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The secrets of body language: why you should never cross your arms again

The secrets of body language: why you should never cross your arms again
7K Flares 7K Flares × Body language is older and more innate for us as humans than even language or facial expressions. That’s why people born blind can perform the same body language expressions as people who can see. They come pre-programmed with our brains. I’ve always been incredibly fascinated with body language and how it helps us achieve our goals in life better. “Our nonverbals govern how other people think and feel about us.” If you are anything like me, then you’ve had a healthy obsession with body language for some time. Here is an insight of the latest studies and how we can use body language to our advantage in every day life. Your body expresses emotion better than your face We all grow up learning about how to deal with each other based on facial expressions. Researchers from Princeton performed a very simple experiment. Have a go yourself at the following picture and try to say whether the tennis player’s faces on the right enjoy victory or loss: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.)

FREE Rhyming Dictionary - Find Rhyming Words in Seconds 10 Easy To Read Books That Make You Smarter ← LMLRN There could be as many books written as opinions on which to read. This list is not at all exhaustive, but serves as a starting point for the inquisitive mind. These are all modern, easy to read books that don’t fill your brain with easily forgotten facts, but a way of thinking about the universe that makes you smarter. So, without further ado: 1. Cosmos – Carl Sagan Carl Sagan’s Cosmos, tells the story of 15 billion years of cosmic history like no one else can. 2. Outliers brings a crucial point that there is logic behind why some people become successful, and it has more to do with legacy and opportunity than high IQ. 3. This is the greatest guide, to what we all should have learned in high school and beyond. 4. Where do morals come from? 5. Daniel Kahneman presents the brain as we have never seen it. 6. The lesson of this book is that we should be leery of trusting society’s or common wisdom. 7. 8. 9. 10. What scientific concept would improve everybody’s cognitive toolkit?

A Design Revolution That Could Lift Humanity Editors’ note: The following is an excerpt from The Shape of Green: Aesthetics, Ecology, and Design (Island Press). In iconic nature scenes, one shape is ubiquitous: the tree. Based on evolutionary biology’s findings about innate human preferences for savanna-like environments, Judith Heerwagen and other psychologists have focused on tree images as signals of refuge that offer the potential for shelter, shade, and nourishment. Trees and other vegetation have inspired the art and architecture of every culture throughout history, which suggests their universal appeal. One species in particular, the Acacia tortilis, dominates the African savannah, where its silhouette emblazoned on the human retina for thousands of millennia, and research verifies that people are drawn to its shape--broad, spreading canopies and branches close to the ground. The appeal of the acacia in truth may have nothing to do with its being recognized as a tree. And not just in nature. Consider the strange attractor.

The Science of Good Habits and How to Form Them by Gregory Ciotti | Get notified of new posts here. Taking a long term view of success is critical, and it doesn’t take a psychologist to tell you that discipline is how you get from Point A to the sometimes elusive Point B. Or as Aristotle would so aptly put it… We are what we repeatedly do. Since that’s the case, how can we actually form good habits and make them stick? If you’ve asked yourself the same question, you’re in luck—today I’ll be covering a large selection of research on the psychology of planning and keeping the habits that matter. Let’s dive in! A Big Misconception About Building Habits First things first, I want to address a major misconception that many people have about building habits. One of the big habit myths is this belief that it only takes 21 days to form any habit. Furthermore, this outlook on habits (“I just have to get to X days…”) diminishes the real benefit of forming a habit in the first place: to change your lifestyle which ultimately leads to a better life.

