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Imagining the Tenth Dimension part 1 of 2

Imagining the Tenth Dimension part 1 of 2
Related:  Quantum Shenanigans`test 1021

World’s First Perpetual Motion Machine? | Can this machine operate forever? Since at least the 12th century, man has sought to create a perpetual motion machine; a device that would continue working indefinitely without any external source of energy. A large scientific contingent thinks such a device would violate the laws of thermodynamics, and is thus impossible. Could it be that as a race, we don’t fully understand the laws of physics and such a device may indeed be possible? Norwegian artist and mathematician Reidar Finsrud is an outside the box thinker that has devised a machine that he believes achieves true perpetual motion. The dream is that if we’re able to produce perpetual motion machines, that we’d have tapped into the holy grail of sustainability: an infinite energy source. A device that requires no input to run that could be affixed to a generator would harvest free energy to power whatever we so pleased. What are your thoughts? Source: Finsrud Comments comments

This Will Mindfuck You: The Double-Slit Experiment The video below shows scientific proof that there is something NOT quite logical or scientific about this universe. The mere act of observation can completely change the outcome of an event! Before I get too ahead of myself, you need to watch the video below to understand: (Forgive the corny cartoon character explaining the concept — at least he knows his stuff) Recap: When a camera observed the electrons, they acted as particles. So what’s the reason for this? Want even further proof? Then in 2002, a group of researchers set up the experiment in a way that the electron could not possibly receive information about the existence of an observing instrument. Here’s the kicker: The insertion of the interferometer took only 40 nanoseconds (ns) while it would take 160 ns for the information about the configuration to travel from the interferometer to reach the photon before it entered the slits. The Results: The photons acted like particles 93% of the time that they were observed. 1. 2. 3.

Welcome to 2035…the Age of Surprise (Credit: USAF) The U.S. Air Force just released today a jaw-droppingly impressive, fast-paced video on accelerating change, “Welcome to 2035…the Age of Surprise” (see video below). Produced by the U.S. “We can predict broad outlines, but we don’t know the ramifications,” the video says. Blue Horizons: air, space, and cyberspace in 20 years The last major internal study of the future, Air Force 2025 , was done at Air University in 1996 where over 260 officers worked through the research that led to a multi-volume report outlining alternative futures and technologies required for those complicated and dangerous worlds. The Blue Horizons study is designed to answer questions similar to those addressed in the Air Force 2025 study. Blue Horizons 2007 was only the beginning of a series of annual long range vision studies which are known collectively as “Blue Horizons.” (Watch for our forthcoming blog post, “Billion Year Plan,” by one of the originators of the Blue Horizons project, USAF Lt.

ILLUSTRAZIONE: I dipinti di Magritte animati - Osso Magazine ILLUSTRAZIONE: I dipinti di Magritte animati L'illustratrice tedesca Raphaëlle Martin ha deciso di rendere omaggio al pittore surreale René Magritte in modo originale: ha animato le tele iconiche dell'artista trasformandole in composizioni in movimento. L'idea è venuta dopo aver letto qualche scritto su Magritte e aver visto qualche lavoro ed aver pensato che nei suoi quadri sarebbero perfetto un po' di movimento. Raphaëlle non si è limitata ad animare le opere, ma ha aggiunto una sua interpretazione, amplificando i colori originali e aggiungendo gialli dorati e rossi brillanti. Le animazioni di Martin, inoltre, risultano granulose, come se lo spettatore stesse guardando film d'epoca. Nella serie vediamo la mela di 'Le Fils de l'Homme' girare attorno ad un'asse, dalla famosa pipa di 'La Trahison des Images' esce del fumo e le baguette galleggianti di 'Le Légende Dorée' ruotano in cielo. Immagini di Raphaëlle Martin

Physicists Achieve Quantum Teleportation of Photon Over 25 Kilometers For the first time, a team of physicists have successfully teleported a quantum state of a photon to a crystal over 25 kilometers away through a fiber optic cable. This effectively showed that the photon’s quantum state, not its composition, is important to the teleportation process. The team was led by Nicolas Gisin of the University of Geneva and the results were published in the journal Nature Photonics. The quantum state of the photon is able to preserve information under extreme conditions, including the difference between traveling as light or becoming stored in the crystal like matter. To test this and ensure what they were observing was actually happening, one photon was stored in a crystal while the other was sent along optical fiber, over a distance of 25 kilometers. The photon did not physically “teleport” as we are used to hearing about in science fiction, where someone’s body can moved from place to place in a matter of seconds.

