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StyleStats - An evaluating tool for writing better CSS. Le guide ultime pour accélérer son développement frontend. Il existe deux types de développeurs : ceux qui développent vite (et bien) et les autres. En tant que développeur frontend vous vous êtes sûrement déjà rendu compte que certaines parties de votre travail/passion était redondantes et qu'il était souvent possible d'aller plus vite.

Bref, je vais vous apprendre à passer au niveau supérieur de productivité à travers une (longue) liste de conseils et d'astuces glanées sur le web. Sommaire 1. Introduction Avant toute chose je tiens à vous faire remarquer que ce guide est le fruit de ma réflexion et de mon expérience du développement frontend. Par conséquent, si vous voulez tirer le meilleur de ce qui va suivre je vous conseille de vous faire votre propre opinion des différents outils / conseils et de créer en conséquence votre propre workflow.

Cet article provient à l'origine d'un post sur Quora que j'ai écrit pour répondre à la question "Quelles sont les meilleurs astuces pour gagner du temps lors d'un développement front ? ". 2. 3. Jekyll Bower. CSS Author » Web Design Resources, Freebies, Articles & More... Waves. Action/Event Works fully with jQuery and JavaScript click event handlers, like Snarl Download the latest version of Waves from Github repository. You can also install it via Bower with bower install waves or via npm with npm install node-waves. Include waves.min.css and waves.min.js to your HTML file and Waves is ready to use!

<! DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Waves example</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/path/to/waves.min.css" /></head><body><a href="#" class="button">Click Here</a><script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/waves.min.js"></script></body></html> Advanced: Waves also provide LESS, SCSS, and SASS source. Attach the effect To attach Waves's effect (or we usually called it as "the ripple") to HTML element, you can use Waves.attach() <a href="#" class="button">Click Here</a><script type="text/javascript"> Waves.attach('.button');</script> Initialize After you attach Waves to your HTML element, you can initialize Waves with Waves.init() to start the effect.


jQuery.mmenu, app look-alike menus with sliding submenus. The BEST: Network. Prototyping. Blog. Making Of. Analyze Performance. HTML5 Doctor. Wordpress. SEO. Google map. Concept. Sprite. Créer un sitemap - Centre d'aide Search Console. Cette page explique comment créer un sitemap et l'envoyer à Google. En savoir plus sur les sitemaps Créer et envoyer un sitemap : Déterminez quelles pages de votre site nous devons explorer, ainsi que la version canonique de chaque page. Choisissez le format de sitemap que vous souhaitez utiliser. Vous pouvez créer votre sitemap manuellement. Un certain nombre d'outils tiers permettent également de générer un sitemap à votre place. Formats de sitemaps Nous acceptons plusieurs formats de sitemaps, décrits ci-après. Tous les formats imposent la même limite aux sitemaps : 50 Mo (sitemaps non compressés) et 50 000 URL.

Voici un exemple très simple de sitemap XML indiquant l'emplacement d'une URL : <? Des exemples plus complexes et une documentation complète sont disponibles sur Vous y trouverez des exemples de sitemaps spécifiant des pages alternatives et de sitemaps pour les actualités, les images ou les vidéos. Nous acceptons les flux RSS 2.0 et Atom 1.0. Dépannage des sitemaps. LoremPicsum. GAG IPSUM - Generate lorem ipsum like a sir. Sublime Text: The text editor you'll fall in love with.

Bohemian Coding - Sketch 3. CSS Reference. Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc. Google Web Designer. Web Starter Kit — Web Fundamentals. Download Web Starter Kit (beta) What is Web Starter Kit? Web Starter Kit is an opinionated boilerplate for web development. Tools for building a great experience across many devices and performance oriented. Helping you to stay productive following the best practices outlined in Google's Web Fundamentals. A solid starting point for both professionals and newcomers to the industry. Features Quickstart Download the kit or clone the repository and build on what is included in the app directory. There are two HTML starting points, from which you can choose: index.html - the default starting point, containing Material Design layout.basic.html - no layout, but still includes our minimal mobile best-practices Be sure to look over the installation docs to verify your environment is prepared to run WSK.

Web Performance Web Starter Kit strives to give you a high performance starting point out of the box. Browser Support ChromeEdgeFirefoxSafariOperaInternet Explorer 9+ Troubleshooting Docs and Recipes. Think with Google. Google AdWords: Keyword Planner. Google Tendances des recherches. Google Analytics Official Website – Web Analytics & Reporting. Google Developers. Recaptcha. PX to EM conversion made simple. Apprenez à coder. Bento | Learn to code the way professional programmers do.

Landed - HTML5 Template. Cheat Sheet. Download cheat sheet as printable PDF A5 Syntax Child: > nav>ul>li Sibling: + div+p+bq Climb-up: ^ div+div>p>span+em^bq div+div>p>span+em^^bq Grouping: () div>(header>ul>li*2>a)+footer>p (div>dl>(dt+dd)*3)+footer>p Multiplication: * ul>li*5 Item numbering: $ ul>li.item$*5 h$[title=item$]{Header $}*3 <h1 title="item1">Header 1</h1><h2 title="item2">Header 2</h2><h3 title="item3">Header 3</h3> ul>li.item$$$*5 ul>li.item$@-*5 ul>li.item$@3*5 ID and CLASS attributes #header .title form#search.wide p.class1.class2.class3 Custom attributes p[title="Hello world"] td[rowspan=2 colspan=3 title] [a='value1' b="value2"] Text: {} a{Click me} <a href="">Click me</a> p>{Click }+a{here}+{ to continue} <p>Click <a href="">here</a> to continue</p> Implicit tag names .class em>.class ul>.class table>.row>.col All unknown abbreviations will be transformed to tag, e.g. foo → <foo></foo>.

