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3ds. Maya tutorials. Visual Effects. Render Spice - Home. JEZEBELICHKEIT. Poser Freebies. Daz Horse 2 Gypsy Vanner with my Mane Well I figured out how to fix my previous mistake with my custom mane model for the Daz Horse 2 3d figure and then I decided to make a morph to temporarily fix the bending problem until I work out how to use Daz Studio’s rigging.

Poser Freebies

Fixing the broken geometry At first I thought I’d lost around 8 hours worth of work with the mesh breaking on my object but luckily I had saved the base figure under a different name a couple of days previously so opened up the broken figure in NotePad++ (please note I always save my work uncompressed so that I can edit it if needed in a text editor) and searched for the .dsf file in it so that I could find it’s location. I then opened the dsf file folder up in windows explorer and changed the file extension to .dsfbak. Happy Bunnies R US! Bending fix I morphed the mane so that the front base points are lower than normal, exported the mane only back into Studio and saved it as Bend Fix morph. ⊘—‚ÌŽq‚Ì’…‚¹‚©‚¦‚R‚c‚b‚f⊘@POSERMAMMA⊘@–³—¿‘f⊘Þ‚c‚k. Builds Real Models, Prototypes from Curious Labs Poser Files, any 3D digital files, Using Rapid Prototyping. Tutorials.

Poser Hair tutorial. POSER 5 hair to CINEMA 4D* by Segart Update 31/05/04 IMPORTANT: This tutorial made reference to the "morphloader" plugin for Cinema 4D, but unfortunatly the site is down.

Poser Hair tutorial

Instead of exporting your hair from Poser with obj format, use lightwave (lwo). It worked for me in C4D v. 8.2. Hi, All the images may take a while to download, so maybe you'd like to read the text and open the programs in the meanwhile. Fisrt of all, sorry for the bad english. Toc-articles. DAZ Studio and Poser - FREE 3D content and tutorials. M O R B I D M Y S T I C. 3D ModelWORKS - 3D models, meshes, textures, and libraries on-line. MCADCafe. As of July 31, 2008, Autodesk® ImageStudio software is no longer available for purchase.


Autodesk currently plans to continue to invest visualization technology development efforts into other industrial design products, such as Autodesk® AliasStudio® software and Autodesk Showcase® software, with new and enhanced features, functionality, and usability to help customers create industry-leading products. Continued Support for Autodesk ImageStudio Through July 2009, standard product support and subscription benefits (for customers under current valid subscription agreements) will continue to be available.

Why Move to Autodesk Showcase Autodesk® Showcase® design visualization and presentation software creates accurate, realistic imagery from 3D CAD data to communicate form and brand character. Learn more about Autodesk Showcase. Learn More About Autodesk AliasStudio The Autodesk® AliasStudio® product line offers a complete set of tools for the creative design process. 3D models. Tutorials. Right Hemisphere - Products Graphics Management#dp3d. We offer the world's top models and photographers an amazing place to network, showcase their work, meet and socialize with other like minded professionals, and offer just about every imaginable feature you can think of ...

ClothSim - The real-time Cloth Simulator (for VideoGames) It's strong point is the extreme speed of computation.

ClothSim - The real-time Cloth Simulator (for VideoGames)

With ClothSim you can watch various cloth models (tablecloths, flags, garments...) blowing in the wind, and you can freely move around them: you can examine each single wrinkle under every angulation. But ClothSim isn't limited to this: you can change the wind speed, stop the time, and ask for a series of statistical informations. In particular, you will see the the astonishing frame rates which this powerful implementation is able to achieve. The development of ClothSim required 60 hours of Visual C++, over a period of 16 days (July 2002). Download (154 Kb) FeaturesFast!!! ScreenShots Links. 3D Products Models, Meshes, Textures, Poses, Props, Characters, for Poser 4 Poser 5. Reyes Infografica' Plugins. PoseRay - 3D model conversion, subdivision and preview. Gachidom. Design Thematics 3D Model Licensing. 3d-xtra. Eclipse Studios . 3D Store - 3D Commune. Objective Info, Reviews, and the Best Deals on the Web Our #1 Priority – Getting You 3D Entertainment at the Lowest Possible Price 3D Commune is your source for objective information about 3D Television and other 3D media.

3D Store - 3D Commune

Our team of 3D experts scour the web to find the latest news, sales, deals and 3D technology. We pride ourselves in working tirelessly to help you make informed decisions about purchasing 3D TV sets and teaching our users about all of the equipment necessary to achieve the ultimate 3D experience. Poser Models. Several people requested that I post my base human model that I made my recent units with, so here it is.

Poser Models

First up is the base model along with a few run animations and a texture. This zip also has the readme that tries to explain how to use all this stuff and you need it to use the other two.Outdated This is the base model with Mongolian style clothes that I used for my 'Golden Horde' unit. These two conforming clothes are the two different styles of Loin-cloth that I'm using in my Native American units. The readme in the first zip explains some problems and solutions and you really need that one to use either of the other two. PoserNightmare. Models for Poser. Models of weapons for poser. The Digital Michelangelo Project Archive of 3D Models. : The online 3d model library. PoserFreaks. Damn Funny Pictures - Cool Pictures - 3D Painted Rooms. Content Paradise - Poser Content, Shade Content and more 3D Content, Figures, Clothing, Hair, Poses and Props by e frontier. Runtime DNA - The Online Home to Unique Expressions of Poser and 3D Art. PoserPros. Aery Soul by As Shanim and Siliphiel. Aery Soul by As Shanim and Siliphiel.