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Trading Cards

Trading Cards
ReadWriteThink’s Trading Cards app allows kids and teens a unique way to share their understanding of various topics, to build study aids for school, or to create their own fictional world of characters. Create trading cards for any number of categories, including: Fictional personReal personFictional placeReal placeObjectEventVocabulary word Each category has specific guiding questions for creating a dynamic, information-rich trading card. Summarizing skills are critical as they drill down to the most important information to fit on the card. In addition, they become aware of writing for an audience because they can share their cards with others. Part of the appeal of trading cards is being able to sort them into collections. Trading Cards is an educational app for all ages that adds creativity and fun to the learning process. Privacy: Your trading cards are private unless you decide to share them by e-mail. Grades 6 – 12 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson Trading Card Creator Talk it Up! Related:  Writing

Bunkr - Create presentations with code, tweets, videos, live charts, social posts... Skrivmall saga Hur skriver man en sagal? Titta på skrivmallen nedan. Du kan även titta i fliken stödstrukturer för att få hjälp att bygga upp texten. Bilder: Rasmus Doodle Splash Download the plug-in tools you need to use our games and tools, or check to see if you've got the latest version. Learn more Looking for ways to engage your students in online literacy learning? Find more interactive tools that help them accomplish a variety of goals-from organizing their thoughts to learning about language. More Your students can save their work with Student Interactives. More Home › Classroom Resources › Student Interactives Student Interactive Teaching K-8 students to visualize what they are reading and to create graphic symbols helps them develop as readers. Related Classroom & Professional Development Resources back to top

Presentations that design themselves - Slidebean Need more writing ideas for this year? Bookmark this blog series. Check out the six blog posts filled with teaching ideas and resources—written by teachers—in our Teaching Young Writers blog series. We partnered with WeAreTeachers to bring this quick-to-read, inspiring series to life. As you lesson plan and gather ideas for the year, you'll find • 5 peer conferencing strategies for revising and editing. • 10 grammar lessons to fix some mistakes that drive us crazy. • 25 anchor charts for teaching writing and more! Need more support with writing instruction? Strategies for Writers, Zaner-Bloser's proven-effective writing and grammar program, teaches students to use the six traits of writing within the writing process. Request a sample of Strategies for Writers to see how this program develops these critical writing skills and strategies.

Ideament (Formerly Idea Sketch) on the App Store Send Better Email | MailChimp Standard Grade Bitesize English - Newspaper report : Revision Writing Prompts FileZilla - The free FTP solution 20 End of the Year Reflection Questions Here are 20 questions to help you and your students reflect on the school year. You could use these informally for discussion when you have a few minutes or for a more personal reflection experience, take a few of your favorites to use for a survey or as writing/journal prompts. There is also a list of reflection questions for teachers here.What is something we did this year that you think you will remember for the rest of your life? UPDATE: May 2015: I just made these questions into task cards! I recently found out that Laura Candler of Corkbord Connections has posted this terrific freebie called School Year Reflections that could easily be used with the questions on this post. Looking for more open-ended questions to ask your students? Have more to add?

Dragon Dictation on the App Store Dashboards pour la veille des médias sociaux, l'analytique et les alertes How to give feedback on a text On Friday, you will get an essay from someone in another class. You are going to give feedback. To be able to do that, please watch the film. (LGR 11, Kunskapskrav för A år 9: För att förtydliga och variera sin kommunikation kan eleven bearbeta och göra välgrundade förbättringar av egna framställningar) Two Stars and a Wish STARSVariation and vocabulary Your language is varied. Clarity and coherence Your text has good flow. Adaption Your writing is well adapted to your theme. Grammar and spelling Good sentence structure and descriptions. WISHES Variation and vocabulary You could vary your vocabulary more. Clarity and coherence Your text could have better flow. Grammar and spelling You can improve the grammar in your text. Sara
