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Great And Never Explained Mysteries Of Nevada's History. - Nevada is full of archaeological and anthropological discoveries - antiquities, no one is able to explain.

Great And Never Explained Mysteries Of Nevada's History

One of these shocking discoveries gives us evidence that man existed in Nevada more than 200 million years ago. Further on was another line of sewing, and in the center, where the foot would have rested had the object been really a shoe sole, there was an indentation, exactly such as would have been made by the bone of the heel rubbing upon and wearing down the material of which the sole had been made. Thus was found a fossil which is the foremost mystery of science today. For the rock in which it was found is at least 5,000,000 years old. " Reid brought the specimen to New York, where he tried to bring it to the attention of other scientists. Curiously enough, an inquiry by us to the American Museum of Natural History resulted in a reply that the report by Matthew is not in their files. Although there are no people, animals or handprint symbols depicted. Antediluvian Legacy - Small Cube That Remains A Great Challenge To Science. - This very ancient artifact is a great challenge to science as we know it.

Antediluvian Legacy - Small Cube That Remains A Great Challenge To Science

It appeared unexpectedly with no evidence of a preceding period of development ; its technological sophistication seems far beyond the capabilities of ancient peoples. In 1885, an iron smelter working in the foundry of the Austrian Isador Braun of Vocklabruck, Austria, discovered a small, cube-shaped piece of iron embedded in a block of coal dating to the Tertiary period lasting from approximately 65.5 million to 2.6 million years ago.

This unusual metal cuboid-like object is also known as the Bucket of Salzburg or The Wolfsegg Iron. The age of the artifact suggests that an unknown very advanced civilization was present in the region at the time. Sea creature fossil found with oldest-known cardiovascular system. Dinosoria. Quand la Terre nous livre ses secrets. Nous étions là il y a 800 millions d'années. Avec la publication en 2002 de son Histoire secrète de l’espèce humaine, co-écrite avec le docteur Richard Thompson, le chercheur Michael Cremo a bouleversé le monde de la paléontologie.

Nous étions là il y a 800 millions d'années

Lors de cette interview accordée en 1995 à la journaliste Laura Lee, il explique comment il en est arrivé à la certitude que le modèle de la préhistoire humaine sur lequel nous nous reposons depuis deux cents ans est totalement erroné. Fossil-diatoms-new-carbonaceous-meteorite. New Scientific Study Claims Extraterrestrial Fossil Found in Sri Lanka Meteor. By Michael Salla March 12, 2013 from Examiner Website Image of Comet Hale-Bopp taken by Wally Pacholka on April 5, 1997 from the Joshua Tree National Park in California.

New Scientific Study Claims Extraterrestrial Fossil Found in Sri Lanka Meteor

500 Million Year. Des chaussures de 500 millions d'années ? Empreinte de pied, chaussé d'une sandale, au talon incrusté d'un trilobite C'est amusant et étrange en soi : plus on s'intéresse aux découvertes et énigmes scientifiques, plus on trouve des réalités et éléments qui dérangent et contredisent la science officielle.

Des chaussures de 500 millions d'années ?

450 Million Year. Stupéfiant! Une puce électronique Alien de 450 millions d’années découverte en Russie! Extinction des Dinosaures. Theories et Remise en Cause. On ne peut pas isoler la disparition des dinosaures des autres disparitions d’espèces.

Extinction des Dinosaures. Theories et Remise en Cause

Pour comprendre et peut-être un jour trouver les preuves irréfutables des causes de l’extinction des dinosaures, il est indispensable d'analyser cette extinction dans un contexte plus général. The Mysterious Ica Stones Of Peru by Brien Foerster. The Mysterious Ica Stones Of Peru: Ancient Enigma Or Fraud?

