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Education Futures

Education Futures
Related:  Evaluación

Boletín LLECE: La importancia de las habilidades no cognitivas en la educación post-2015 A medida que el movimiento global ‘Educación para Todos’ (EPT) se acerca al fin de su ciclo en el año 2015, llega para los países el momento de dar cuenta de los logros alcanzados y los desafíos pendientes con respecto a las seis Metas que fundamentan la iniciativa EPT. En los últimos años la región América Latina y Caribe ha logrado progreso internacionalmente reconocido en las seis metas de EPT. Se destacan por ejemplo logros en cobertura y acceso a la educación, en todos los niveles del sistema escolar. Cabe sin embargo subrayar la meta 6, correspondiente a la calidad de la educación, la cual está crónicamente retrasada en la región, y que es el principal objetivo de estudio del Laboratorio Latinoamericano de Evaluación de la Calidad de la Educación de la UNESCO (LLECE). La comunidad educativa internacional desarrolla actualmente esfuerzos para el diseño de la agenda educacional post-2015. Este enfoque se refleja en pruebas internacionales, por ejemplo TIMSS, PISA y TERCE.

Nine key characteristics of knowmads in Society 3.0 A knowmad is what I have previously termed a nomadic knowledge and innovation worker – that is, a creative, imaginative, and innovative person who can work with almost anybody, anytime, and anywhere. Moreover, knowmads are valued for the personal knowledge that they possess, and this knowledge gives them a competitive advantage. Industrial society is giving way to knowledge and innovation work. In Invisible Learning, Cristóbal Cobo and I presented a “passport of skills for a knowmad” (p. 57). Knowmads… Are not restricted to a specific age. The remixing of places and social relationships is also impacting education. These questions –and more– will be explored further in the book Knowmad Society, which will be released later this year. Note: Due to current social structures that limit participation in the new society (i.e., access to pooled health insurance), the largest growth in knowmadic workers today are among youth and older workers.

Meta-Collaboration: Thinking With Another What if we could dramatically improve our thought processes and learning strategies by tapping into the social genius of another? What if a classmate, colleague, or friend could help us recognize and claim our strengths, new habits of thought, and strategies from a perspective that we never imagined by ourselves? As human beings, our survival depends on others. Ushering in the Conceptual Age The two aspects of being human that set us apart from other mammals are metacognition and the deep desire to belong or feel felt. Feeling the emotions of others, social acceptance, and cooperation are critical to our early development of the identity and industry stages. Design to change the world in significant ways Story or narrative skills focused on understanding Symphony and synthesis Empathy Play The pursuit of meaning To empathize and make meaning out of our cooperative experiences using the imagination is our reason for bringing metacognitive collaboration into the classroom. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Rethinking human capital development in Knowmad Society Note: This text is adapted from the original Spanish-language text that I wrote for the first Chapter 1 in Invisible Learning (a book co-written with Cristóbal Cobo). An updated and expanded version of this text will also appear in the next volume, Knowmad Society, due for release later in 2012, and is being shared early to ignite discussion for the upcoming On the Horizon special issue on “Borderless Society.” (The call for papers is still open.) This working paper presents a framework for conceptualizing changes in society, driven by the forces of globalization, transformations of knowledge society, and accelerating change. The paradoxical co-existence of “Education 1.0” in “Society 3.0” Society 1.0 Society 1.0 refers to the agricultural to industrial-based society that was largely present through the 18th century through the end of the 20th century. The rise of the industrial economy saw growth in wage and salary-based enterprises. Society 2.0 Society 3.0 Figure 1. [Note. Knowmads:

Los principios de la evaluación La evaluación es metodología de trabajo La evaluación es un proceso De las funciones de la evaluación y de las características antes mencionadas se desprende que ésta constituye un proceso integral que abarca el progreso académico del alumno (información, conocimientos, interpretación, etc.) y sus actitudes, intereses, hábitos de trabajo, etc. Evaluación de procesos y productos Entre los instrumentos de esta naturaleza se hallan las escalas de procesos y productos educativos. Con las técnicas audiovisuales modernas existen medios como el vídeo y las diferentes formas de grabación para registrar los procesos y los productos, pero en los centros carentes de recursos hay que emplear procedimientos más rudimentarios. Con respecto a los procesos, pueden considerarse dos principales aspectos: los relacionados con la eficiencia y los relacionados con la exactitud. El momento de la pre-tarea no debe ser eludido por el profesor. Es en esta fase donde comienza el proceso de evaluación.

