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‘Save Dehing Patkai’ Hashtag Trending On Social Media. Gruesome death of pregnant elephant turns into a national tragedy for India. Her jaws shattered by a firecracker explosion inside the mouth, a pregnant elephant stood with her trunk dipped in the Velarayi river in Kerala for two days before life ebbed agonisingly out of her.

Gruesome death of pregnant elephant turns into a national tragedy for India

The horrifying death of an elephant, who bit on an explosives-laden pineapple kept in the fields to ward off wild boar, has sparked massive outrage in India, with many top politicians and celebrities taking to social media to express their shock over the tragedy. The beginnings of the gruesome incident came to light on May 23, just outside the Silent Valley National Park, when forest officials spotted an elephant near a water source. The creature was obviously in distress and a veterinarian was called for. His prognosis was grim: a two-week-old wound in the mouth, teeming with maggots and likely excruciating pain. The elephant died in sitting posture in the river on May 27, her mouth and trunk immersed in water, the only way she thought she could have relieved at least some of her pain.

'Tiger King highlighted abuse of majestic beasts - now we must act to ban cruel trade' - Nada Farhoud. How this NGO is addressing the plight of captive elephants in India. The entire world has come to a standstill due to the ongoing lockdown.

How this NGO is addressing the plight of captive elephants in India

With more than 3.7 million cases worldwide, the novel coronavirus has made a lasting impact on the world, and our everyday lives. While humans stay indoors, another section of nature’s diversity takes a breather. Elephants Are ‘Meat’ Under Proposed South Africa Legislation. Proposed South African legislation categorizes threatened and vulnerable species including elephants, rhinoceros, and giraffe as meat.

Elephants Are ‘Meat’ Under Proposed South Africa Legislation

South African citizens were invited to comment on the proposed amendment before 28 April. In February, the Minister of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform published an extensive amendment to schedule 1 of the Meat Safety Act 40 of 2000. The amended Meat act extends the list of animals classified for slaughter, consumption, import, and export. It now includes several endangered animals. Rangers keep up work to protect African wildlife despite pandemic. Wildlife rangers across Africa are continuing to protect animals and reserves despite the coronavirus pandemic, conservationists have said.

Rangers keep up work to protect African wildlife despite pandemic

The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) has released images of rangers at two projects it supports in Kenya and Zimbabwe continuing their work to look after threatened wildlife such as elephants. But, because of Covid-19, they are not able to return to their homes and families between their shifts, while a lack of tourism has had a huge impact on local communities and economic pressure has increased the risk of poaching. Rangers still hard at work include Team Lioness, eight women working to protect wildlife from poachers and safeguard people from conflicts with elephants and other animals in community lands that surround Kenya’s Amboseli National Park, on the border with Tanzania.

Community ranger Ruth Sikeita said: “I look after wild animals, providing security for the wildlife. From the burbs to the bush, animals are reclaiming and exploring the world during coronavirus - ABC News. Rangers keep up work to protect African wildlife despite pandemic. Elephants Are ‘Meat’ Under Proposed South Africa Legislation. New findings highlight threatened status of forest elephants. EUGENE, Ore. -- April 29, 2020 -- Conservation efforts for the African forest elephant have been hindered by how little is known the large animal, according to researchers.

New findings highlight threatened status of forest elephants

A newly published study by a 10-member international research team, including University of Oregon biological anthropologist Nelson Ting, offers new information that could help to understand and protect the elephants amid increasing threats to their existence. The team's study, published in PLOS ONE, suggests that the forest elephant population size is smaller than believed, leaving the species in an even graver position than previously acknowledged. This is based on one of the largest known populations, the researchers concluded, being 40 to 80 percent smaller than previously suggested. The new findings provide insights into a revised population count and social behavior of the forest elephants, Loxodonta cyclotis. Savanna elephants roam open landscapes. Links: About Nelson Ting: Ting Lab: Elephant calf rescued from river is back on his feet.

A baby elephant has been rescued from drowning in a fast-flowing African river after narrowly avoiding being eaten by a lion.

Elephant calf rescued from river is back on his feet

The male calf, nicknamed Lucky and thought to be a few weeks old, had his anguished cries answered by rangers at Kenya’s Samburu National Reserve. Lucky, or Lomunyak in the local Maa language, is recovering at an elephant orphanage, where he is being fed on demand with special milk and sleeping alongside his keepers. Claw bite marks on his head and legs attest to his narrow escape. Herd of wild Asian Elephants videotaped in Mondulkiri province. About 13 wild Asian elephants have recently been found in Srepok Wildlife Sanctuary in Mondulkiri, a northeastern province of Cambodia.

Herd of wild Asian Elephants videotaped in Mondulkiri province

“It is such a fascinating wildlife encounter! WWF’s wildlife researchers had a close encounter with a herd of wild Asian elephants in mid-April, while they were monitoring wildlife in the WWF’s supported Srepok Wildlife Sanctuary, under the management of the Mondulkiri Provincial Department of Environment of the Ministry of Environment,” said WWF-Cambodia in a statement. WWF’s scientists described that there were about 5 adults, 4 calves and about 4 juveniles Asian elephants captured in this video. The calves were observed to stay alongside their mothers, with some of them put the trunk on the side of the mom, while the herd was resting peacefully in this deciduous dipterocarp forest, said the statement. Related Posts. Endangered species throw roadblock in path of Rosemont Copper mine – Cronkite News – Angels for Elephants.

Controversial Trophy Hunting Council Disbanded Amid Legal Battle – NPR – Angels for Elephants. This endangered wolf traveled nearly 9,000 miles to find love. She was found dead. – USA TODAY – Angels for Elephants. Judge repeals wildlife agency’s approval of copper mine due to endangered species threat – KVOA Tucson News – Angels for Elephants. Lawmakers seek greater protections for endangered species – WCTV – Angels for Elephants.

Group seeks endangered species listing for Alaska lake seals – WTOP – Angels for Elephants. House panel OKs bill to undo Trump changes to Endangered Species Act – Foothills Focus – Angels for Elephants. Today: 400 Endangered Species Condoms to Be Given Away in Boise – Center for Biological Diversity – Angels for Elephants.