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Monsieur Loken et son sentier - Sports - Accès Laurentides - le journal indépendant des Laurentides. Aujourd’hui âgé de 89 ans, M.

Monsieur Loken et son sentier - Sports - Accès Laurentides - le journal indépendant des Laurentides

Loken a quitté sa Norvège natale pour s’établir au Canada en 1953. Près de six ans plus tard, il commençait à défricher la piste qui porte désormais son nom et qui relie Sainte-Anne-des-Lacs et Saint-Sauveur. «J’avais acheté une maison aux abords du lac Cupidon et il n’y avait pas de sentiers de marche. En arrivant ici, j’avais donc besoin d’un sentier», explique M. Loken avec un regard rieur. Merle Barwis is Canada’s last remaining link to the Victorian era. Canada’s oldest citizen — and the country’s last living link to the Victorian era — celebrated her 113th birthday just before Christmas at a B.C. residential hospital.

Merle Barwis is Canada’s last remaining link to the Victorian era

And after a year in which Merle Barwis’s extreme longevity placed her among the 13 oldest people on the planet and the among 10th longest-lived Canadians of all time, the Vancouver Island resident Monday also becomes the oldest British Columbian ever at 113 years and 14 days. But life for the U.S. -born, Saskatchewan-raised Barwis still involves more than merely reaching such impressive milestones. Her continuing reign as the country’s senior “super-centenarian” — that’s anyone 110 years of age or older — includes frequent visits from family at the suburban Victoria health centre where she lives, special events such as the Dec. 23 birthday party held in her honour, and a regular rekindling of memories over cups of coffee or the occasional bottle of beer. Fabulous Fashionistas.

Laura Bouchard fête ses 107 ans. MATANE - La doyenne de la Matanie Laura Bouchard a fêté ses 107 ans dimanche, au Foyer d’accueil de Matane, en présence de membres de sa famille, d’amis et du député-ministre de Matane-Matapédia, Pascal Bérubé.

Laura Bouchard fête ses 107 ans

Il s’agit de la personne la plus âgée à avoir vécu dans la région de Matane. Née le 29 septembre 1906, elle explique sa longévité par une bonne alimentation. Atteinte de surdité, indiquent des proches, elle mange et se met au lit seule. Elle se déplace la plupart du temps en fauteuil roulant, ou marche avec l’aide de quelqu’un. Mariée deux fois. Voile et identité: une ursuline se rappelle un autre débat. Q Qu'est-ce qui a déclenché l'écriture de votre lettre au Soleil (à lire ci-dessous)?

Voile et identité: une ursuline se rappelle un autre débat

R Quand j'ai lu qu'une femme voilée avait été insultée dans un centre commercial à Québec [Badia Senouci], ç'a réveillé des souvenirs. Je l'étais aussi, insultée, comme je le raconte dans ma lettre. Dans les trains, les hommes ivres nous trouvaient tout de suite. C'était achalant. Ça ne donnait pas lieu à un article dans le journal. This 80-Year-Old Is Spreading Kindness And Hope In The Most Unlikely Place. SuEllen Fried, 80, is a far cry from your typical grandmother of seven.

This 80-Year-Old Is Spreading Kindness And Hope In The Most Unlikely Place

Every week, she visits prisons in Kansas, where she meets with inmates who range from drug and sex offenders to murderers facing life sentences. They've all committed crimes, and they all want to turn their lives around. "I'm addicted to personal transformations," Fried tells The Huffington Post. It's an addiction that has led Fried -- an anti-bullying activist and the founder of Reaching Out From Within (ROFW), a volunteer program that teaches Kansas prison inmates the principle of nonviolence -- to build a life that revolves around helping others, particularly those who have been abused or marginalized, reach their highest potential. During her visits to the state's 18 prisons, the Prairie Village, Kan., resident talks with inmates and listens to them participate in weekly ROFW meetings, which offer coaching in stress relief, nonviolence, kindness and empathy.

We believe that no one has the right to hit anyone. Mary Gale kept her Jewish identity secret for 70 years. There is a list of horrors rattling around inside Mary Gale’s head.

Mary Gale kept her Jewish identity secret for 70 years

The 86-year-old tells me the story of her life, starting from the happy beginning as a girl growing up in a middle-class Jewish family in Lodz, Poland, a family that, like so many other Jewish families would be torn apart by the horrors of the Holocaust. But Mary Gale has spent the past 70 years living with a burdensome secret, a lie she no longer wishes to conceal.