Knowmads, Infocology of the future La Evaluación de Estudiantes en la Era Digital | Comunidad UAM® TIC Como educadores olvidamos en el día a día que una de las fuerzas que moldean en mayor medida el comportamiento de nuestros estudiantes es la evaluación. En muchos casos pretendemos que es el deseo de aprender, el gusto por la asignatura o la simpatía del docente lo que guía a los estudiantes a lo largo del semestre académico, pero no. La cruda realidad es que los estudiantes se ven moldeados por la evaluación, pueden saber mucho, puede gustarles mucho la asignatura, pueden adorar al docente, su objetivo es pasar las evaluaciones y pasar el semestre. Esto ya es una conclusión de peso que debería obligarnos a los docentes a replantear constantemente la forma como planteamos las evaluaciones. Aquí está entonces la traducción: Tony Bates La historia hasta ahora El capítulo 5 de mi libro de texto «Enseñanza en la era digital» Teaching in a Digital Age es acerca de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje, y lo estoy escribiendo y publicando a medida que avanzo. Evaluación del alumno Earle, 2003 En conclusión

Invisible Learning Los Objetos Digitales de Aprendizaje (ODAs)- Un portal de historia y TIC Un recurso digital de aprendizaje es en rigor cualquier elemento en formato digital destinado a un proceso educativo, por que en esta conceptualización podemos encontrar, aplicaciones, programas, textos multimedia, videos, audios y una larga variedad de recursos en formato digital que están destinados al aprendizaje, pero sin estándares ni secuencias formativas específicas, situación por la cual es necesario precisar la conceptualización para referirse a un objeto digital de aprendizaje, un recurso estándar que posee una secuencia formativa y que está destinado a ser una pieza dentro de una secuencia. Pero después de muchas conceptualizaciones quien mejor que el propio creador del concepto para explicarlo, al señalar que un objeto de aprendizaje es “una colección de objetos de información ensamblada usando metadatos para corresponder a las necesidades y personalidad de un aprendiz en particular. • Propósito pedagógico: el objetivo es asegurar un proceso de aprendizaje satisfactorio. 1.

Exponential Thinking At Singularity University The Matrix is real… and everyone here at NASA for the GSP has taken the red pill. If you recall in the movie, Neo is startled, puzzled, and quite frankly scared when Morpheus first introduces him to the reality of reality. But here at Singularity University, the participants have hit the ground running, as if they’ve known this to be their fate all along. During our introduction to the program, CEO Rob Nail (acting as Morpheus) explained the importance of having an open mind throughout the experience and embracing the unknown. Can you see the dog? Throughout the first week we covered the basics of the 10 tracks that make up our curriculum. During the program, there are two key principles that juxtapose everything we learn: exponential technologies are powerful, and this power can be harnessed for good. In doing so, it becomes apparent that thinking about the future is truly a brain teaser. Exponential vs Linear Curve Life in exponential times...

5 Fantastic, Fast, Formative Assessment Tools I thought I could read my students' body language. I was wrong. As an experiment, I used Socrative when I taught binary numbers. What I learned forever changed my views on being a better teacher. Why Formative Assessment Makes Better Teachers Formative assessment is done as students are learning. Here's what happened in my classroom. "We've got this, it's easy," they said. I looked at the other students and asked, "Do you have this?" They nodded their heads furiously up and down in a "yes." My teacher instincts said that everyone knew it, but I decided to experiment. I was floored. I taught for another few minutes and gave them another problem. But the end result was not what you think. I am sold. Good teachers in every subject will adjust their teaching based upon what students know at each point. Formative Assessment Toolkit Learn the strengths and weaknesses of each tool. 1. Socrative can be used for quick quizzes and also on the fly, as I've already shared. 2. 3. 4. 5.

“Alpha Thinkers” are the Transhuman Wave of the Future Posted: Mon, February 18, 2013 | By: Eric Schulke Alpha thinkers are creatives, innovators, pioneers. They acutely and agilely navigate an abundance of diverse, fallacy aware thinking. The alpha thinker can’t bring themselves to live at the last outpost and not venture further. They cannot resist poking their finger through the realm of sub atomic particles. They can’t stay on this side of the atmosphere. Thanks to Hans Berger’s early 20th century creation of the Electroencephalography machine (EEG) for measuring electricity in the brain, we can see that the brain contains what we now call the Alpha, Beta, Theta and Delta waves. Studies reported in Scientific America find that, “highly creative people tend to produce more brain waves in the alpha range (a frequency of eight to 12 hertz, or cycles per second) during creative tasks than do less creative people. An eccentric or a creative alone does not necessarily connote an alpha thinker. “not all eccentric individuals are creative.

