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Scepticisme scientifique. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Scepticisme scientifique

Le scepticisme scientifique, nommé aussi scepticisme rationnel ou scepticisme contemporain, est une pratique et une position épistémologique qui remet en doute la véracité de certaines allégations par manque de preuves empiriques ou de reproductibilité. Cette démarche cherche à promouvoir la science, la pensée critique et à soumettre à la méthode expérimentale (lorsque cela est possible) les affirmations d'existence de phénomènes paranormaux (notamment ceux étudiés par l'ufologie, la parapsychologie et la cryptozoologie) ou surnaturels (réincarnation, résurrection). Les sceptiques critiquent aussi vivement les théories du complot, les médecines non conventionnelles et, de manière plus générale, ce que la majeure partie de la communauté scientifique considère comme des pseudo-sciences.


Astrobiologists discover fossils in meteorite fragments, confirming extraterrestrial life. Researchers in the United Kingdom have found algae-like fossils in meteorite fragments that landed in Sri Lanka last year.

Astrobiologists discover fossils in meteorite fragments, confirming extraterrestrial life

This is the strongest evidence yet of cometary panspermia — that life on Earth began when a meteorite containing simple organisms landed here, billions of years ago — and, perhaps more importantly, that there’s life elsewhere in the universe. In December 2012, a fireball was seen over the skies of Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka. Over the following few days, fragments of the fireball were collected and sent to Sri Lanka’s Medical Research Institute, where initial microscopic analysis revealed siliceous microalgae known as diatoms. As you can imagine, with this being the first ever evidence that life might’ve arrived on Earth via a meteorite, the scientific community was skeptical of the results — and so some fragments were sent to Cardiff University in Wales for further analysis.

5 to 1 Billion Year

1 Billion to 15 Million Year. Pierres d'Ica. Figurines d'Acambaro . En Images. ICA STONE INTERNATIONAL - PIEDRAS DE ICA. 13 to 1,6 Million Year. 1 Million to 260 000 Year. 260 000 Year. 260 000 Year. 200 000 Year. 100 000 to 15 000 Year. Hidden Artifacts! (pics) Here is a slide 45 minute presentation by Klaus Dona interviewed by Bill Ryan.

Hidden Artifacts! (pics)

It must have over 100 slides of artifacts and other anomalies so I highly reccomend it, he doesnt have time to go real in depth with each one but most of these are simply not known about, and one would have to know what to look for to find these anomalies. I chose a couple to share for the Op, 13 step pyramid, like on the U.S dollar bill, found in equador.

15 000 Year to 6 000

6 000 Year. 5 000 Year. Unexplained Change In Europeans' DNA 4000-5000 Years Ago Remains A Mystery. - A new study indicates that the genetic markers of this first pan-European culture, were suddenly replaced around 4500 years ago.

Unexplained Change In Europeans' DNA 4000-5000 Years Ago Remains A Mystery

Scientists don't know why. A sudden genetic turnover that took place a few millennia ago remains unexplained. Ancient DNA recovered from a series of skeletons in central Germany up to 7500 years old has been used to reconstruct the first detailed genetic history of modern Europe. A new study conducted by an international team of researchers at the University of Adelaide's Australian Centre for Ancient DNA (ACAD), that their colleagues from the University of Mainz, Germany and the National Geographic Society's Genographic Project, reveals a dramatic series of events including major migrations from both Western Europe and Eurasia, and signs of an unexplained genetic turnover about 4000-5000 years ago.

3 000 to 1000 Year

1 000 to 0 Year. Thalès. 300 to 1500 Year. 1500 to 1800 Year. 1892. The Period , Humanity went in the wrong way. The bad way. The good way. Cape Girardeau, UFO crash 1941. 1944 to 1947. 1950. 1952. 1954. Eisenhower's Military-Industry Complex Warning, 50 Years Later. Hide captionIn his final speech from the White House, President Dwight D.

Eisenhower's Military-Industry Complex Warning, 50 Years Later

Eisenhower warned that an arms race would take resources from other areas — such as building schools and hospitals. Bill Allen/AP In his final speech from the White House, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned that an arms race would take resources from other areas — such as building schools and hospitals. On Jan. 17, 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower gave the nation a dire warning about what he described as a threat to democratic government.


A Glittering Boomerang - Sgt. Stoney Campbell Testimony. Le mystère de la plaque gravée extra-terrestre. Le mystère de la plaque gravée extra-terrestre " L'histoire de cette plaque métallique gravée de façon presque barbare est incroyable, tellement que moi-même, qui en suis le découvreur, qui la détient et en suis possesseur depuis 1967, je l'ai toujours détenue en dehors des chroniques et de la publicité " L.R.