She can pinpoint exactly when the lie began because it had to begin somewhere in order for her to survive. Her father, Menachem, obtained false identity papers for the family and, in 1939, at the stroke of a forger’s pen Miriam Zimmerman — a blond-haired, blue-eyed Polish Jew — became Mary Plochocka, a blond-haired, blue-eyed Polish Gentile. It was a sleight of hand that ultimately saved Miriam Zimmerman’s life and a life-giving lie she continued to live with even after the war. It is amazing what seeing these things can do to a mind. Jeannette Pellerin perd sa place au CA. SAINTE-AGATHE-DES-MONTS - Onde de choc au sein du club de patinage artistique de Sainte-Agathe.

Jeannette Pellerin perd sa place au CA

Après plus de 40 années d’implication, Jeannette Pellerin, la grande dame du patinage artistique à Sainte-Agathe, n’a pas été réélue le 24 avril au sein du conseil d’administration du CPA. La fondatrice du club a en effet été battue lors des élections. Les 43 personnes présentes à l’assemblée générale annuelle et ayant droit de vote ont réélu Jeannine Marion, Manon Aubuchon et Danielle Godon et ont élu une nouvelle venue, Sophie Vézina.

Rejointe par L’Information du Nord samedi, Jeannette Pellerin était évidemment sous le choc. Grey Cavalier « A fine site. Oldest newsagent in Britain still working aged 96 (... and he only quit being a paperboy aged 88) Charlie Reynolds 'retired' in the 1980s but got up early every morning to help his son run the family storeHe will retire next year at the same time as his son Charlie jnr who will be 65Charlie jnr has had just ONE holiday in the last 50 years By Rob Cooper Updated: 14:13 GMT, 28 January 2012 Britain's oldest newsagent is still working aged 96 - and was still doing his paper round until he was 88.

Oldest newsagent in Britain still working aged 96 (... and he only quit being a paperboy aged 88)

Charlie Reynolds, who started delivering papers 64 years ago, still gets up at 6am every day to cycle to his family shop in Swindon, Wiltshire. 8 Simple Digital Tools for Scanning Documents. This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business.

8 Simple Digital Tools for Scanning Documents

Small business and startup employees are constantly on the go. They need quick, mobile solutions for scanning, storing, organizing and sharing important documents. Eager to empty that box full of receipts? Looking for an easy and secure way to send signed documents? We've found eight apps and tools that seamlessly scan and file your most important documents and keepsakes.

What other tools have proved useful when scanning and integrating your own documents? Step-by-Step Guide to Oral History. IV.

Step-by-Step Guide to Oral History

Issues in Oral History Research Once a project is under way, we need to assess and ensure the accuracy of the data gathered. We have to face the question: how accurate is this oral history? At the very least, we must be aware of the limitations of oral history in order not to mislead ourselves into believing that oral history automatically yields accurate renditions of past events. Because oral history depends upon living people as sources, we have limits; we can go back one lifetime. Webcam 101 for Seniors.... George Zimbel. George S. Zimbel continues to produce new work and print previously unseen images from his archive. His activity reflects his feeling that creative people speed up as they get older because they have a backlog of ideas and projects along with the realization that time is finite.

George Zimbel has been married to Elaine Sernovitz, a writer and psychotherapist since 1955. They have four children: Matt, Andrew, Ike, and Jodi and nine grandchildren. They live in Montreal, their city of choice. In an era of increased manipulation of the photographic image by computer technology, Zimbel's commitment to the "straight" photograph has become stronger. Timeline. Salon Fygaro: de Perry Como à René Lévesque. Les coupes de cheveux changent. Mais pas Cesare Barone. Depuis toujours, à Snowdon. Un demi-siècle de musique italienne. Publié le 26 juillet 2011 à 10h41 | Mis à jour le 26 juillet 2011 à 13h52 Leon Vellone, le plus vieux disquaire italien de Montréal, et sa femme Maria-Louisa dans leur commerce. Photo: Alain Roberge, La Presse Cet hiver, quand le public a appris que la Rôtisserie Laurier allait fermer ses portes pour se transformer, les files d'attente y sont revenues.

Comme si l'annonce de la disparition d'une institution de la métropole, telle qu'on la connaissait, avait ravivé nos liens affectifs avec le vieux commerce. Montréal compte de nombreux classiques de ce genre auxquels nous sommes attachés, qui protègent et entretiennent nos souvenirs tout en ancrant la mémoire de la ville.

Leon Vellone dans son magasin au début des années 60. Photoreproduction: Alain Roberge, La Presse «Je ne suis pas venu au Canada pour changer d'air. Le crâne dégarni, les sourcils en broussaille, Leon Vellone trône au milieu de son magasin comme un roi dans son royaume. On ne sait pas si M. Une bouchée du Mile-End de Mordecai. Pantalons Supérieur: Sam le recordman. «J'avais 12 ans. Je travaillais la fin de semaine, dit-il. Au début, je faisais les ourlets des pantalons. Ça ne payait pas cher. Ensuite, quand papa est devenu trop malade, j'ai fait les achats dans les manufactures. J'ai appris sur le tas» Demo.