The Mysterious Ica Stones Of Peru by Brien Foerster

By Brien Foerster Moray, Sacred Valley - Photo by Luna M.Flores This is one of researcher and writer Brien Foerster's regular column here at Brien's study and insight into the Inca's ancient origins shed a new light on that famous South American culture. The implications are both startling and far reaching suggesting a connection to a pan Pacific civilization reaching back to mankind's most distant past. Brien, along with David Hatcher Childress and Hugh Newman, is taking a tour group to see the Ica Stones and many other sites around Peru and Bolivia this October/November. Iron cup from Wilburton, Oklahoma. The iron vessel allegedly discovered inside a block of coal from Wilburton (Oklahoma, USA)

Iron cup from Wilburton, Oklahoma

Entre 1786 et 1788, près d'Aix-en-Provence, pièces métalliques faisant penser à des pièces de monnaie trouvées datant de 300 million d'année. 240 Million Year. Flowering Plants 100 Million Years Older Than Previously Thought. Subscribe in a reader Other Popular Articles Dangerous Fast and Furious - Birth Of Africa's New Ocean The only places where mid-ocean ridges appear above sea level are Ethiopia and Iceland.

Flowering Plants 100 Million Years Older Than Previously Thought

Two new studies into the so-called “plumbing systems” that lie under volcanoes could bring scientists closer to predicting large eruptions and reveal new information about where magma is stored and how it moves through the geological plumbing network. New Shocking Discovery Challenges The Origin Of Earth. REAL Giant Foot Print 200 Million Yrs Old South Africa LD Michael Tellinger. Ciências Paralelas Oficial. Conspiracy of Science - Earth is in fact growing. L'Atlantide de Platon : débuts de preuves par des géologues japonais. L'Atlantide de Platon : débuts de preuves par des géologues japonais Lundi 6 mai 2013, une équipe de géologues a avancé qu’elle avait retrouvé l’Atlantide brésilienne.

L'Atlantide de Platon : débuts de preuves par des géologues japonais

Du granite a été pêché dans l’océan Atlantique et cette roche est considérée comme étant continentale. Lundi dernier, au Brésil, les géologues ont relancé le mythe de l’Atlantide en affirmant avoir retrouvé une partie du continent submergé. En effet, c’est à plus de 1 500 km de Rio de Janeiro, dans les profondeurs de l’océan Atlantique que du granite a été retrouvé. D’après ces scientifiques, le granite est une roche que l’on ne trouve que sur les continents. D’ailleurs, Roberto Ventura Santos, le directeur de géologie de ressources minérales du Service géologique du Brésil, a expliqué au site G1 Globo que c’est au moment où les géologues effectuaient une analyse du sol océanique, dans la région de Rio Grande Rise, qu’ils sont tombés sur ces roches.

. “ Cela peut être l’Atlantide du Brésil. Scientists may have discovered signs of 'Atlantis' The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology and the Brazilian government have announced the discovery of what could be part of a submerged continent 1,500 kilometres from Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). According to Roberto Ventura Santos, a top official at Brazil's Geology Service (CPRM), the discovery could prove that a continent used to exist in the area where the legendary island of Atlantis was located, when the Africa and South America drifted apart 100 million years ago. The legend, mentioned by Plato in his philosophical dialogues, says that the island was home to a highly developed civilization and sunk into the sea 12,000 years ago. Because no traces of the island have ever been found, scientists had to leave it for myths and legends. La date de l’extinction des dinosaures remise en cause par des fossiles. Extinction Crétacé-Tertiaire.

Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Creation Evidence Museum Online - Alvis Delk Cretaceous Footprint. “Alvis Delk Cretaceous Footprint” Abstract: The Creation Evidence Museum is in possession of a set of Cretaceous footprints discovered by amateur archaeologist Alvis Delk[1] of Stephenville, Texas. This fossil of dense Glen Rose limestone consists of Dinosaur footprint (Acrocanthosaurus) and an eleven-inch human footprint intruded by the dinosaur print. Introduction: In early July, 2000 Alvis Delk, assisted by James Bishop (both of Stephenville, Texas), was working in the Cretaceous limestone on the McFall property at the Paluxy River near Glen Rose, Texas and discovered a pristine human footprint intruded by a dinosaur footprint. Why Are These Billions Of Years Old Boulders So Perfectly Round?

