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Change Models

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8. Saima-FINAL.pdf. Caldwell (2003) Models of Change Agency: a Fourfold Classification, BMJ. 3327.pdf (application/pdf Object) SDO: Managing change in the NHS. The NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research (HS&DR) Programme funds research to improve the quality, effectiveness and accessibility of the NHS.

SDO: Managing change in the NHS

The HS&DR Programme aims to produce rigorous and relevant evidence on the quality, access and organisation of health services, including costs and outcomes. The programme will enhance the strategic focus on research that matters to the NHS including research on implementation and a range of knowledge mobilisation initiatives. It will be keen to support ambitious evaluative research to improve health services. The HS&DR Programme is the result of the merger of two former NIHR Programmes, the Health Services Research Programme (HSR) and the Service Delivery and Organisation Programme (SDO). The aims of both programmes will be carried forward into the HS&DR Programme.

The HS&DR Programme Directors’ Word is now available, reflecting on the first year’s achievements of the HS&DR Programme. Existing HSR and SDO projects Register for updates.

Beyond Budgeting

Theoretical Models. There are many different models and theories of change as change defies simple attempts to categorise and organise.

Theoretical Models

The last few decades have seen a number of popular theories. It is helpful to have a model or a framework within which to operate as this can help ensure that most aspects of the proposed change are considered. Which model best suits your circumstances depends in part on institutional culture and personal preferences and you will find that any of the models contain similar elements presented in slightly different ways.

Historical perspectives This section identifies some of the key theories that have influenced change management thinking over the past 100 years. Scientific management (1910s) Promoted change as part of achieving efficiency due to better performing the task. Classical school (1910s) Listed the duties of a manager as planning, organising, commanding employees, coordinating activities, and controlling performance. The individual perspective school (1920s)

Satir Model

Organizational Change - Barbara Senior, Stephen Swailes. Reader17.pdf (application/pdf Object) (application/pdf Object) Ordered to Innovate: A Longitudinal Examination of the Early Periods of a New Product Development Process Implementation in a Manufacturing Firm Serdar S. (application/pdf Object)

Durmuşoğlu, Roger J. Calantone, and Regina C. McNally Journal of Product Innovation Management: n/a-n/a Toward a Comprehensive Understanding of Readiness for Change: The Case for an Expanded Conceptualization Daniel T. Journal of Change Management Vol. 13(1): 9-18 Benchmarks to measure readiness to integrate and scale up newborn survival interventions A. Health Policy and Planning Vol. 27(suppl 3): iii29-iii39 Strategizing information systems-enabled organizational transformation: A transdisciplinary review and new directions Patrick Besson and Frantz Rowe. Kritsonis Alicia Comparison Change Theories. Breakdowns_in_Implementing_Models_of_Organization_Change.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Burke-Litwin Change Model

Bridge's Transition Model. Bullock & Patten. Kanter. Harvard Business Managing Change & Transition. Appreciative Inquiry. A meta model of change (Young 2009) Lewin. NHS. Kotter. HSE Model. Behaviour Change.