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Reduce PCOS Thinning Hair & Excessive Body Hair Growth With Saw Palmetto. One of the most difficult side effects of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) for some women, is hair thinning and/or excess facial and body hair growth known as Hirsutism.

Reduce PCOS Thinning Hair & Excessive Body Hair Growth With Saw Palmetto

Not all women with PCOS experience this, but many do. It can be extremely hard to control and embarrassing; lowering the quality of life for these women. In women with Hirsutism related to PCOS, there is a link pointing to excessive androgenic hormones. These androgenic hormones include testosterone, androstenedione, and DHEA. Women with PCOS tend to have higher levels of the androgen testosterone. Starving Cancer: The High-fat Ketogenic Diet. Health Impact News Editor Comments: CBN has a winner in Lorie Johnson!

Starving Cancer: The High-fat Ketogenic Diet

Lorie did a wonderful report on Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s last year (See: CBN Reports on Coconut Oil for Alzheimer’s), and now has followed up with a wonderful report and interview with Pat Robertson on the benefits of the ketogenic diet, and how this diet actually destroys cancer cells. Watch the entire 11 minute video which covers so many great topics, including why research like this is unknown to your doctor because it is diet-based and cannot benefit the pharmaceutical companies. She also covers the “cholesterol myth” which has plagued our culture for years now. Bravo Lorie! Great job… Read the full story here: - Online Yoga Classes and Streaming Yoga Videos.

Reduce widespread inflammation in your body with these foods. (NaturalNews) A primary cause of chronic illness for many people is systemic inflammation, and particularly the kind that goes unaddressed or even mostly unnoticed until it eventually progresses into a full-blown chronic disease.

Reduce widespread inflammation in your body with these foods

High blood pressure, bacterial and viral infections, arthritis, acid reflux, premature aging, heart disease, cancer, and many other common health conditions are often associated with, or even the product of, systemic inflammation, which means the only real way to counteract them is to correct and eliminate this inflammation at its core.

And the best way to do this is through implementing comprehensive lifestyle and dietary changes rather than taking pharmaceutical drugs, the latter of which can cause unintended harm in the form of damaging side effects. If chronic, low-grade inflammation is affecting your own health, the following foods and herbs can help reduce and even eliminate it naturally without the need for drugs: Goldenseal facts (Hydrastis canadensis) - Planet Botanic Canada. Health, Naturally! Turmeric Cures. Giving Turmeric to Children [YEA] 06/27/2010: Kristi from Santa Rosa, Ca: "Re: Giving turmeric to babies or children Turmeric has completely helped my husband and I deal with boils - after 2 or 3 each we have had no more.

Turmeric Cures

We mixed turmeric with warm water and milk to drink, and also applied paste of turmeric and honey. But when my daughter developed extremely large painful ones, we weren't initially able to get any turmeric inside her. So we tried a few tricks that we don't normally turn to, and she's done better with them. External applications of turmeric are also fine for children, and draw out pus very quickly. Here are some suggestions for parents who want to try giving turmeric orally to kids; I hope they can help someone! 1) Curcumin in capsules has a less offensive taste than straight turmeric -- we sometimes use that in our dosing by breaking open the capsules and using half the powder each time. Best to try when your child is hungry! Good luck everyone. " Replies Stay tuned...

" Vinegar and Honey Remedy. The health benefits of the apple cider vinegar and honey drink are widely known.

Vinegar and Honey Remedy

This recipe has traditionally been used as an at-home self remedy for many ailments, and even as an anti-aging elixir. Many people have recognised and made use of its cleansing and disinfecting properties to self-detoxify their body. It is seen as a powerful cleansing agent and natural healing elixir with naturally occurring antibiotic and antiseptic that fights germs and bacteria.

Alkaline-Forming Diet So, how does this vinegar and honey remedy actually work? Raw fruits, leafy green vegetables, legumes, and tea are examples of alkaline forming or promoting foods. Acidity of Vinegar for Health Dr D. How about honey? Honey added to the vinegar naturally makes the mixture more drinkable for people. When you first drink the apple cider vinegar formula, it might not taste too pleasant, especially if your taste buds don't take well to fermented juice, but this is subjective. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Eucalyptus Oil - a Natural Pain Reliever and Anti-Inflammatory. I suffer from chronic pain, but do not want to live my life medicated.

Eucalyptus Oil - a Natural Pain Reliever and Anti-Inflammatory

I search for alternative ways to deal with my arthritis and fibromyalgia. My doctor is fantastic in that he acknowledges and understands the uses of herbal remedies. He helps his patients find a balance of natural remedies and prescription drugs. I appreciate this approach to medicine and find myself sending patients his way. Two summers ago, I happened across a booth at a flea market in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee where they were selling an all-natural cure for inflammatory diseases. When we got home from our trip, I researched the product.