.” He also confided to friends that he did not know from where his music came but that it never came to him in parts, rather he received it in its fullness. The parts would be assigned later — that, he recognized, was the hard work along with rigorous discipline and study. He said that absolutely no forcing could be applied to receive his sublimely inspired music. In his own way Mozart was giving us clues about access to the subtle planes of reality and harvesting their riches. Humility is required: he enters into the music and receives it. One thing is clear: if ego is restricted from entry to the subtle planes, intellect won’t take you there either — just as intellect won’t help you fall in love. We find immediately and dramatically the separation between subject and object dissolves: the observer and observed become one.

Barbara Marx Hubbard Barbara Marx Hubbard. Barbara Marx Hubbard (born Barbara Marx; December 22, 1929) [1] is a futurist, author and public speaker. She is credited with the concepts of ‘The Synergy Engine’[2] and the 'birthing' of humanity.[3] Early life and education[edit] A Jewish agnostic,[4] her father was toy maker Louis Marx. Career[edit] Barbara Marx Hubbard is a noted futurist, evolutionary thought leader, author of seven books, social innovator and public speaker. In 1984 her name was placed in nomination for the Vice Presidency of the United States on the Democratic ticket, calling for an office for the Future and a Peace Room in the White House to scan for, map, connect, and communicate what is working in the world. She is the subject of a biography by author Neale Donald Walsch, The Mother of Invention: The Legacy of Barbara Marx Hubbard and the Future of "YOU Personal life[edit] Bibliography[edit] The Hunger of Eve: One Woman's Odyssey Toward the Future. References[edit] External links[edit]

Most intricate crop circle yet warns of alien invasion | Paranormal Binary code encoded in Crop Circle at Torino Airport on June 23, 2015 reads “timeo ET ferentes!” which means “beware of ET bearing gifts!” We’ve all seen crop circles and heard various theories about them: they are naturally occurring, they are the work of pranksters and, most believably, they are the work of aliens from another planet marking out landing coordinates for the inevitable invasion and colonisation of our world. But this latest one really takes the biscuit for creative design. The intricate crop formation appeared seemingly overnight in Torino in Italy in late June – and has baffled locals and experts alike. If it was the work of moonlighting pranksters it is estimated it would have taken a team of up to 15 people to etch it out in the space of a night. And very quickly at that. That’s 15 tight-lipped people, of course, who wouldn’t want to brag about their handiwork after a few glasses of vino. Which brings us back to the most likely theory – that of an impending alien invasion.

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