Il riferimento fotografico e le reference dei classici Disney - Roba da Disegnatori Era da un po’ di tempo che pensavo a come presentare questo post. Oggi sono capitata casualmente su un album dedicato alle foto reference Disney e ho deciso di rispolverare l’argomento. Trovo sempre un po’ di resistenza nei confronti dell’uso di reference (riferimenti) per la costruzione delle tavole, sopratutto quelle articolate per composizione o anatomia. In realtà non c’è nulla di sbagliato nell’utilizzarle: il riferimento, nel disegno, fornisce un’impronta importante per chi sta imparando a disegnare, per chi deve solidificare la propria esperienza e studiare forme e proporzioni specifiche di soggetti non comuni; ma non è tutto. Molti restano stupiti nell’apprendere che in realtà, l’uso di riferimenti fotografici o video, è sempre stato prezioso anche per chi si occupa di disegno per professione. Nel libro “Le chiavi del disegno” di Bert Dodson, questo è spiegato più chiaramente: Nel campo specifico dell’animazione, invece, l’uso di reference è più spontaneo. La carica dei 101 (1961)

Hawking Radiation Recreated In A Laboratory A researcher claims to have produced a simulation of Hawking radiation, which if true will give physicists the chance to test one of Stephen Hawking's most significant predictions. In 1974, Hawking upended ideas about black holes with his theory that just outside the event horizon, particle-antiparticle pairs should appear as a result of the black hole's gravitational field. One of these would be drawn into the hole, but the other escape. Hawking's equations have won widespread support from physicists, and are a major contributor to his reputation. Now Professor Jeff Steinhauer of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology claims to be getting close. The fluctuations occur in pairs, modelling the particle-antiparticle pairs appearing around a black hole. In Nature, Steinhauer reported, “the observation of Hawking radiation emitted by this black-hole analogue.” Cowen notes that it is still unclear how well Steinhauer's creation models a real black hole. Image CC BY-SA 2.5

iPad App Builder, iPad App Maker, iPad App Creator, App Generator | Appy Pie Now develop applications for an Apple iPad using Appy Pie’s iOS iPad App Builder. This app creator software is a tool that will help you build applications for iPad with ease. Creating apps, using this app maker doesn’t require any previous knowledge of coding or any experience of mobile app development. This app creator is based on simple drag and drop operation and allows users to create beautiful applications within minutes. Apple’s iPad is the most loved tablets available in the market and with the launch of iOS 7, its user-base is only going to increase. Appy Pie’s iOS iPad App builder offers you various premium features to keep your app users engaged with your application. Updating and modifying your application with Appy Pie’s App maker is very easy, users can easily make changes to their applications and the changes made will reflect on the app within minutes. The iPad app builder from Appy Pie is unique and is most favoured by developers because of following reasons:

When Parallel Worlds Collide . . . Quantum Mechanics Is Born Parallel universes – worlds where the dinosaur-killing asteroid never hit, or where Australia was colonised by the Portuguese – are a staple of science fiction. But are they real? In a radical paper published this week in Physical Review X, we (Dr Michael Hall and I from Griffith University and Dr Dirk-André Deckert from the University of California) propose not only that parallel universes are real, but that they are not quite parallel – they can “collide”. In our theory, the interaction between nearby worlds is the source of all of the bizarre features of quantum mechanics that are revealed by experiment. Many worlds in existing interpretations The existence of parallel worlds in quantum mechanics is not a new idea in itself – they are a feature of one of the leading interpretations of quantum mechanics, the 1957 “many worlds interpretation” (MWI). First, its formalism is extremely remote from everyday experience. Heads or tails? Many interacting worlds Implications and applications

Igniting individual purpose | McKinsey&Company In these stressful, surreal times, it’s understandable for CEOs to fixate on urgent corporate priorities at the expense of more intangible, personal considerations. How important is getting your people to think about their “purpose in life” right now when you’re worried about their well-being—not to mention corporate survival? It’s more important than you think. During times of crisis, individual purpose can be a guidepost that helps people face up to uncertainties and navigate them better, and thus mitigate the damaging effects of long-term stress. People who have a strong sense of purpose tend to be more resilient and exhibit better recovery from negative events. Indeed, our research conducted during the pandemic finds that when comparing people who say they are “living their purpose” at work with those who say they aren’t, the former report levels of well-being that are five times higher than the latter. Purposeful people also live longer and healthier lives. Get personal Recruiting.

