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Ebola 2014

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Ebola News Gives Me a Guilty Thrill. Am I Crazy? Folks speak blithely about their guilty pleasures.

Ebola News Gives Me a Guilty Thrill. Am I Crazy?

But if you get a little thrill when you contemplate the worldwide obliteration of society in a horrific Armageddon, have you crossed a line from “person with a guilty pleasure” to “person who is a dangerous psychopath”? This was a question that wrecked most of one afternoon following a discussion of Ebola with some co-workers. We were brainstorming ideas for stories about the awful pandemic, and the topic of American preparedness came up. Although Ebola seems decently isolated on our shores, public health officials are girding our infrastructure for worst-case scenarios.

I made the following confession: Although obviously the West African Ebola crisis sickens and saddens me, and although I of course don’t want Ebola to run rampant … whenever I hear about the idea of our nation crumbling in an apocalyptic plague, I get an amoral twinge of excitement. Surely, I thought, at least some of my journalist coworkers could relate. Ebola, AIDS Manufactured by Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD? Dear World Citizens: I have read a number of articles from your Internet outreach as well as articles from other sources about the casualties in Liberia and other West African countries about the human devastation caused by the Ebola virus.

Ebola, AIDS Manufactured by Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD?

About a week ago, I read an article published in the Internet news summary publication of the Friends of Liberia that said that there was an agreement that the initiation of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa was due to the contact of a two-year old child with bats that had flown in from the Congo. That report made me disconcerted with the reporting about Ebola, and it stimulated a response to the “Friends of Liberia,” saying that African people are not ignorant and gullible, as is being implicated. A response from Dr. Verlon Stone said that the article was not theirs, and that “Friends of Liberia” was simply providing a service.

I am now reading The Hot Zone, a novel, by Richard Preston (copyrighted 1989 and 1994); it is heart-rending. The U. Dr. The Ebola Conspiracy Theories - Photo THE spread of Ebola from western Africa to suburban Texas has brought with it another strain of contagion: conspiracy theories.

The Ebola Conspiracy Theories -

The outbreak began in September, when The Daily Observer, a Liberian newspaper, published an article alleging that the virus was not what it seemed — a medical disaster — but rather a bioweapon designed by the United States military to depopulate the planet. Not long after, accusations appeared online contending that the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had patented the virus and was poised to make a fortune from a new vaccine it had created with the pharmaceutical industry. There were even reports that the New World Order, that classic conspiracy bugbear involving global elites, had engineered Ebola in order to impose quarantines, travel bans and eventually martial law.

» 8201 Le Virus Ebola, et l’épidémie 2014. Allez, pour changer de l’Ukraine, une autre crise… Mise à jour – on a bien eu un doublement des cas en 1 mois, mais cela semble s’arranger…

» 8201 Le Virus Ebola, et l’épidémie 2014

Ebola : pourquoi le virus a-t-il migré en Afrique de l’Ouest ? : Sciences et Avenir. Le virus Ebola serait en mutation pour mieux infecter. Réalisée par une équipe internationale dirigée par le chercheur en virologie de l'Université Harvard Stephen K.

Le virus Ebola serait en mutation pour mieux infecter

Gire, l'étude a consisté à séquencer le génome du virus prélevé sur 78 patients hospitalisés en Sierra Leone entre la fin de mai et la mi-juin. Le virus a été échantillonné une seconde fois chez certains patients, après un intervalle de temps, ce qui a donné un total de 99 génomes d'Ebola séquencés. Et ces nouvelles données, jumelées à d'autres informations épidémiologiques, donnent des résultats «très préoccupants», commente le microbiologiste de l'Université de Sherbrooke Eric Frost, qui n'a pas participé à l'étude. «Ils disent que l'épidémie double exponentiellement tous les 34,8 jours et a gagné les capitales des trois pays les plus touchés, alors que les éclosions précédentes étaient restées confinées dans des régions rurales. Mutation silencieuse Ce que l'équipe de M.

Ebola: cinq chercheurs meurent du virus avant la parution de leur étude. Ils ont payé un lourd tribut.

Ebola: cinq chercheurs meurent du virus avant la parution de leur étude

Une équipe de chercheurs ayant travaillé sur l'origine de l'épidémie Ebola a elle-même été contaminée. Cinq d'entre eux sont décédés des suites du virus avant même la parution de leur étude, jeudi dans le magazine Science. Genomes reveal start of Ebola outbreak. When the young woman arrived at the Kenema Government Hospital in Sierra Leone in late May, she had high fever and had just miscarried.

Genomes reveal start of Ebola outbreak

The hospital suspected she had contracted Lassa fever, because the viral disease is endemic in the region and often causes miscarriages. But Ebola virus disease, another hemorrhagic fever illness, had been spreading in neighboring Guinea for months, so when she began bleeding profusely, staff tested her for that virus as well. The results were positive, making her the first confirmed case of Ebola in Sierra Leone. Volunteers in protective gear bury a victim of Ebola in Kenema.

The young woman, who eventually recovered, is now at the heart of a tragic but potentially important research tale. The study, however, also highlights the unrelenting toll the outbreak has taken on health workers on the front lines. The team found 13 more people who were infected, all women who had attended the burial. Genomic surveillance elucidates Ebola virus origin and transmission during the 2014 outbreak.

Fighting Ebola, and the Conspiracy Theories - Misinformation about politics may often seem silly — the immigration bill will give out free cars!

Fighting Ebola, and the Conspiracy Theories -

— but the consequences of false beliefs in public health can be deadly. In the developed world, myths about the risks of vaccines have enabled the resurgence of communicable diseases like measles and pertussis. And in developing countries, false beliefs have hindered efforts to fight H.I.V. /AIDS and eradicate polio in countries like Nigeria and Pakistan. Monkey Meat and the Ebola Outbreak in Liberia. Deux Américains victimes d'Ebola peut-être sauvés par un sérum secret - - info - sciences-tech. La Banque mondiale promet 200 millions de dollars contre Ebola. 25 Critical Facts About This Ebola Outbreak That Every American Needs To Know.

Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog,

25 Critical Facts About This Ebola Outbreak That Every American Needs To Know