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EWICON bladeless wind turbine generates electricity using charged water droplets

EWICON bladeless wind turbine generates electricity using charged water droplets
Dutch researchers have developed the EWICON, a bladeless windmill with no moving parts that produces electricity by pushing charged water droplets into the wind Image Gallery (2 images) Wind energy may be one of the more sustainable sources of power available, but the spinning blades of conventional wind turbines require regular maintenance and have attracted criticism from bird lovers. That might explain why we've seen wind turbine prototypes that enclose the blades in a chamber or replace them entirely with a disc-like system. But researchers in the Netherlands set out to eliminate the need for a mechanical component entirely and created the EWICON, a bladeless wind turbine with no moving parts that produces electricity using charged water droplets. Where most wind turbines generate electricity through mechanical energy, the EWICON (short for Electrostatic WInd energy CONvertor) creates potential energy with charged particles – in this case, water droplets. About the Author Related:  Energy Sources & Generation

Trees used to create recyclable, efficient solar cell Solar cells are just like leaves, capturing the sunlight and turning it into energy. It's fitting that they can now be made partially from trees. Georgia Institute of Technology and Purdue University researchers have developed efficient solar cells using natural substrates derived from plants such as trees. Just as importantly, by fabricating them on cellulose nanocrystal (CNC) substrates, the solar cells can be quickly recycled in water at the end of their lifecycle. The technology is published in the journal Scientific Reports, the latest open-access journal from the Nature Publishing Group. The researchers report that the organic solar cells reach a power conversion efficiency of 2.7 percent, an unprecedented figure for cells on substrates derived from renewable raw materials. Georgia Tech College of Engineering Professor Bernard Kippelen led the study and says his team's project opens the door for a truly recyclable, sustainable and renewable solar cell technology.

Quem calcula os custos do automóvel nas cidades? - opiniao - versaoimpressa Parece inacreditável, mas o alarme vem das montadoras de automóveis - as mais interessadas em vender seus produtos. Texto de Cleide Silva na edição de 13/8 deste jornal informa que o "excesso de automóveis (mais 80 milhões de veículos no mercado global este ano) já preocupa as montadoras no mundo" e por isso "o trânsito nas megacidades leva fabricantes a incentivar debate sobre saída para o caos". Nesta mesma hora, o tema mal chega às campanhas para as eleições municipais no Brasil. Professor universitário especialista na matéria, trazido por uma das montadoras, o alemão Michael Schrekenberg impressionou-se com o caos paulistano e chegou a sugerir inspeções rigorosas de veículos para evitar quebras e interrupções no trânsito, controle das emissões de poluentes, ampliação dos acostamentos, criação de faixas exclusivas para carros com mais de uma pessoa, "trens para ligar regiões da metrópole às periféricas". As soluções, entretanto, terão de ser rápidas.

New discovery could mean making fuel from carbon in atmosphere CleanTechnica If we’ve learned anything from the totality of human history, it is that if we ever find anything in great enough abundance, we’ll try to use it for something that benefits us. One need only look at the coal deposits, forests, and oceans for proof of this. This instinctual human trait has been the cause of numerous conflicts and problems, including the highly publicised anthropogenic global warming that has caused our current climate change. Our atmosphere is slowly suffocating on increased levels of carbon dioxide which are trapping heat and warming our planet, slowly melting the ice caps, raising the sea level, and pushing warmer latitudes closer to the poles. But now, researchers at the University of Georgia, USA, have found something that we have in abundance and created something useful out of it. “What this discovery means is that we can remove plants as the middleman,” said Adams, who is co-author of the study.

A difícil decisão de viver nas ruas - Vida e Cidadania Pesquisa revela que conflitos familiares, desemprego e fracasso escolar estão entre as causas que levam as pessoas a morar ao relento Acostumados aos olhares indiferentes dos que passam, eles carregam histórias tristes e conflituosas que dificilmente ganham voz no meio da multidão. São pessoas que por diversos motivos deixaram seus lares para tentar a sorte na rua e agora buscam no álcool e nas drogas uma forma de anestesiar a amargura, o frio e a falta de esperança. Mas o que leva alguém a decidir viver ao relento, sem endereço fixo? Um estudo inédito coordenado pelo doutor em Sociologia Lindomar Boneti, da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR), revela que são três as principais causas: conflitos familiares, desemprego e fracasso escolar. “Geralmente as causas estão dentro do seio familiar. Adeus às ruas, após 20 anos Foram mais de 20 anos morando embaixo de marquises e dormindo sob o sereno da noite. Relacionamento O casal se conhece há 11 meses. Políticas públicas