The How Of Happiness: 10 Ways To Be Happy ← LMLRN Happiness is not some magical state of mind that we’re born with, blessed with, or lucky enough to stumble upon. It is a way of being that each of us can attain. When it comes to advice on how to be happy, the internet is filled with opinion and pseudoscience based on experiences and feelings. Religious teachings, our grandmothers, uncles, blogs, and television shows all have an opinion too. This is why we need advice that has been researched and tested. The international bestseller The How of Happiness: A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want by Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at the University of California is the best self-help book from a reputable scientist whose advice is based on the best experimental data. Now that all that is done, lets get down to the actual purpose of this article; to give you the 10 Steps To Getting The Happiness You Want. 1. 2. 3. This requires overcoming strong negative emotions, as well as the motivation to forgive. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

How Reframing A Problem Unlocks Innovation Editors’ note: The following is an adapted excerpt of InGenius (Harper One) by Tina Seelig. What is the sum of 5 plus 5?" "What two numbers add up to 10?" The first question has only one right answer, and the second question has an infinite number of solutions, including negative numbers and fractions. Mastering the ability to reframe problems is an important tool for increasing your imagination because it unlocks a vast array of solutions. A classic example of this type of reframing comes from the stunning 1968 documentary film Powers of Ten, written and directed by Ray and Charles Eames. Starting at a picnic by the lakeside in Chicago, this famous film transports us to the outer edges of the universe. This magnificent example reinforces the fact that you can look at every situation in the world from different angles, from close up, from far away, from upside down, and from behind. You can open the frame even farther by asking why I want to get to the other side of the river.

How to Travel to Exotic, Expensive Cities on $50 a Day (Photo: Marc P. Demoz) OK, I’ve had a few short posts recently. Now it’s time for my favorite: a post you will want to print out, refer to often, and take with you on adventures. In this case, we’ll explore budget travel that is luxury travel. But what does that mean? In contrast, looking at how locals live — and find hidden gems — ensures you have amazing experiences that no guidebook can capture. His specialty is engineering first-class trips from economy-class budgets… Perhaps it’s time for that trip you’ve been putting off? Enjoy, and please share your own tips in the comments! Enter Nomadic Matt When I ask people why they don’t travel as much as they would like, the most common answer is “because of money.” There is an illusion perpetrated by luxury resorts, travel magazines, and travel agencies, that the wonders of some of the greatest cities in the world are out of reach for ordinary folks. When I started traveling the world in 2006, I made many rookie and costly mistakes. The Basics

Get Hired I was recently asked for interview advice. 1. These are guidelines and examples. Don't repeat them verbatim. Do I have to say this? Maybe. Have I disclaimered myself enough? Interview Objective: Join the 180° Club What You Hopefully Did Months Ago Because I GUARANTEE This Will Happen Before Your Interview What You Should Do Leading Up to the Interview What You Should Bring The Suit This is Not a Party "Fashionably Late" Does Not Exist The Handshake How Enthusiastic You Should Appear Question Category Overview: What I (the Interviewer) am Really Trying to Figure Out Tell Me About Yourself What are Your Strengths? What are Your Weaknesses? Your Phone Describe a Time You Had Difficulty Working with a Coworker. What Was Your Biggest Mistake? Describe Your Ideal Workplace What Do You Know About this Company? Why do You Want this Job? Do You Have Any Questions for Me? Lunch: Price Considerations Lunch: Limit Your Pickiness Lunch: Appropriate BAC Level Lunch: Very Important Additional Consideration

How an accountant created an entire RPG inside an Excel spreadsheet It's not always easy (or possible) to install your favorite games on your work computer. Sometimes a bit of Solitaire or some collaborative Bomberman might be all you can manage—and it had better look like work to any nearby screen snoopers. Over this past winter, Cary Walkin created the perfect solution to this problem: an entire RPG made of a spreadsheet and many macros. While the game isn't a beauty to look at—the hero is represented by a smiley face and all enemies are all bracket-parenthesis pairs—it's fairly complex for, well, a spreadsheet. The game also engages in some light borrowing of characters and elements from other fictional universes. The whole game is driven by an anachronistic story involving the hero's battle through an emperor's arena of monsters. In a Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) session with Walkin, he said that he decided to use Excel due to his extensive knowledge of the program (Walkin is an accountant by trade).

How to Moonwalk 21 Ways You Should Take Advantage Of Your 20s 1. Don’t feel the need to respond to every text message, phone call, and email the second it reaches you. Once upon a time, it took longer than a minute to reach someone. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. All information provided in this article is for reference purposes only.
