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iOS开发是否应该使用ARC? 九款可免费下载的app导航条. [辅助工具]Justinmind. 移动已经是不可阻挡的趋势,未来人们的获取信息、娱乐、交流的最主要渠道就是移动终端。


交互在移动应用上发挥的作用更大,能够实现基于传感器的多种效果。 这里推荐一款专注移动端的交互设计软件:JustinMind。 它是由西班牙JustinMind公司出品的原型制作工具,可以输出Html页面。 与目前主流的交互设计工具axure,Balsamiq Mockups等相比,Justinmind Prototyper更为专属于设计移动终端上app应用。 下面先对JustinMind做一个简单的认识,这是该软件的主界面,共有5个功能分区: 下面是JustinMind的一些特性: 1.使用JustinMind,你可以在几分钟内利用其广泛的组件和交互绘制高保真原型。 2.关于手势的交互效果:JustinMind提供了多种触屏的交互效果,例如滑动、缩放、旋转,甚至捕捉设备方向等等。 3.可以创建自己的组件库:JustinMind为iPhone ,iPad,黑莓,Android提供了多样的组件。 4.更为便捷的定义样式:相比Axure,JustinMind更好的提供了属性窗口,并且更好的支持捕获PS等软件的图像属性。 5.JustinMind可以导出原型的所有信息到Microsoft Word。 6.共享原型进行测试。 7.更友好的定义交互方式。 8.全球范围内的复用、数据共享。 9.发布和收集反馈意见。 由于JustinMind在交互方式的实现以及原型的生成方面比较具有特点,所以我做了下面一些演示: 1.事件与交互 事件是JustinMind的一个关键功能,Justinmind Prototyper的事件由两个主要部分组成:一个是事件的触发(或用户事件),另一个是一组操作。 Update: More iOS 5 SDK Tutorials Added (Including A Complete Course, Storyboard and ARC updates) It’s been some time since I posted an update to the iOS 5 tutorial section areas on this site.

Update: More iOS 5 SDK Tutorials Added (Including A Complete Course, Storyboard and ARC updates)

This latest update includes a complete course on the basics of iOS development, some very straightforward storyboard tutorials great for beginners, and a good guide on the problems you can run into when migrating your code to ARC when using the migration feature in Xcode. 1. Best Resources In iOS Development – January 9th, 2012. Welcome to another best resources in iOS development listing featuring the top resources from this site in the last couple of weeks.

Best Resources In iOS Development – January 9th, 2012

This issue is packed with resources as things have really picked up since the holiday season. Topping this list are some very well made open source libraries, Cocos2D special effects, and a great tool for learning OpenGL ES 2.0 programming. The most popular post in the last couple of weeks week is about an upcoming iOS app theme giveaway with the winner being drawn on January 11th that you can sign up for here.

Here are the resources: 1. 2. Best Resources In iOS Development – February 6th, 2012. Welcome back to another edition of the best resources in iOS development listing the latest resources from this site in order of popularity.

Best Resources In iOS Development – February 6th, 2012

[Cocoa]深入浅出Cocoa之类与对象 - 罗朝辉(飘飘白云) 深入浅出Cocoa之类与对象 CC许可,转载请注明出处 最近打算写一些ObjC中比较底层的东西,尤其是 runtime 相关的。

[Cocoa]深入浅出Cocoa之类与对象 - 罗朝辉(飘飘白云)

苹果已经将 ObjC runtime 代码开源了,我们可以从: 浏览源代码,或点此下载源代码。 从哪里入手呢? 那当然是最基本的类与对象。 我们可以在/usr/include/objc/objc.h 和 runtime.h 中找到对 class 与 object 的定义: Best Resources In iOS Development – January 23, 2012. Welcome back to another edition of the best resources in iOS development listing the last two weeks of resources on this site in order of popularity.

