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Security Issues with Mobile Apps

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Legal Issues In E-Commerce: Think Before You Click! - Media, Telecoms, IT, Entertainment - India. Introduction India is witnessing a digital revolution with internet becoming an integral part of its population and availability of internet in the mobile phones.

Legal Issues In E-Commerce: Think Before You Click! - Media, Telecoms, IT, Entertainment - India

With the decrease in the prices for using internet, change in lifestyle in urban areas and the convenience that internet has brought has supported this revolution. The business activity conducted through electronic means falls within e-commerce. Though there is no specific definition provided in any statute, it encompasses all business conducted by computer networks, be it B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B or B2B2C. The services that are offered does not begin or end with providing an online platform but involves efficient delivery system, proper payment facilitation and an effective supply chain and service management. Legal Issues. On The Eighth Day Of Privacy, My Mobile Apps Know Everything About Me . . . - Privacy Protection. Terms & Conditions and Privacy Statement (the Website) is owned and managed by Mondaq Ltd and as a user you are granted a non-exclusive, revocable license to access the Website under its terms and conditions of use.

On The Eighth Day Of Privacy, My Mobile Apps Know Everything About Me . . . - Privacy Protection

FDA Final Guidance On Mobile Medical Applications - Food, Drugs, Healthcare, Life Sciences. On September 23, 2013, the FDA issued a guidance ("Final Guidance") explaining how medical device regulations will be applied to medical mobile applications (MMAs).1 The Final Guidance provides mobile application manufacturers with recommendations on how to comply with the regulatory and statutory requirements governing medical devices.

FDA Final Guidance On Mobile Medical Applications - Food, Drugs, Healthcare, Life Sciences

The Guidance indicates that the FDA intends to limit its enforcement authority to only those mobile applications that operate as medical devices and pose a significant risk to patients if they fail to function as intended. Beyond Privacy Policies: Practical Privacy For Web Sites And Mobile Apps - Data Protection. Terms & Conditions and Privacy Statement (the Website) is owned and managed by Mondaq Ltd and as a user you are granted a non-exclusive, revocable license to access the Website under its terms and conditions of use.

Beyond Privacy Policies: Practical Privacy For Web Sites And Mobile Apps - Data Protection

The growing security threat from mobile phone apps. It was only a matter of time, but it looks like mobile applications are now sufficiently ubiquitous to attract the serious attention of cyber criminals.

The growing security threat from mobile phone apps

In June, Apple banned a developer after he hacked around 400 iTunes accounts. Mobile App Security: 5 Frequent Woes Persist. HP Fortify study finds five frequent problems that make mobile apps vulnerable, recommends simple-to-implement information security fixes. How many mobile apps are secure enough for business use? According to one study of more than 2,000 mobile apps, 97% inappropriately accessed at least one source of private information stored on a device, while 86% lacked basic information security measures that would defend the app against frequent types of attacks. Those findings come from a new study from HP Fortify, which scanned 2,107 apps from 601 different businesses that HP said were all listed on the Forbes list of the top 2,000 global companies.

What types of apps did HP study? "Applications run the gamut from banking to marketing for consumer goods companies, to business-targeted apps," said Bledsoe, who noted that the studied apps spanned 22 different app store categories. . [ Here's a different mobile security threat: iPhone Photo Leads To Cybercrime Arrest.] 1. 2. 3. 4. Personal banking apps leak info through phone. By Ariel Sanchez For several years I have been reading about flaws in home banking apps, but I was skeptical.

Personal banking apps leak info through phone

To be honest, when I started this research I was not expecting to find any significant results. The goal was to perform a black box and static analysis of worldwide mobile home banking apps. The research used iPhone/iPad devices to test a total of 40 home banking apps from the top 60 most influential banks in the world. In order to obtain a global view of the state of security, some of the more important banks from the following countries were included in the research: 10 common mobile security problems to attack. NTIA Introduces Mobile App Code of Conduct For Privacy. The U.S.

NTIA Introduces Mobile App Code of Conduct For Privacy

National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) this week announced that its stakeholder partners for an app transparency process will soon begin testing a voluntary code of conduct for mobile app privacy. The code implores app developers to, “where practicable,” provide app users with short form notices about what data an app collects and who it will be shared with. The image above is one of several examples the NTIA released to show how apps following the code might display such notices.

According to the code, notices should inform app users of data collection from the categories of biometrics; browser history; phone and text logs; contacts; financial information; health, medical, or therapy data; location data; and user files. The sharing notices should cover the categories of ad networks; carriers; consumer data resellers; data analytics providers; government entities; operating systems and platforms; other apps; and social networks. The New Zealand Herald e-Edition Mobile. Sat, 22 Feb 2014 Why your smartphone might be the most dangerous thing you own Ihave a game I want you to play.

The New Zealand Herald e-Edition Mobile

I want you to imagine yourself 20 years ago. I want you to imagine someone walking up to you in the street and giving you a small, rather beautiful device that, when you touch its glossy glass screen, instantly makes a phone call to someone you know in a city on the other side of the world. You’d be amazed, wouldn’t you, in that era of the bricky clamshell phone, to stand there in the street and talk on this tiny, shiny thing to someone far, far away.