Researchers at Brown University shattered an electron wave function A team of physicists based at Brown University has succeeded in shattering a quantum wave function. That near-mythical representation of indeterminate reality, in which an unmeasured particle is able to occupy many states simultaneously, can be dissected into many parts. This dissection, which is described this week in the Journal of Low Temperature Physics, has the potential to turn how we view the quantum world on its head. When we say some element of the quantum world occupies many states at once, what’s really being referred to is the element’s wave function. A wave function can be viewed as a space occupied simultaneously by many different possibilities or degrees of freedom. If a particle could be in position (x,y,z) in three-dimensional space, there are probabilities that it could specifically be at (x1,y1,z1) or (x2,y2,z2) and so forth, and this is represented in the wave function, which is all of these possibilities added together.

Islamisme à l’école : des profs brisent l’omerta, Le Parisien Sans être une généralité, ni le fait de tous les établissements en France, les incidents de cours et les tensions de préaux mettant en cause la laïcité semblent bien plus nombreux que ce que donnent à voir les statistiques officielles : 935 cas d'entraves aux valeurs de la République ont été remontés entre septembre 2019 et mars 2020, selon le bilan publié il y a une semaine par l'Education nationale à la Sorbonne, à l'endroit même où sera rendu ce mercredi l'hommage national à Samuel Paty. «Qui est le mâle de la truie ? Au moment de dire cochon, personne n'a voulu répondre» Aurélie, institutrice dans le Val-d'Oise Quel est le petit de l'âne ? VIDÉO. Choquée, l'institutrice n'a pourtant rien dit à sa hiérarchie. « Pour quoi faire ? «Vous les Français, vous aimez trop parler de sexualité, un classique» Marie, prof de SVT dans l'Essonne Newsletter - L'essentiel de l'actu Chaque matin, l'actualité vue par Le Parisien Bruno, prof d'histoire géo en Ile-de-France VIDÉO. VIDÉO. VIDÉO. VIDÉO. VIDÉO.

Scientists Discover a Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics Physicists reported this week the discovery of a jewel-like geometric object that dramatically simplifies calculations of particle interactions and challenges the notion that space and time are fundamental components of reality. “This is completely new and very much simpler than anything that has been done before,” said Andrew Hodges, a mathematical physicist at Oxford University who has been following the work. The revelation that particle interactions, the most basic events in nature, may be consequences of geometry significantly advances a decades-long effort to reformulate quantum field theory, the body of laws describing elementary particles and their interactions. “The degree of efficiency is mind-boggling,” said Jacob Bourjaily, a theoretical physicist at Harvard University and an author of the first of two papers detailing the new idea. Locality is the notion that particles can interact only from adjoining positions in space and time.

I vantaggi di utilizzare l'HTML nel digital publishing Visite: 253 La maggior parte delle soluzioni utilizzate per fare digital publishing hanno adottato, fino a poco tempo fa, la tecnologia “pixel perfect“. Questo obbligava i publisher a creare diverse “rendition” per adattare, in modo adeguato, i contenuti alle diverse dimensioni e proporzioni degli schermi dei supporti di lettura. Per cercare di limitare gli sforzi ed evitare stravolgimenti sostanziali per adattare i contenuti ai vari formati di lettura, i prodotti di tipo “magazine” e “brochure aziendali” venivano realizzate in formato “per tablet” evitando la versione “per smartphone” in quanto questi ultimi hanno un display con dimensioni troppo piccole per leggere layout elaborati o con grandi quantitativi di testo, immagini ed elementi interattivi. Lo schermo piccolo obbliga a scelte idonee anche per la dimensione dei pulsanti ed altri gesti che, su un tablet, possono essere effettuati agevolmente, data l’ampia dimensione del display (superiore ai 7″). Iniziamo dal formato HTML.