Best Resources In iOS Development – January 23, 2012

This week’s resources feature a library for making beautiful modal panels within your iOS apps very quickly, a guide on disabling ARC on specific files, a Path 2 inspired UITableView replacement, and more. Here are the resources: 1. Open Source: iOS Address Book Wrapper Library Providing Automatic Hashing And Permission Alerts. In the last week several apps have been called out for how they dealt with data taken using the iOS address book API (mainly social networking apps like Path, and Foursquare).

Open Source: iOS Address Book Wrapper Library Providing Automatic Hashing And Permission Alerts

Two simple steps have been suggested for developers to avoid being called out like this: - Warn users that you are about to collect their address book data. - Access the data securely using iOS SDK’s built-in hashing functions. Not too long ago I mentioned an excellent guide on using the data protection API, but today i came across a library that automatically wraps the process of using iOS address book contacts and pops up an alert when the user’s address book data is first being used, and uses hashed tokens to represent the data securely.

The library is Hashed Contacts from David Smith, and you can find the library along with an example on it’s Github page here. You can read more about why David created the library on his blog. Open Source: Objective-C WebSockets Client Library. WebSockets have been one of the most touted features of modern browsers – and the WebSocket protocol is now being used by many different web applications.

Open Source: Objective-C WebSockets Client Library

Recently I was pointed to a WebSockets client library created using Objective-C which was created by its developers so that they could perform better iOS network debugging and used the library to communicate with Google Chrome’s remote debugging API. The library was created by the develoeprs at Squareup, and here are some of the advantages they list for developers with WebSockets: Objective-C Debugging Basics With Xcode 4. Getting Started With Core Data In iOS 5 Using Xcode Storyboards.

Recently I mentioned an excellent tool for generating Core Data classes, and another popular resource for developers using Core Data is Magical Record providing a library for using Core Data utilizing the Active Record pattern.

Getting Started With Core Data In iOS 5 Using Xcode Storyboards

I’ve also mentioned a good tutorial for those getting started with Core Data, but with some of the recent changes, but with the release of iOS 5 there are a few issues and that tutorial does not cover how to use Core Data with Xcode storybaords. Today I came across an excellent set of tutorials for those getting started with using Core Data on the iOS platform. The tutorials are from Tim Roadley, and cover a wide variety of problems faced by those beginning with Core Data.

Here are the tutorials: A great set of tutorials for getting started with Core Data, I really like the attention to detail and how Tim goes out of his way to explain things rather than just show what to do. The first tutorial was added to the Xcode Storyboard page. 分步演示如何将iPhone应用移植至iPad平台. Open Source iOS UIImageView Category Adding Easy Asynchronous Image Downloading.

360度全景浏览代码,Xcode4.0编译. iOS开发者必读的10本书. 要想在iOS市场生存,开发者应该与时俱进,不断充实和完善自己。


我们参考了多位iOS开发者的推荐选,出了10本iOS开发者应该读的书,无论你是新手还是技术娴熟的行家里手。 如有遗漏,欢迎补充。 1.Programming in Objective-C Programming in Objective-C 2.0是一本精心编写的非常实用、非常基础的书。 iOS应用内付费(IAP)开发步骤列表. 步骤繁多,在此把开发步骤列表整理如下。 因为只是步骤列表,所以并不含详细的说明教程,需要看教程的新手,可以看我附在最后的一些参考链接。 配置 登录到,然后进行以下步骤: 1.为应用建立建立一个不带通配符的App ID 2.用该App ID生成和安装相应的Provisioning Profile文件。 iOS开发总结帖(Xcode、Object-C和Cocoa...更新中) iOS开发之工具篇-20个可以帮你简化移动app开发流程的工具. iOS开发之Object-C和Cocoa. iOS开发常用的宏 大家一起来收集~ 由会员xiaochengfei发起的一个话题: 收集起来,丢到一个头文件中,这样开发起来就快多啦! 我先分享一些,大家可以拿出自己私藏的,盖楼,吼吼~ 25个增强iOS应用程序性能的提示和技巧(1-5) 在开发iOS应用程序时,让程序具有良好的性能是非常关键的。 这也是用户所期望的,如果你的程序运行迟钝或缓慢,会招致用户的差评。