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Ginger Kombucha Tonic. 5 Easy & Healthy Ways To Spice Up Your Water. Must.

5 Easy & Healthy Ways To Spice Up Your Water

Drink. More. After-Dinner Turmeric Spritzer. My Favourite Hot Detox Tonic. I’m feeling particularly nostalgic at the end of this year, mainly because it was our first full year of parenting.

My Favourite Hot Detox Tonic

This year Adriana blossomed from a 3 month old baby in January into a 15 month old hilarious, chatty, and very strong-willed toddler by December. The change!!! Goji Lemon Tea: The First Thing I Drink Every Morning. The first thing you put into your body in the morning is pretty powerful.

Goji Lemon Tea: The First Thing I Drink Every Morning.

It can change the way you eat and feel for the rest of the day. Throughout my life I have tried several approaches to my "upon rising" diet. But above every trial and error, this mug seems to be the thing that makes me feel the best for the rest of the day. No, this is not breakfast, but this is the first thing I drink every morning upon rising, about an hour or so before breakfast. It hydrates me, gives me a splash of energy and a clean feeling from the inside out to start my day.

Get the recipe for my Cleansing Lemon Goji Berry Tea and try it for yourself!.. First off, THANK YOU for all the kind tweets and comments regarding the launch of the pre-order of my smoothies book! Sunrise. Well this is what works for me. Now remember this tea is *first thing* in the morning. Turmeric Tea Recipe. For a while it felt like someone was sticking a hot poker between my shoulder blades, particularly if I moved my neck in certain directions, like left or right.

Turmeric Tea Recipe

Keeping warm + spiced ginger lemon tea. Last night I feel asleep to an almost comic clanking of the radiators.

keeping warm + spiced ginger lemon tea

They’ve been puttering along all winter, but on this particular evening they were hissing at full-throttle. Winter has finally descended on the city. Not the brisk days of December, but the deep freeze of January and February. Detoxifying Mint Tea Recipe. Blending your own herbal tea is a revelation.

Detoxifying Mint Tea Recipe

Once you start, it's hard to go back to tea bags. This way, you're able to shape your blends to be as simple or complex as you like. You control the flavor profile and ingredients entirely, it's great. 3 Hormone-Balancing Beverages I Drink Every Day. When I talk about hormonal health, I usually get deep into discussions around leafy greens, root veggies, healthy fats, and other wholesome foods.

3 Hormone-Balancing Beverages I Drink Every Day

As far as I’m concerned, medications and pricey supplements are not the ideal fixes for hormonal issues ranging from amenorrhea to fibroids to PCOS. The real healing happens at breakfast, lunch, and dinner! But in addition to reaping hormonal rewards through food, I also recommend that women drink their way to health with some easy, potent beverages that can have a big impact on the endocrine system. These recipes are simple, affordable, and — yes — totally tasty. Vegan medicinal mushroom tonic. Photography, recipe, and content Policy.

vegan medicinal mushroom tonic

3 DIY Winter Detox Recipes. Cranberry-Apple Shrub Recipe on Food52. Cooking is more fun with friends.

Cranberry-Apple Shrub Recipe on Food52

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Superfood lattes. Pin it!

superfood lattes

Pin it! I usually walk into my local health food store for a crusty loaf of multi-seed sourdough and maybe a re-up of brown basmati rice. But also… I almost always walk out with 3 sample size packets of plant-based protein powder, a Synergy Kombucha (the ones with chia seeds if I’m lucky), some sort of grain-free dog treat (my girl’s got sensitive skin), coconut milk ice cream, a new herbal tea, some kind of rice cracker/cake, a bar of my fave raw chocolate with vanilla and salt, a new flour/grain to play around with, and whatever superfood du jour that I’ve just read about.

GRAPEFRUIT + WATERMELON AGUA FRESCA. I am motivated by the "summer bucket lists" I've been hearing about or seeing on Instagram. With Curran and the work we have to do around the house, I've thought the fun parts of this season would fall to the wayside but that is silly thinking. Detox Drinks At Home. In need of a warm detox after this blizzardy weekend? A green juice may be your go-to when you think healthy beverage, but in this climate we’d rather not ingest anything that doesn’t come in a mug.

We know, we know, a Hot Toddy sounds so good right now, but we promise, brewing up one of these detoxifying warm drinks will feel just as festive. Plus, your Tuesday morning will thank you. Matcha Tea Ingredients: 1 teaspoon Matcha Tea Powder 2-3 ounces of Hot Water (Not boiling) Directions: Turmeric Switchel — Wild Drink Recipes from Emily Han. This bright new riff on the classic switchel features turmeric, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antiviral agent. I love sipping turmeric switchel after a workout, or using it as a cocktail mixer with fresh sugarcane spirits like cachaça and rhum agricole. I highly recommend using fresh turmeric, which has a livelier flavor than the dried version.

Look for the fresh rhizomes, which resemble orange knobs of ginger root, at health food stores or at well-stocked grocery stores and Asian and Indian markets. For an extra-spicy kick, add a tiny pinch of black pepper to the turmeric switchel — it’ll increase the bioavailability of curcumin, an anti-inflammatory compound found in turmeric. 3 DIY Winter Detox Recipes. The dream of winter: a beautiful, snowy wonderland that you can't help but run out into and relish. The reality of winter: a cold, harsh slog that is most often "enjoyed" from the comforts of the great indoors. So if the thought of making the trek to your favorite juice spot sends you running to the nearest Snuggie, you have two options: do nothing, or do it yourself. Luckily Jamie Graber, detox guru and founder of the New York City's Gingersnap's Organic, is making the choice a little easier to make, by sharing with us three recipes from her new book Juice It, Blend It, Live It.

Each one—a juice, a smoothie, and a hemp seed milk—promise to make your inside time a little...healthier. And if you're ready to use that time to try your hand at DIY detoxing, she's got advice on that too... (Photos: Jamie Graber) The Juice: Ginger Blast1 full head romaine 1 whole cucumber 2 thumbs ginger 1 whole lime 2 kale leaves (with stems) 2 stalks celery "Ginger is one of my favorite vegetables.