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How to Get Startup Ideas. November 2012 The way to get startup ideas is not to try to think of startup ideas. It's to look for problems, preferably problems you have yourself. The very best startup ideas tend to have three things in common: they're something the founders themselves want, that they themselves can build, and that few others realize are worth doing. Microsoft, Apple, Yahoo, Google, and Facebook all began this way. Problems Why is it so important to work on a problem you have? I made it myself. Why do so many founders build things no one wants? At YC we call these "made-up" or "sitcom" startup ideas. For example, a social network for pet owners. The danger of an idea like this is that when you run it by your friends with pets, they don't say "I would never use this. " Well When a startup launches, there have to be at least some users who really need what they're making — not just people who could see themselves using it one day, but who want it urgently.

You don't need the narrowness of the well per se. Comment faire émerger un nouveau business model. Stratégie Le 30/12/2014 Après avoir analysé durant 4 ans les business models de plus de 165 start-up, nous avons étudié en profondeur celui des 20 entreprises les plus innovantes. Diverses méthodologies de recherche ont été utilisées, incluant des entretiens personnels, l’étude des business plans, des présentations et rapports mis à notre disposition ainsi qu’un suivi de l’évolution de ces entreprises dans le temps. Trois thèmes importants se retrouvent dans les cas étudiés : 1) l’inspiration que les entrepreneurs trouvent dans les secteurs éloignés de l’activité principale de leur société en étudiant ce qu’ont fait des entreprises à succès dans d’autres secteurs ; 2) la prise en compte du client et la réponse à ses besoins ; 3) la volonté de transformer le business model initial en fonction du retour d’informations des clients ainsi que d’autres partenaires.

Recherche des références stratégiques dans d’autres secteurs Relation constante avec les clients. B2B2C, le Business Model de la Digitalisation. À San Francisco, nous avons l’occasion d’assister à de nombreux pitchs de startups. Un constat implacable que nous dressons ; la prolifération des Business Model B2B2C. Le B2B2C, semble donc être un modèle économique avec de beaux jours devant lui, mais qu’est-ce que c’est ? À l’origine, c’est « un business model réservé aux entreprises « Pure Player » (existant uniquement en ligne) dont l’objectif est de combiner leur offre aux services d’entreprises « Brick and Mortar » (magasin physique, ayant pignon sur rue), qui peuvent alors atteindre de nouveaux marchés ».

[ndlr : le Brick and Mortar devient alors Click and Mortar.]Cette définition proposée par Technopedia est aujourd’hui un peu réductrice, ce business model n’est plus réservé aux Pure Player (cf. PaperIdea) et à l’inverse, l’entreprise cliente peut très bien être elle-même un Pure Player. . ► L’impact de la Digitalisation des entreprises Une entreprise est un regroupement d’hommes. Les 5 Niveaux de Besoins d’une Entreprise. User-generated content. Many commercial websites rely on UGC. For example, and Trip Advisor rely on users to rate products and hotels and restaurants, respectively.[2][3] These reviews are important part of what the two respective websites offer.

When UGC is contained in commercial websites it is often monitored by administrators to avoid offensive content or language, copyright infringement issues, or simply to determine relevancy of the content to the site's theme. Because user-generated content is generally free to store, the world's data centers are now replete with exabytes of UGC that, in addition to creating a corporate asset,[4] may also contain data that can be regarded as a liability.[5][6] General requirements[edit] The advent of user-generated content marked a shift among media organizations from creating online content to providing facilities for amateurs to publish their own content.

The OECD has defined three central schools for UGC:[9] Adoption and recognition by mass media[edit] New business models. Report Summary Despite continued uncertain economic conditions, most companies remain persuaded that there is a strong causal link between their financial performance over a 5-10 year time horizon and their current commitment to improving their environmental, social and governance performance. Against this background, a number of business leaders are reviewing their approach to sustainability, weighing new corporate strategies and new business models in efforts to ensure their long-term sustainability.

New business models for the 21st century is an Economist Intelligence Unit report, commissioned by Enel Foundation that discusses companies’ views on sustainability measures, the challenge of measuring and reporting sustainability outcomes, and the prospects of business models focussing on long-term sustainability. Why read this report Ernst Ligteringen, CEO, Global Reporting Initiative Contributors Published:October 13th 2014 Interviewed for this report: The B2B2C model. Jessica Tayenjam is a consultant at Rapid Innovation Group, where she helps high potential, technology-enabled companies mitigate market risk and create scalable growth. She is one of the speakers at our Startup 101 course on Saturday 9th March (tickets still available – download the free preview book here).

