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ZERO TO THREE: Homepage. Shaken Baby Alliance. Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist. Promising Practices Network on Children, Families and Communities. National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) The National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome. CEDV Scale - Home Page. Welcome to the Child Exposure to Domestic Violence (CEDV) Scale homepage.

CEDV Scale - Home Page

This is one of few measurement tools for use with children exposed to domestic violence. We are making the CEDV freely accessible through this website. The purpose of the tool is to provide practicing professionals and researchers with a standard method to measure the level of exposure to domestic violence that a child may have experienced, allowing for a recognition of a continuum of child experiences and the need for corresponding continuum of interventions and practice techniques. It is designed to be self-administered by 10 to 16 year old children. Please see the User Manual for more detailed information on the CEDV and how to administer it. We would like to thank the staff, mothers and children associated with Cornerstone, the Tubman Family Alliance and the Domestic Abuse Project in Minnesota for their cooperation in developing the CEDV. MINCAVA Electronic Clearinghouse. Healthy Children. The Future of Children - Home. Futures Without Violence.

Child Trends DataBank. The Child Trends DataBank examines and monitors more than 100 indicators that focus on risks and positive developments for children.

Child Trends DataBank

For each indicator we summarize what the research says about its importance to children’s development, track trends over time and by subgroup, and highlight strategies likely to improve well-being. We also provide links to state, local, and international data. Our estimates come from reliable sources including federal reports and websites. Child Trends. Child Welfare League of America. Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse. The California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare. American Psychological Association (APA)

American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children.