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Providing the best RPG products by small press publishers and more! by – Open Gaming Store. Designer question! Let's say that you saw a "Game design worksheet", that was… Modern Floorplans: An Average Thunderbox - Fabled Environments. Legal Issues in Gaming: The Open Game License. Androids, Aliens, and Aberrations - Ivanhoe Unbound. Turn Around sur Twitter : "#RPG #dnd #gaming. Kirt Dankmyer - Google+ Glasses Are Scissors. Turn Around sur Twitter : "I should have thought of this. #gaming #miniatures #dominoes.

#GamingAids - Dominoes! I have found dominoes to be endlessly useful when… Turn Around sur Twitter : "I love charts like this a little too much. #gaming #boardgames. Pick the Best Board Game to Play in Any Situation with This Flow Chart. Support Jeshields creating FREE STOCK ART FOR RPG GAMES. The Free Stock section of JEStockArt will start including more polished illustrations.

Support Jeshields creating FREE STOCK ART FOR RPG GAMES

The Free Stock section of JEStockArt will start including COLOR images. Four months out of the year, all of the art I create for the Free Stock section of JEStockArt will be created to provide for the art needs of one randomly selected patron. Each month, increase the number of illustrations you get by FIVE! At least one illustration each month will be a full digital painting - chosen from your votes, of course! #NotAllVampyres sur Twitter : "Oooh, interesting. #rpg #gaming #apocalypseworld.

Here's a thing I did. An index of all of the moves from "unofficial" Apocalypse… #NotAllFigments sur Twitter : "Hey, free module. #gaming #RPG #DnD #Ravenloft. Kirt Dankmyer - Google+ Roleplaying's Big Night: The ENnie Awards. GenCon is the world’s largest tabletop gaming convention; a haven for those who toss dice, play cards, paint miniatures and create characters.

Roleplaying's Big Night: The ENnie Awards

But its founder Gary Gygax started the event in 1968 to celebrate the growing hobby of wargaming – and eventually his own invention: the roleplaying game. As such, RPGs have always had a special place at the conference. While Spiel and Origin focus heavily on self-contained experiences like board and card games, GenCon is the site of roleplaying’s most prestigious ceremony. Xiombarg : A table for FUDGE dice... #gaming ... Kirt Dankmyer - Google+ Xiombarg : #gaming #mra #horror No idea ... The Bard. Atlas Games. The Wanton Role-Playing (WaRP) System Atlas Games is pleased to announce that the rules system for the Over the Edge RPG has been released under the Open Game License.

Atlas Games

Its official name is the WaRP System (Wanton Role-Playing System), and a new WaRP logo has been released along with it under the OGL (without a special trademark license). The WaRP System Reference Document (SRD) contains the basic rules system used in Over the Edge, but not the game's unique setting. (Interested parties may contact Atlas Games about licensing the setting separately.) Kotaku. Quit Fucking Going To PAX Already, What Is Wrong With You. In case you have been living under a rock, on Mars, with your fingers in your ears: Penny Arcade, the owners of the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX), have a problem.

Quit Fucking Going To PAX Already, What Is Wrong With You

Or rather, they are a problem. I say they, despite the fact that most of the poison comes from Mike “Gabriel” Krahulik, because Jerry “Tycho” Holkins and Robert Khoo support and enable Mike, which makes them part of the problem. ShiftyLook. ATTENTION: NAMCO HIGH is shutting down on June 30, 2014 and will no longer be for sale from March 28, 2014.


After then, you can still enjoy the game but cannot make new purchases. Thank you for your support playing NAMCO HIGH. NAMCO HIGH autosaves every two minutes and after each scene change, so come back anytime! Having trouble with the game? Make sure you are using the latest version of Firefox, Chrome, Safari, or Internet Explorer and have cookies and Javascript enabled. Revolution 60 - The Cinematic Game for iOS. Elizabeth Corrigan: Why the Ever, Jane Kickstarter Rocks My World. Today I did something that has elicited mixed reactions from my friends and family.