New gas plants about to be priced out of electricity market If you blinked, you probably missed it. The so-called dash-for-gas, hailed by its promoters as the cleanest and most efficient transition from dirty to clean energy, may stall pretty much before it started: the fuel is being priced out of the market. This is the growing conclusion from a range of market analysts, who suggest the anticipated doubling of gas prices caused by the new LNG export arket, the falling cost of renewable alternatives, and the lack of demand means the anticipated boom in gas-fired generation will not occur. There is simply no new demand for base-load gas generators (called combined cycle of CCGT) and the carbon price is insufficient to cause a fuel switch from coal to gas, as has happened in the US. Even peaking gas plants are not required and may be priced out of the market by solar PV, or solar thermal with storage by the end of the decade. Here’s reminder of what Citi said in its report last week, and a reprint of a telling graph:

6 tendências em negócios sustentáveis que não dá mais para ignorar - Sustentabilidade Pesquisa | 17/04/2012 12:30 Pesquisa da Ernst & Young em parceria com o grupo GreenBiz aponta os avanços e desafios socioambientais que estão pautando a agenda dos líderes empresariais Stock Xchng Um em cada seis diretores financeiros está “muito envolvido” com a sustentabilidade empresarial São Paulo - Gerar valor para os acionistas e a sociedade, no longo prazo, reduzindo ao mínimo o impacto sobre o meio ambiente, é o fio condutor dos negócios sustentáveis. No intuito de mapear as principais iniciativas empresariais na revolução verde – e também seus desafios – a Ernst & Young, em parceria com o grupo GreenBiz, entrevistou 272 executivos de empresas com faturamento acima de um bilhão de dólares em 24 setores. 1 - Ser verde gera vantagem competitiva Um número crescente de grandes e médias empresas está empenhado em mudar a forma de fazer negócios. Além de crescer em número, os relatórios também estão chamando a atenção de investidores e acionistas.

Solar panels could destroy U.S. utilities, according to U.S. utilities Solar power and other distributed renewable energy technologies could lay waste to U.S. power utilities and burn the utility business model, which has remained virtually unchanged for a century, to the ground. That is not wild-eyed hippie talk. It is the assessment of the utilities themselves. Back in January, the Edison Electric Institute — the (typically stodgy and backward-looking) trade group of U.S. investor-owned utilities — released a report [PDF] that, as far as I can tell, went almost entirely without notice in the press. I’ve been thinking about how to convey to you, normal people with healthy social lives and no time to ponder the byzantine nature of the power industry, just what a big deal the coming changes are. So, just a bit of background. This complexity makes it difficult to generalize about utilities … or to discuss them without putting people to sleep. Thrilling, I know. It’s worse than that, though. But wait. Indeed! That’s how it starts. Did you follow that?

Corrupção: crime contra a sociedade Segundo a Transparência Internacional, o Brasil comparece como um dos países mais corruptos do mundo. Sobre 91 analisados, ocupa o 69% lugar. Aqui ela é histórica, foi naturalizada, vale dizer, considerada com um dado natural, é atacada só posteriormente quando já ocorreu e tiver atingido muitos milhões de reais e goza de ampla impunidade. Os dados são estarrecedores: segundo a Fiesp (Federação das Indústrias de São Paulo) anualmente ela representa 84.5 bilhões de reais. Só estes dados denunciam a gravidade do crime contra a sociedade que a corrupção representa. Comecemos com a palavra corrupção. Como se explica a corrupção no Brasil? A histórica: somos herdeiros de uma perversa herança colonial e escravocrata que marcou nossos hábitos. A política: a base da corrupção política reside no patrimonialismo, na indigente democracia e no capitalismo sem regras. Devemos dizer que o capitalismo aqui e no mundo é em sua lógica, corrupto, embora aceito socialmente. Por que isso? Curtir isso:

Distributed generation: Fuel cells for on-site power plants Courtesy ofNick Fontaine The Inland Empire Utilities Agency’s Regional Water Recycling Plant No. 1 sits next to a golf course 40 miles east of downtown Los Angeles. It’s been treating wastewater from the small city of Ontario and other nearby exurbs since 1948. It was unremarkable, that is, until last October. Fuel cells solved a number of problems for the agency, all of which point to why these “distributed generation” facilities should become a growing source of electricity. The treatment plant produces a lot of solid organic waste from the 44 million gallons of wastewater it processes daily. The fuel cells convert that liability into an asset by making electricity from the methane. So: Waste from the treatment plant goes into digester, methane comes out, methane goes into fuel cell, electricity to run the treatment plant comes out, along with heat for the digester. Initial cost to IEUA? After Jimmy Carter created the Department of Energy, fuel cells got their second big boost.