Le mystère de la plaque gravée extra-terrestre

1970. 1970 to 1977. 1980 to 2001. 2001. Action to Declassify Secret Energy Patents<br><br> A Proposed Bill to Support New Energy Sources Las Vegas-area Congresswoman Shelley Berkley announced last August, at a meeting in Las Vegas, a bill for the Small Business Administration to annually provide 750 million dollars in energy loan guarantees (see Berkley Reveals Green Energy Solutions).

Action to Declassify Secret Energy Patents<br><br>

2002 to 2005

2006. Boriska, boy from Mars, says that all humans live eternally. Boriska, boy from Mars, says that all humans live eternally A boy named Boris Kipriyanovich, or Boriska, lives in the town of Zhirinovsk of Russia’s Volgograd region.

Boriska, boy from Mars, says that all humans live eternally

He was born on January 11, 1996. 2009. 2010. 2011. 2012. 2013. 2014. (WikiLeaks News) Set To Reveal US-UFO War In Southern Ocean. Sealand skull ( UFO ) The remains of extraterrestrial beings?

Sealand skull ( UFO )

OVNI: Révélations Ex Ministre Canadien Paul Hellyer. Alien Contact Has Happened - Hidden Messages In Crop Circles.

Apollo + Russia

Retour sur la rencontre ovni extraterrestres de Maurice Masse à Valensole. John F. Kennedy knew of extraterrestrials and wrote a memo to CIA to release information just 12 days before his assassination. John F.

John F. Kennedy knew of extraterrestrials and wrote a memo to CIA to release information just 12 days before his assassination

Kennedy President John F. Kennedy may have had more than the usual knowledge about UFOs, according to several credible sources. Rr0 Le projet Blue Book. Ed Leedskalnin et son chateau de corail. Si vous avez été sensible comme moi à l’univers étrange et merveilleux du cinéaste Tim BURTON, qui réalisa entre autres « Edward aux mains d’argent », alors l’histoire du Château de Corail risque fort de vous intéresser, non seulement pour son côté artistique mais également pour le mystère lié à son élaboration. Two Legendary Solvay Conferences: 1911 and 1927. Ernest Solvay (1838-1922) was a Belgian chemist and industrialist whose patents brought him considerable wealth, which he used to bankroll several philanthropic endeavors.

In 1894 he founded a sociology institute at the University of Brussels, called "Institut des Sciences Sociales" (ISS). In 1903, he founded the Solvay Business School, also at the University of Brussels. Finally, in 1911, he established the prestigious meetings of top scientists known as Solvay Conferences. Complexe militaro-industriel. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Détournement de la science et de la technologie… Nikola Tesla contre JP Morgan / Rockefeller.


Une importante cité maya découverte au Mexique. Un groupe international d'archéologues a découvert dans l'est du Mexique une importante cité maya dont l'apogée se situerait entre les années 600 et 900 de notre ère, a annoncé mercredi 19 juin l'Institut national d'anthropologie (INAH), qui publie photos et vidéos du site. Bible History Online Images and Resources for Biblical History. Extraterrestrial Mummy Found In Egypt. Some online sources said that this is a species-being for its fur and reptilian traits that characterize them, such as their eyes, too large and oval shaped. Inscriptions on the tomb of the mummy showed that the king was a counselor named Osirunet, meaning star or sent from heaven. ” The mummified body was buried with great respect and care, accompanied by a number of strange objects far from the archaeological museum managers can not identify. According to Egyptian sources, the alien mummy was discovered by Dr.

Viktor Lubek, Czechoslovakian citizen and retired professor of the University of Pennsylvania. Archaeologist located the hidden compartment while conducting an investigation into a small pyramid south of the main pyramid, Senusret II, which contains the queen of the pharaoh. At the site also found some gold and clay mixtures covering the body, and traces of cloth linen like appearance, the skin covering the enigmatic being. Modern Humans Migrated to Asia After Catastrophic Mount Toba Volcano Eruption.

First Posted: Jun 11, 2013 01:10 PM EDT Tracing back the history of humans has long been a challenge for researchers. When and where did humans migrate? What happened after they arrived at a location? Now, researchers have used DNA to tell the story of how ancient humans first came to the Americas and what happened to them when they were there. The Flower of Life. The flower of life holds a secret through which one can discover the most important and sacred pattern in the universe. This is the source of all that exists; it’s called the Fruit of Life.

It contains 13 informational systems. Each one explains another aspect of reality. Thus these systems are able to give us access to everything ranging from the human body to the galaxies. Enki-EA Dieu co-créateur de la race humaine actuelleUfo Ovnis et Energie libre.

1,6 Million Year

Nous étions là il y a 800 millions d'années. Health. Espace.