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Le Kouign Amann menteur vite fait pour quand on n’a pas le temps. J’adore le kouign Amann et j’aimerais en faire souvent mais je ne suis pas une reine de la boulange et même si j’ai déjà publié une recette sur le blog j’ai rarement le courage d’en faire.

Le Kouign Amann menteur vite fait pour quand on n’a pas le temps

Du coup quand j’ai repéré cette recette sur le petit livre « Caramel au beurre salé » de chez Marabout , j’ai tenté le coup et ma foi ça fait bien la blague. Plus personne n'ira chercher les croissants...grâce à Christophe Felder ! Bon, ça y est, j'ai compris mon problème : je crois qu'en fait je suis fascinée par les pâtes ou les pâtisseries qui se métamorphosent complètement à la cuisson.

Plus personne n'ira chercher les croissants...grâce à Christophe Felder !

Tarte au sucre. Strawberry Cream Cheese Pop Tarts. Over the years, I've become a connoisseur of tinfoil wrapped pastries.

Strawberry Cream Cheese Pop Tarts

I use the term pastries lightly; anything that comes packaged to last through Armageddon doesn't quite pass my personal criteria as a true pastry. However, as any red blooded American child could tell you, despite the fact that pop tarts have an expiration date that lasts into the next year, they are delicious. Sinfully. Pop tarts, if you haven't had the privilege of enjoying one for yourself, are filled pastries drizzled with frosting and sprinkles that are served for breakfast. Yes, breakfast. As a child, I was torn between the chocolate fudge and s'mores flavors, constantly changing my opinion over which reigned supreme. La vraie recette des pancakes américains.

Churros (chichi) sans huile sans friture...sans culpabilité!! - Les petites gourmandises de July. Cette recette j'avoue que je n'y croyais pas du tout en la lisant sur le trés joli et gourmand blog de Lili, comment peut on faire des chichi sans huile, sans beurre..sans aucune matière grasse?

Churros (chichi) sans huile sans friture...sans culpabilité!! - Les petites gourmandises de July

Et puis en comptant les points je me suis dit qu'il fallait à tout prix que je l'essaie, 7.5pts c'est rien^^ Et bien je suis super contente du résultat, c'est délicieux et en plus on a franchement l'impression de manger des vrai chichi comme à la foire! Ils sont un peu moins croustillants mais ca vaut largement le coup lorsque l'on fait attention! Par contre je vous conseille d'utiliser une presse à pâtisserie (ou une trés bonne poche à douille avec un gros embout), la pâte est bien épaisse! Perso, j'ai utilisé au début une poche à douille (que je fais pratiquement toujours avec un sac à congélation) et c'etait completement impossible. Brioche facile - Le blog de monjournaldecuisine. S'il y a bien une brioche qu'on réussit à tous les coups, et sans effort particulier, c'est celle-ci.

Brioche facile - Le blog de monjournaldecuisine

Si vous fréquentez les blogs de cuisine, peut-être l'avez-vous déjà aperçue ;) Il vous faut : Varietea. Are you the sort of person who needs variety, or do you find a favorite and stick with it?


Personally, I fit into the former category. I get bored easily, I have a limited attention span, and I need to mix it up. I CRAVE. ENDLESS. VARIETY. 5. Green Tea Cream Puffs. I had the nice surprise to be selected for the ‘Site we Love’ feature of SAVEUR magazine this month.

Green Tea Cream Puffs

Amazing! You can read my interview here. Thank you all for all your good words. White Chocolate Matcha Brownies - chocolate + connie. Hola Amigos!

White Chocolate Matcha Brownies - chocolate + connie

Sorry for my disappearance, I was drowned in a pile of papers, projects and chocolate wrappers but am happy to announce that I’m finally done with schooooool. I still have an internship to go before I graduate but that’s a different type of learning. Since my brain is still friedddd from writing my last undergrad exam everrrr, this is gonna be a lazy post. Nutella Stuffed Cinnamon Sugar Muffins. Cinnamon sugar crusted muffin tops with a hidden Nutella filling that everyone will love!

Nutella Stuffed Cinnamon Sugar Muffins

This was a tough weekend for me. I felt so uninspired with everything – cooking, blogging, working, running… you name it. And on top of everything else, Jason had to work all weekend so I barely got to spend any time with him. Normally I wouldn’t be so upset about it but he’s leaving for San Francisco in 3 weeks and once he’s back up north, I probably won’t be seeing him for another month.