Elizabeth Corrigan: Why the Ever, Jane Kickstarter Rocks My World

Some have called it crazy and ill-advised, while others have whole-heartedly endorsed it (provided I use my money and not theirs). And it's not eating fudge-covered Ritz crackers (though I did that too. They're okay, but nothing to write home about.) I had a great time at Metatopia this weekend.

Morristown is very pretty. Except for the way the roads are set up, you wouldn't know you were in New Jersey. ;-) (But Christ on a Crutch, the roads in New Jersey... New Jersey makes Washington, DC look sane by comparison, and that's considering all the damned traffic circles in DC...) The Index of System Reference Documents and Open Gaming. METATOPIA 2012 - The Game Design Festival. November 2 - 4, 2012 At the Morristown Hyatt & Conference Center in Morristown, New Jersey The Complete Schedule of Events is NOW POSTED!

METATOPIA 2012 - The Game Design Festival

Confirmed Attendees (Updated 10/29/12): Real Simple Games. Tablets & Titans (iPad and Android) by Steve Radabaugh. Post Campaign Update - Reflection and Looking Ahead Hello, my name is Steve Radabaugh.

Tablets & Titans (iPad and Android) by Steve Radabaugh

I have created two iPad apps for character tracking for indie Role Playing Games, both of which were well received by players and GMs. You can check them out on the app store here and here. In the process of creating these apps, I started to think a lot about what would be possible if a whole new game was created with tablets in mind. Alternate Ending » Mainichi. This is an experiment in sharing a personal experience through a game system.

Alternate Ending » Mainichi

It helps communicate daily occurances that happen in my life, exploring the difficulty in expressing these feelings in words. Werewolves (Mega-set) Player Aid. Retrospective: The Challenges Game System. Most gamers, I hope, know that Tom Moldvay was the editor of the 1981 Dungeons & Dragons Basic Rulebook, as well as the writer (co-writer) of two of the greatest D&D modules of all time, The Isle of Dread and Castle Amber. Race for the Galaxy. So, here's my first ever review for BBG, so please be gentle. I've been an avid board gamer for years, going back to my time as a wee lad. If you see the list of games I've rated, you can get a sense of how many different kinds of games I've played.

I liked Puerto Rico, tho admittedly I didn't love it. I love space conquest themed games. I hated this game. Broadcast Yourself. FSF: Old School Hack. Oh yes, it’s time for another Free System Friday, I bet you all thought that I’d forgotten. Ha! Cheapskates like me never forget about cool, free games, are you crazy? End Cancer, Get Mythender. Many of you have waited years for me to say this: I’m finally releasing Mythender. Well, maybe. It depends on you. Ruler Pencils: a brilliant idea, invented by a kid. by Brand New Box. Alyssa Bereznak Just Reminded Us That Women Can Be Predators Online Too. Old School Hack. Mark Roth's Proof of Reincarnation - Scientist Bringing Back the Dead. December 2, 2008, 7:30 AM. Intercon Mid-Atlantic. Future Rock Band. Home : Inform. S Dominion Tool. SynDCon - The Washington, DC Area's Premiere Gaming Convention, 2/12-15/2010.

Void Star - Home - What is Strands of Fate? Reexamining the Dungeon. 23 Sep 2010 In 3rd edition’s latter days, D&D introduced the tactical encounter. This was a revolution. Each one was a script for running a combat. Its structured format helps DMs run complex and dynamic encounters involving creatures, traps, hazards, special terrain and more. For all the benefits this format introduced, it was not without its challenges too. The Dresden Files. Bits & Mortar. RPG. Gaming. Great articles about RPGs. Gaming. Dresden Files Noodling. Licensed properties are never my first choice for a game.

Nor my second. Nor my third. Table Top Gaming. An Attempt at Post-Modern Occult - Xyphoid Musings.