Here, she shares her thoughts on the B2B2C model. Many definitions of B2B2C businesses focus on e-commerce relationships where the ‘C’ is the buyer. However, I think there is a more interesting segment of B2B2C: a business selling a product to another business which its customers will engage with. B2B sales for products with a consumer angle. And that is why I think B2B2C is more interesting than B2C: businesses have a lot more money than consumers (obviously). Examples of B2B2C in action Virtual fitting room technologies (e.g. Another category of technology with B2B2C potential would be networking tools for conferences. A B2B2C business model A business model is about three things:

Know-how trading. Know-how trading is a web-based research and design phenomenon related to open innovation and crowdsourcing.[1] It denotes fee-based knowledge markets that treat knowledge and expertise as commodities that can be traded for financial gain (see knowledge economy). It therefore differs from other information markets such as Yahoo Answers in that solution providers are financially rewarded for their efforts. The challenges set therefore tend to be more focused, and solutions more detailed and lengthy. Know-how trading sites differ from open innovation communities in that the entry level for solutions is much lower. Rather than seeking large research projects, know-how trading enables businessmen, researchers and individuals to save time by harnessing the skills and expertise of others to solve very specific, often quite difficult problems.

Some individuals use know-how trading portals in an informal way to accumulate new knowledge about subjects which they are interested in. See also[edit] Business Value. Business Valuation: Three Approaches to Measuring Business Worth - ValuAdder. What is business valuation? Quite simply, business valuation is a process and a set of procedures used to determine what a business is worth. While this sounds easy enough, getting your business valuation done right takes preparation and thought. Business valuation results depend on your assumptions For one thing, there is no one way to establish what a business is worth.

That's because business value means different things to different people. A business owner may believe that the business connection to the community it serves is worth a lot. In addition, economic conditions affect what people believe a business is worth. The circumstances of a business sale also affect the business value. Expected selling price and business value Hence, business value is really an expected price the business would sell for. The selling price also depends on how the business sale is handled. Three business valuation approaches That said, there are three fundamental ways to measure what a business is worth: Internet Business Models - The FUSE-Matrix (pdf) Places de marché de prestations intellectuelles – Typologie et Courbe de valeur.

Ce post s’inscrit dans le cadre de notre dossier consacré aux plateformes de Crowdsourcing positionnées sur le marché du savoir, cf. Sommaire du dossier Nous avons étudié dans un précédent article le business model “low cost” des places de marché pour freelances ; Codeur, Freelancer et Odesk. Il est intéressant pour compléter cette analyse d’ébaucher une étude de l’industrie et de la concurrence afin de situer ces plateformes dans le cadre plus général des places de marché de prestations intellectuelles (1). Pour ce faire, nous proposons dans un premier temps une grille de lecture et une typologie réalisées sur la base de caractéristiques de fonctionnement des plateformes.

Dans un second temps, nous utilisons un outil, la courbe de valeur, pour proposer une classification sur la base de critères de valeur perçue par les clients. A- Grille de lecture Nous avons procédé à une analyse suivant deux dimensions, les caractéristiques des offres et celles des Appels d’Offres. Type 1 Type 2 Note. The future of Software Pricing Excellence. Stuck in the middle. Ecology can rescue Business Models. The famous “Burning Man” festival (BM for fans) took place at the beginning of September.

For 10 days, participants took part in a unique and extraordinary event. The event’s success is explosive (more than 68,000 people came together in the middle of the desert in 2013). We wanted to understand the success of this event by interviewing some of the festival’s survivors. If Burning Man, like many similar events, promotes tolerance and respect, it is above all one of the few that succeeds in harmonising the environment with a mass event. And it is clear that the participants love it. We’re going to take a look at how BM can inspire other BMs, this time standing for Business Models. ► The Dematerialized Economy One of the main rules of Burning Man is that it can’t leave any trace that it existed after the event.