Photos du journal - Velvet d'Amour Official Fan Page. James Park. Cinnamon Madeleines Recipe. Madeleines with lemon curd recipe. Resting time 2 hours to overnight Beat the eggs with the sugar until pale and frothy.

Madeleines with lemon curd recipe

Put the flour and baking powder into a separate bowl and add the lemon zest. Easy Yummy Cookery: Langues de Chat (Cats' Tongue) It was the 6th of February and like every other cyclone-holiday-seeking-student, I woke up at 5 with the very goal of hearing some good news on the radio! Yay for me! {Recipe} Red Velvet Cupcake with Cream Cheese Frosting. Today, I attempted to bake cupcakes. Best Blueberry Muffins. Best Blueberry Muffins Yields 12 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour 1 tsp baking powder 1/4 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp salt 1 cup granulated sugar 7 Tbsp canola or vegetable oil* (measure 1/2 cup remove 1 Tbsp) 1/4 cup buttermilk 1/4 cup sour cream 2 large egg eggs 1 1/2 cups fresh blueberries Crumb Topping 1/3 cup all-purpose flour 1 3/4 Tbsp granulated sugar 2 1/2 Tbsp chilled butter, diced into small cubes 1 1/4 Tbsp Raw Sugar.

Caramel Blondies — Better With Sugar. Last week me & the BF went to visit his family, wayyyyyyy in the middle of nowhere. Alright, his hometown isn't actually in the middle of nowhere, but we did drive through the middle of nowhere to get there. Vanilla Blueberry Muffins. Homemade english muffins. You know those sandy bottomed dry and dull english muffins that your mom tried to feed you?

I do.. english muffins. What if I told you that I found a way to make them delicious, moist, soft, and perfect.

Cinnamon rolls

Olive Oil, Rosemary and Lemon French Madeleines. Supergolden bakes: Viennese swirls + win a year's supply of TeaPods. Is there anything better than a cup of tea? (whenever I say 'cup of tea' it's always in an Eliza Doolittle voice - cuppatea). Yes, resolutely there is. Éclairs (Pâte à Choux Puffs) Linzer Cookies. Yes, this week is another heart-themed cookie (because I’m still a sap). I’ve made linzer cookies before, but I’ve always just used different sized cookie cutters to achieve the effect. I finally broke down and bought an actual linzer cookie cutter though, so I had to use it. For the past couple weeks, I’ve been finding and bookmarking all the linzer recipes in my cookbooks in preparation for this week (sap).

Why did I choose this one? Why not. Brownies aux noix de pécan. Cronuts au sucre glace. Préchauffez votre four th.6 (180°C). Dans un bol, cassez un œuf et fouettez le avec une fourchette. Sur du papier sulfurisé, déroulez votre pâte feuilleté, coupez la en deux. Pancakes à l'américaine. Macarons au caramel et beurre salé. Chouquette Recipe. Biting into a chouquette is a little like biting into a soft, rich, eggy, cloud topped with crunchy sugar.

My first taste of these slightly-sweet treats was in Nice, France. Tummy rumbling, Mike and I headed into a bakery. I spied a giant mountain of cream-puff looking pastries and politely pointing, asked for “une, s’il vous plaît.” The nice bakery lady didn’t laugh at my request or my broken French. Instead, in perfect English she explained that they sold the feather light chouquettes by weight. Churros Recipe. Earl Grey Madeleines Recipe. Palmier Recipe. Palmiers are one of Mike’s favourites at bakeries. They’re like his litmus test: if they can do a palmier, they can do anything. Funny thing is, before Mike, I’d never eaten a palmier before. Hot Buttered Soft Baked Pretzels. Auntie Anne's Pretzels: Copycat Recipe. Sticky Toffee Pudding. [Mmmmh!] - Recette: Le financier au the matcha et aux framboises.

Nutella Brownie Cheesecake Bites! The Perfect Pancakes. Macaron Cookie Recipe—Desert Recipes from Chef Daniel Boulud. Chouquettes au sucre. Les gourmandises : macarons et autres douceurs... Madeleines a l’ancienne (Old fashion Madeleines) Recipe.