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How Culture Shapes Our Senses. Photo.

How Culture Shapes Our Senses

Mind's Eye; the Brain relies constantly on Visual Memories. Kettle Resembles Hitler On J.C. Penney Billboard, Passersby Say (PHOTO) 3.1.3 Paradigms & Perception. - StumbleUpon. Radiolab052112a. Why do radiologists miss dancing gorillas? 15 February 2013Last updated at 21:10 ET By Lorna Stewart Health Check, BBC World Service.

Why do radiologists miss dancing gorillas?

TEDxUIUC - Daniel Simons - Counter-Intuition. Inside NOVA: Change Blindness. ΒβC's βrain Story - Complete Series. Welcome to YouTube! The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results.To change your location filter, please use the links in the footer at the bottom of the page. Click "OK" to accept this setting, or click "Cancel" to set your location filter to "Worldwide".

The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results. To change your country filter, please use the links in the footer at the bottom of the page. Sense Perception - Tok - Mr. 0' Perception - The awareness of things through our five senses- sight, sound, touch, taste and smell... an active process...our experience of the world is affected not only by what is 'out there' (the data our senses collect), but also by the structure of our sense organs and our minds.

Sense Perception - Tok - Mr. 0'

Perception is really a two step process involving: Perception are the result of a psychological process that combines what our eyes see with what we already think, feel, know, want, and believe, and then uses this combination of sensory information and preexisting knowledge to construct our perception of reality. Perception Filters - Personal factors that create differences in our individual sense perception.

Optical Illusions - Silencing... 'Silencing' is an illusion that happens when an object that is moving is also changing it's appearance.

Optical Illusions - Silencing...

Normally we can immediately tell if an object becomes lighter or darker, if it changes colour, or if it changes shape. However a recent paper by Jordan Suchow and George Alvarez (Suchow and Alvarez, Motion Silences Awareness of Visual Change, Current Biology (2011), doi:10.1016/j.cub.2010.12.019) of Harvard University, published in January 2011, shows something quite extraordinary.

They created a number of videos in which an array of dots change their appearance. In one video, the dots keep changing their colour, in another, they keep changing their shape. Optical Illusions - The Hidden Tiger. Test Your Awareness : Whodunnit? Synesthesia's blended senses. If you ask Emma Anders about the number five, she'll tell you that it's red.

Synesthesia's blended senses

She'll also tell you that five is a mischievous, self-centered brat — like a kid throwing a temper tantrum at a party. "Two is yellow, three is purple, four is an intense sky blue," says the 21-year old student at UC San Diego. "An eight is very noble and kind of held together, almost like a parent figure to five. BBC Radio 4 - In Our Time, Perception and the Senses. Project Implicit® Optical Illusions and Other Visual Oddities. Take The Color Challenge: How Well Can You See Color? Brokeback Spoofs: Tough Guys Unmasked. You Saw What in ‘Avatar’? Pass Those 3-D Glasses! How Do We See Red? Count the Ways.

No Picture Tells the Truth The Best Do Better Than That. Published: January 9, 2005 WO Mondays ago, the scale of the Indian Ocean catastrophe was just emerging from the incomplete earlier reports (from a Times article the day before: a tidal wave had "killed more than 150 people in Sri Lanka").

No Picture Tells the Truth The Best Do Better Than That

By the 4:30 Page 1 meeting, picture editors had examined more than 900 images of devastation to find the one that would stretch across five columns and nearly half the depth of Tuesday's front page. Into a million homes came a grieving mother crouched beside the lifeless bodies of tiny children [photo], and perhaps more horrifying, three pairs of feet extending from beneath a white sheet in an upper corner, suggesting the presence beyond the frame of row upon awful row of the tsunami's pitiless toll. Many readers and at least a few members of The Times's newsroom staff considered the picture exploitative, unduly graphic, and by its size and placement, inappropriately forced upon the paper's readers. But in every case, someone needs to choose them. [3] Brain Story: The Mind's Eye - Part. 1. Kate Fridkis: The Problem With Dove's Real Beauty Sketches Campaign. Don't get me wrong, I am a sucker for the message "seriously, though, you're beautiful.

Kate Fridkis: The Problem With Dove's Real Beauty Sketches Campaign

" When Eyes Deceive - Eyewitness Testimony. BBC Nature - How whales and dolphins focus sound beams on prey. 22 March 2012Last updated at 07:47 By Victoria Gill Science reporter, BBC Nature The team worked with a trained false killer whale named Kina Many marine mammals live in a world shaped by sound - producing clicks to map their underwater environment out of echoes.

BBC Nature - How whales and dolphins focus sound beams on prey

Researchers in Hawaii have now discovered just how finely tuned this "echolocation" can be. The scientists found that toothed whales can focus their beam of sound - pinpointing a target with a narrow stream of clicks to study it in detail. Their findings are published in the Journal of Experimental Biology. Laura Kloepper, a PhD student at the University Hawaii, led the study. Recalibrate Your Reality.