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National Farmers Market Directory - Find a Farmers' Market Near You. About the I Love My Farmers Market Celebration - American Farmland Trust. Why a farmers market is key to $27M downtown Troy development - Albany Business Review. Courtesy of Kirchhoff Properties, Sequence Development, CSArch A rendering of the proposed riverfront development in Troy, NY, which would be built on the former site of city hall.

Why a farmers market is key to $27M downtown Troy development - Albany Business Review

What does a growing, popular farmers market have to do with a $27 million mixed-use redevelopment in downtown Troy, NY? A lot, it turns out. "We think it's the perfect component," Greg Burns, president of Kirchhoff Consigli Construction Management, told me about the decision to include a permanent home for the farmers market in his firm's riverfront plans. "There aren't many organizations as vibrant and community-related as the Troy Waterfront Farmers Market. " On Monday, when Mayor Lou Rosamilia announced the Kirchhoff team was the preferred developer at One Monument Square, the design included devoting 20,000 square feet on the ground floor to the farmers market. The building, to be called Monument North, also will have more than 50 apartments on the upper floors and other retail space.

Another productive Farmers Market. Another successful Farmers’ Market was held on Saturday at the national Theatre.

Another productive Farmers Market

Palerang Mayor Pete Harrison formally opened the market saying it was just the sort of initiative that Council would like to support. SEE GALLERY See your ad here. Peru: Former coca growers market their products in Lima. Coffee, cacao, peanuts, sesame, beans, fruits and more will be on sale at Lima’s main wholesale market, starting in January.

Peru: Former coca growers market their products in Lima

LIMA, Peru – From the Amazon’s valleys and basins to the markets of Lima. Starting in January, an agreement between Peru’s National Commission for a Drug-Free Life (DEVIDA) and the Municipal Markets Company of Lima (EMMSA) will allow farmers who have substituted illegal coca crops with crops such as coffee, cacao and sesame to sell their products through the Lima Wholesale Market (GMML). Prospect farmer's market needs your support. Steve Simpson, of Gawler, Meri Tsimiklis, of Virginia, and Market Manager Kerry Bormann at the Prospect Farmer's Markets.

Prospect farmer's market needs your support

Source: News Limited DISCOUNTS and more fresh produce will be offered to boost attendance at the Prospect Farmers' Market. Organisers say special offers and a focus on more seasonal fruit and vegetables will help the Vine St Plaza market reach its potential. The Thursday night market has attracted an average of 400 people a week - short of its target of 600 - since it opened in October. Adelaide Farmers' Market CEO Amanda Daniel and market manager Kerry Bormann blamed bad weather before Christmas and shoppers still getting used to the market's schedule for the flat figures. MORE: Prospect is new home for farmer's market Ms Bormann said vouchers would be left in Prospect Rd businesses and in residents' letterboxes giving them a discount on one select market day.

"It's becoming a challenge to try and change people's shopping habits," Ms Bormann said. Fresh push for using EBT cards at Maine's farmers’ markets. January 22 The electronic payments can help low-income Mainers buy fresh, locally grown produce, advocates say.

Fresh push for using EBT cards at Maine's farmers’ markets

By Mary Pols mpols@pressherald.comStaff Writer The statewide organization for Maine’s farmers’ markets hopes that this year it will be able to double the number of markets that accept Electronic Benefit Transfer cards from low-income Mainers who use them to put food on their tables. click image to enlarge Phooto courtesy of Cultivating Community: Mohamed Abukar, a Somali immigrant who lives in Lewiston, was one of the first growers sponsored by Cultivating Community to accept electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards for the federally funded Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly food stamps.

The push to make it easier for Mainers who get federal aid through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program to get healthier, locally grown food has had considerable success in recent years. She said a collaboration between the U.S. (Continued on page 2) Keep Arroyo Grande farmer’s market for local producers. January 27, 2014 OPINION By APRIL MCLAUGHLIN.

Keep Arroyo Grande farmer’s market for local producers

Dairy Panel Examines Future of Industry at National Farmers Convention. WISCONSIN DELLS, Wis. • At the National Farmers Convention Wednesday, a panel of dairy marketing and ag media professionals gave their viewpoints about the future of America’s dairy industry.

Dairy Panel Examines Future of Industry at National Farmers Convention

Brad Rach, director of dairy marketing for National Farmers, opened the panel by underscoring the changing makeup of the dairy industry. He noted more processors are becoming privately owned, as well as foreign-owned. “What a difference one year can make,” he said. America’s top four processors today have no dairy cooperatives on the list, and the number one processor is foreign-owned.” Mychal Wilmes, managing editor of AgriNews in Minnesota, talked about the changing role of cooperatives. “Cooperatives are facing a serious challenge,” said Wilmes. How do we keep the wealth generated by agriculture in our own communities?” Wilmes said there is an age crisis looming on the horizon, and that co-ops could have a role in assisting young farmers get into the business as their older counterparts exit. Dr.