Alias of html:5 <! A a:link a:mail abbr acronym, acr base basefont br frame hr bdo bdo:r bdo:l col link link:css link:print link:favicon link:touch link:rss link:atom meta meta:utf img c. Best web designs inspiration gallery. Behance :: Curated Sites. CSS Awards.

CssDsgn. Design Bombs. CSSDA ~ Web Awards. Envato Marketplaces. Elegant Themes. Unicode Lookup: convert special characters. A Collection of Separator Styles. A collection of separator styles for horizontally dividing sections on a website. The dividers are created using several techniques, including styling pseudo-elements, using gradients and inserting SVG graphics with responsiveness in mind. View demo Download source Today we’d like to share some separator styles with you. When you have several sections in one page, it’s nice to separate them with some kind of line or background. There are so many possibilities and we want to show you just some of them that could look nicely for some flat design.

Most of the styles play with two main colors and sometimes a darker shade. But you can also imagine this with white and a color. SVG is used in the cases where we cannot simply use a pseudo-element that is nicely responsive, like the half circle shape. And now, dig in, scroll and get inspired! An example for a separator style using pseudo-elements is the following double diagonal representing a flat shadow: Map Glyphs | The Ultimate CSS Map Font. Garden Gnome Software. - about. Chipmunky. CSS Gradients. SitePoint – Learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby & Responsive Design. CSS Shapes, une introduction. L'article de Sara Soueidan paru dans A List Apart a fait le buzz dernièrement.

Sara présente ici avec clarté ce qui sera l'avenir des formes et du design dans CSS. Par Sara Soueidan Des rectangles dans des rectangles, telle est depuis toujours la structure de nos pages web. Depuis longtemps, nous tentons de nous libérer de leurs limitations en utilisant CSS pour créer des formes géométriques, mais ces formes n'ont jamais affecté le contenu situé à l'intérieur des éléments, ni la façon dont ces éléments affectent les autres éléments de la page. La nouvelle spécification CSS Shapes change tout cela.

Dans l'image qui suit par exemple, remarquez comment le texte entoure les images circulaires. Regardons maintenant la façon dont fonctionne Shapes, et comment vous pourrez l'utiliser. Les prochains niveaux de CSS Shapes concerneront l'insertion d'un contenu à l'intérieur d'une forme. Pour utiliser CSS Shapes dans Chrome Canary, il vous faudra activer le flag “fonctions expérimentales”. Ou bien : Usaddict: Ressources sur l’ergonomie des interfaces (le blog Usabilis) ECommerce sur JDN : toutes les actualités et tendances ECommerce. CNIL - Accueil - Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés. Stitches - An HTML5 sprite sheet generator. Drag & drop image files onto the space below, or use the “Open” link to load images using the file browser.

Then, click “Generate” to create a sprite sheet and stylesheet. This demo uses a couple of HTML5 APIs, and it is only compatible with modern browsers. Drag & drop image files onto the space below, or use the “Open” link to load images using the file browser. Then, click “Generate” to create a sprite sheet and stylesheet. This demo uses a couple of HTML5 APIs, and it is only currently compatible with WebKit and Firefox browsers. Stitches is developed by Matthew Cobbs in concert with the lovely open-source community at Github.

Copyright © 2013 Matthew Cobbs Licensed under the MIT license. Implementation After dependencies, Stitches requires a stylesheet, a script, and an HTML element to get the job done: The sprite sheet generator is automatically created in elements that have the stitches class: Documentation Documentation is available here. Dependencies Contributing License Download. W3C Validation Service. La Ferme du web - Le net, ça se cultive ! Geek Me Up - Devenez Geek ! | Maîtrisez le web et le mobile !Geek Me Up – Devenez Geek ! | Maîtrisez le web et le mobile ! Create a new fiddle - JSFiddle. Sketch.js. Vivus.js - svg animation. Colorful CSS Gradient Background Generator. Add this code to your CSS file and set the class colorful to the element you want to have the background. This works withFirefox 16+ Safari 5.1+ Chrome 10+ Internet Explorer 10+ Opera 12.1+iOS 5+ Android 4+ Blackberry 10+ IE Mobile 10+ Calendario: A Flexible Calendar Plugin. A jQuery calendar plugin for creating flexible calendars.

View demo Download source Today we want to share a flexible calendar concept with you. Calendars can be a very tricky thing when it comes to their layout and responsiveness. This is an experiment for trying out some grid layouts that can be applied to calendars. We’ve created a jQuery plugin for the calendar itself and you can see some examples of how to use it in the demos. The aim is to provide a suitable layout for both, small and big screens and keeping the calendar structure fluid when possible. On large screens we want to show a grid-based layout while on smaller screens, we want to simply stack the days of the month. Please note that the demos will only work as intended in browsers that support the new CSS properties used here, especially calc().

The calendar designs are based on these two beauties found on Dribbble: For the calendar plugin to work, we simply need a container with the class “fc-calendar-container”: Options Demos. Lavish - Generate your own Bootstrap color scheme. (info) A Good User Interface. Best jQuery Plugins & Tutorials. - The Database of JavaScript Libraries. W3Schools.

CSS-Tricks. Codrops. The Creative Project. Apprendre HTML CSS PHP Javascript JQuery MySQL Bootstrap Twitter. Creative Verse. WebDesignWeb.

Grafikart. The ultimate CSS tools for web designers | CSSmatic. CodePen. GitHub - Explore. WebdesignerTrends. Blog Du Webdesign. Lorem Ipsum For Coders. CREATION DE SITE.