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Hour of Code

Hour of Code

Related:  Coding for Kids

Application Microsoft "Project Siena" pour Windows dans Windows Store Microsoft Project Siena (code name) is a breakthrough technology that enables your business experts, analysts and imagineers to create transformative business apps. With Siena, they can now build custom apps with rich visuals, filled with custom intelligence and functionality, with no programming required. Place some visuals on a canvas, hook them up to your data, then customize how your app looks and works.

Hour of Code Scratch Holiday Card Before Decide when and how long The Hour of Code is a one-hour, hands-on introduction to computer science. It is part of Computer Science Education Week, which is taking place December 7th to 13th. But your Hour of Code can happen before, during, or after CSEd Week -- and you can easily tailor the activity to fit any time frame. Code Monster from Crunchzilla <h2>Code Monster gets kids excited about programming. It is a combination of a game and tutorial where kids experiment with learning to code. <p> Code Monster use Javascript. Venngage - Digital Story Tools Infographics are awesome, but if you have a lot of data it can be very hard to convert them into a visual. Especially when you don’t necessarily want to convert them to graphics or charts. This tool is ideal if you want to make an infographic without inserting charts, like you can do with or LocalFocus. You can choose from a wide range of templates in different categories (infographics, reports, posters, promotion, social) which makes it very easy.

App Inventor Get Started Follow these simple directions to build your first app! Tutorials Step-by-step guides show you how to create even more apps. Teach SQLZOO Learn SQL using: SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, DB2, and PostgreSQL. Reference: how to... How to read the data from a database. 2 CREATE and DROP How to create tables, indexes, views and other things. Give Your Kids a Most Excellent Summer Coding Adventure For a new generation of students growing up in a digitally-connected century, all roads lead to code. Coding is the new literacy. It will not replace foreign languages, but it will be the global vernacular for understanding how technologies work.

Over 20 Free Digital Classroom Tools… Customize… Plus No Log In! This is a site that you are bound to find useful in your classroom. The tools are incredible and may even include items you have used on paper in the past… but can now bring digitally into the 21st century! Before this informative journey encompassing some engaging resources please take a moment and sign up by email or RSS. I enjoy sharing and I am also motivated by knowing that I am making a difference for you. Your subscription, retweet, and comments means a lot to me. Calling All Learners and Teachers for Hour of Code 2015 Chances are high that computer-science literacy will be increasingly relevant for jobs of the future. Some theorists even suggest that the ability to read and write code is a fundamental 21st-century competency. Yet, according to an August 2015 Gallup survey, many students get little exposure to these concepts at school; opportunities are even more limited for low-income students. To address these realities, there are a variety of free resources that can help teachers of all grades and subjects give students exposure to computer science, as well as access to opportunities that develop the skills required to approach coding problems.

16 Habits of Mind Essential for 21st Century Learners January 25, 2015 Below are 16 habits of mind our students need to develop in order to guarantee an optimal learning experience. These are cognitive processes that work at an analytic level to enhance one's mental and conceptual capacities in analysing and understanding things. Different as they are, these mind habits when taken together constitute the essence of a growth mindset needed for a balanced intellectual, social and physical development of the individual. The 16 habits of mind is a work realized by which is a very good platform that provides a wide variety of teaching materials and resources for teachers and educators. The chart is not really visually enhanced and I found it hard to peruse it so I went ahead and prepared this paraphrased script for you. 1- Persisting: Persevere in you what you do and keep focused.

100 Best DIY Sites on the Web 100 Best DIY Sites on the Web Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 6:06pm by Site Administrator DIY offers a great way to take on personal projects and make things your own. Although often DIY focuses primarily on home improvement, the DIY ethic expands out to arts, technology, and so much more. Check out these categories and more in our list of DIY sites that’s sure to get you inspired to get up and make something yourself. Home Improvement Creative Computing 7 units44 activitiesremixing encouraged download the Scratch 3.0 version of the guide> help learnerscreate new worldswith computing

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