In the same vein, Business Models should promote “the dematerialized economy.” The « dematerialized economy » concerns, for the most part, small and medium sized enterprises. Les principaux modèles de revenus | Modèles Economiques. Nous allons à présent examiner les types de modèles de revenus les plus courants, auxquels une entreprise peut recourir afin de vendre un produit (bien ou service). Ce qui en ressort dès le départ, c’est la grande inventivité dont ont fait preuve les stratèges, dans leur manière de penser la création de richesse. Le modèle One Shot C’est le plus simple. Le client achète un bien ou une prestation, contre un paiement unique. A la suite de quoi, le produit lui appartient définitivement s’il s’agit d’un bien durable, ou a été détruit pendant la consommation (bien non durable ou service).Exemple : Vente d’aliments, d’outils…Adaptations possibles : Délai de paiement, règlement fractionné de type « payez en trois fois », ajout d’assurances optionnelles ou obligatoires, ventes associées (produits liés au produit principal, tels que housse de protection ou éléments d’entretien) et / ou croisées (produit similaire ou complémentaire)… Le modèle Location (ou Licence) Le modèle Abonnement L’assurance.

Eight Models of Business Models, & Why They’re Important. The term Business Model is one that gets thrown around a lot these days. Even though it might sound like a buzzword to you, it’s important to understand what a business model is, and how they are useful. One of the confusing things about the business model concept is that there are a wide variety of models of business models, and it seems as though everyone that talks about them makes up a new one. This can be frustrating if you are trying to figure out how to use the concept.

At their core, all business models address this questions: how do we sustainably deliver value to our customers? In a special issue of the journal Long Range Planning, Charles Baden-Fuller and Mary Morgan say that business models can serve three different purposes. More recently, Steve Blank has added another use – he says that business models are hypotheses about how your organisation might be able to create value for customers (see my discussion of this here). Business models are important. Tim Kastelle. Making “Freemium” Work. Over the past decade “freemium”—a combination of “free” and “premium”—has become the dominant business model among internet start-ups and smartphone app developers. Users get basic features at no cost and can access richer functionality for a subscription fee. If you’ve networked on LinkedIn, shared files through Dropbox, watched TV shows through Hulu, or searched for a mate on Match, you’ve experienced the model firsthand.

It works for B2B companies as well—examples include Box, Splunk, and Yammer. Several factors contribute to the appeal of a freemium strategy. But despite its popularity and clear benefits, freemium is still poorly understood. What should be free? Recall that one of the chief purposes of freemium is to attract new users. Do customers fully understand the premium offer? Dropbox and LinkedIn are a study in contrasts. For many LinkedIn users, the advantages of upgrading are murkier. 10 TED Talks to Help You Reimagine Your Business - Mitch Joel. Economie de fonctionnalité: concilier les inconciliables. La crise écologique est de plus en plus prise en charge par la pensée économique, mais également par les entreprises elles-mêmes.

Cette prise de conscience s’est intensifiée en gagnant en visibilité avec des événements tels que le Grenelle de l’Environnement. Différentes approches émergent pour tenter de diminuer les impacts environnementaux de la production et de la consommation de biens manufacturés. Le développement des technologies vertes est la solution avancée le plus souvent pour limiter l’empreinte énergétique laissée par les sociétés industrielles.

Pour autant, elle ne permet pas de s’attaquer à l’ensemble de la problématique environnementale. La conception et l’évolution de ces technologies supposent à elles seules l’extraction de ressources naturelles, ainsi qu’une surenchère de procédés et de dispositifs onéreux. D’autres approches cherchent à intégrer les problématiques économiques, sociales, et environnementales. Une station Autolib à Paris Le modèle Xerox. L’imitation créative comme stratégie d’innovation de business model. Le recours aux analogies et à l’imitation créative est un puissant levier d’innovation de business model. Il s’agit de s’inspirer des processus, méthodes, business models en vigueur dans d’autres industries de manière à examiner si ceux-ci peuvent être appliqués dans l’activité de l’entreprise.

L’innovation peut être déclenchée par une remise en cause systématique de chaque composante du modèle d’affaires. On s’interrogera par exemple sur les segments clients visés par l’offre : et si nous vendions nos produits à nos concurrents ? L’étude de cas de Los Grobo, premier producteur de soja et de blé en argentine, montre que ce dernier réalise près de 70% de son CA en vendant des prestations de services agro-alimentaires à ses concurrents directs. Ce business model est le nouveau moteur de croissance de l’entreprise. On peut aussi remettre en cause la proposition de valeur pour les clients : et si nous passions de la vente de produits à la facturation de l’usage de ce produit ?

Like this: Presse - Article - Réinventer son modèle économique : 4 exemples venus de la presse américaine. Business model canvas poster (pdf) How To Put 'The Business Model Canvas' To Good Use. Le défi du changement de business model pour l’entreprise existante: le modèle RPV appliqué au cas d’Unilever au Brésil. Business Model Generation : Innovation par les Business Model ? Conférence master MTI : L'innovation par le business model. Business Model Generation (preview book)