Get our top stories Follow Subscribe in a reader Other Popular Articles Dangerous Fast and Furious - Birth Of Africa's New Ocean The only places where mid-ocean ridges appear above sea level are Ethiopia and Iceland. Two new studies into the so-called “plumbing systems” that lie under volcanoes could bring scientists closer to predicting large eruptions and reveal new information about where magma is stored and how it moves through the geological plumbing network.

Dr Gurlt’s iron cube. The so-called ‘Gurlt cube’, which is scarcely cuboid (source: Wikipedia ) In the autumn of 1885, a workman named Reidl, who worked at a foundry in Schöndorf, near Vöcklabruck (Austria), founded by Isidor Braun (1801-1866) and then run by his sons, broke open a block of brown coal that had been mined at Wolfsegg (Tomas 1971, 45).

The Tertiary coal deposit from which the coal came is generally dated to about 60 million years ago. He found a small steel cube embedded inside it; according to the published descriptions, the cube had two rounded faces and a deep groove running around it. It measured 67 × 67 × 47 mm (2.64 × 2.64 × 1.85 inches), weighed 785 g (1.73 pounds) and had a specific gravity of 7.75. Braun’s son took it to the Heimathaus (Museum) in Vöcklabruck. A chalk ball from Laon. The ball, illustrated in Revue Archéologique 5 In August 1861, miners excavating Eocene lignite at Montaigu, near Laon (France) discovered a chalk ball about 60 mm in diameter and weighing around 310 g at a depth of about 75 m; it rolled for some distance from a block detached from the passage.

Thinking it unusual, they reported it to a local Dr Lejeune who in turn gave it to Maximilien Melleville (1807-1872), the Vice President of the Société Academique de Laon (France) and author of Dictionnaire historique du département de l’Aisne (1857). He published an account in Note sur les silex taillés des départements de la Somme et d l’Aisne , in which two photographs of the ball were reproduced, and later gave a fuller description in Revue Archéologique 5 , 181- 186. A mortar & pestle from Tuolomne. Mortar and pestle from Table Mountain, Tuolomne (California, USA) In 1877, a Mr John H Neale, superintendent of the Montezuma Tunnel Company, was engaged in building a tunnel through Table Mountain, Tuolumne County (California, USA).

The tunnel was running through gravel, sealed by lava. Boriska - Indigo Boy From Mars. Moscow, Russia October 2007 from ProjectCamelot Website Boris Kipriyanovich is an Indigo Child, probably the most famous in Russia. Boriska, or 'little Boris', was featured in Pravda here and here, after Gennady Belimov, a university professor in the Volgograd region of Russia, witnessed Boriska, then aged just seven, astound an adult audience during a camping trip in which he held them spellbound for an hour and a half as he recounted tales of past lives on Mars and Lemuria, and warned of catastrophes due to affect the Earth in 2009 and 2013. Belimov had the presence of mind to record Boriska's monologue, and within a short time word was spreading within Russia about what this diminutive prophet had to say, especially once the story was picked by Moscow's premier newspaper.Word gradually filtered to the west via a Pravda article that made it on to the internet.

Secrets Of Indigo Children - Are They Humanity's Last Hope? - These incredibly intelligent children with many unique abilities have been encountered world-wide. They can see through you and reveal any hidden agenda. Some say they are good, others are convinced that they are evil. La Terre en Expansion. Vieille de 120 millions d'années, la pierre de Dashka, découverte en 1999, révèle un passé hautement civilisé. Une carte de la Sibérie ancestrale qui révèle des canaux et des barrages ! Vieille de plusieurs millions d'années, la pierre de Dashka, découverte en 1999, révèle un passé hautement civilisé La pierre de Dashka fait partie de ces nombreux objets retrouvés à travers le monde, lesquels après avoir fait l’objet d’études scientifiques sérieuses, n’ont fourni aucune explication probante sur leur origine ou même leur raison d’être.

300 Million Year Old Machinery Found In Russia, Experts Say Aluminum Gear Not The Result Of Natural Forces. Did Aliens Live In Mexico 300 to 400 Million Years Ago? Sometimes “truth” is stranger than fiction. Do the Ica Stones prove that mankind coexisted with dinosaurs and had advanced technology? Very ancient artefacts. Precambrian.