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Preloadr: Image processing powered by nexImage

Preloadr: Image processing powered by nexImage
Related:  Photo Editor - Plataforma online para mejora y presentación de fotos Phixr Aviary Web Applications Products, Mobile Applications Products, Mobile Games flauntR flauntR is a free online suite of digital photoediting tools that provides a range of features that are typically only been available in expensive photoediting software. RIA Application build on Adobe Flex The FlauntR RIA (Rich Internet Application) application has been widely cited as an example of intuitive user interface design and use of cutting edge technology. The FlauntR interface engineered using Adobe Flex, Flash and J2EE technologies has been featured on and the Yahoo Gallery among others. Social Network Integration and Facebook Application flauntR features extensive and indepth integrations with over 16 social networks and Web2.0 applications including Facebook, Bebo, Flickr, Picasa, Open Social among others.flauntR is available as an application on Facebook, Bebo and will also be integrating with a range of other sites.

GIMP Logiciels de graphisme Logiciels de graphisme Vu le prix de Photoshop, je persiste à affirmer haut et fort que bien peu de particuliers doivent avoir et utilisent légalement ce logiciel ! Même si j'admets que c'est un excellent logiciel ! Sauf peut-être pour quelqu'un qui n'a jamais fait de photo numérique et qui n'a pas trop de temps. Donc, pour un particulier qui veut rester dans la légalité et/ou qui veut un logiciel simple, il devra abandonner Photoshop pour se tourner vers d'autres solutions moins coûteuses : Gratuits The Gimp (existe en version française)Site : gimp-fr.orgArticle : "Autre alternative Free à Photoshop"Pour Windows, GNU/Linux, Systèmes BSD (FreeBSD et Sun Solaris) The Gimp est aussi efficace et ergonomique que Paint Shop Pro (gestion des calques, plugins, vectoriel, correction de photos ...) Payants Classés par ordre décroissant de prix ! Corel Paint Shop ProPour Windows Ulead PhotoImpact a une interface souple et est assez puissant. Visualiseurs d'images Article original publié par .

Online image and photo editor -'s Phoenix As per this blog post from July, we have officially closed the advanced suite of Flash tools (previously located at in order to focus on our new company direction powering the photo experience in 3rd party apps. While we hoped that everyone would have taken the time to retrieve their files since our notice, we recognize that the message may not have been seen by everyone. Therefore, if you were not able to retrieve all of your files to date, please contact us at from the email address associated with your account to help retrieve your files. Do this quickly. Please note that after September 30th, 2012, we cannot guarantee that your files will still be available for us to retrieve. While the tools will remain offline, we may continue to explore new homes in whole or in part, for specific elements of the suite. I would like to make a few recommendations for alternate tools to try: Thank you to those of you who gave awards to the advanced suite.

21 Free Design Tools for Marketers on a Budget They say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but let's be honest ... a pretty cover doesn’t hurt when it comes to your marketing. That’s why -- whether you're creating lead generation content, social media content, calls-to-action, or infographics -- your marketing materials should always be as visually appealing as possible. Problem is, actually creating all these beautiful visuals isn't exactly every marketer's forte. But there's good news -- there are plenty of free and easy-to-use tools out there that can make you look like a master designer. Free Color Tools Even though it may seem like we have an unhealthy obsession with orange, we promise we’re equal opportunity color enthusiasts at HubSpot. 1) Adobe Color CC Adobe Color CC (formerly Adobe Kuler) allows you to create and save your own color schemes that you can import into other Adobe Creative Suite design programs and apps like Photoshop and Illustrator -- but that doesn't mean you have to have an Adobe account to use it.

Snaggy: editor de fotos online Buscando un editor de fotos online, encontré Snaggy. El cual es una herramienta que permite a los usuarios la posibilidad de editar y compartir fotos fácilmente. La idea detrás de este editor de fotos online. Es que el usuario pueda subir una fotografía, con solo copia y pegar la url de la misma. Siendo entonces, que una vez hecho esto. A demás, con Snaggy el usuario también tendrá la posibilidad de recortar la imagen. Finalmente una vez el usuario haya realizado todas las modificaciones necesitarías. Fuente | Recursos en web. Prueba | Snaggy – editor de fotos online. About Author Miguel Euraque Hola soy Miguel. Un clone de Photoshop 100% en ligne Si la fermeture de Picnik vous attriste et que vous n'avez pas les moyens de vous offrir une licence de Photoshop en ligne, optez pour un outil révolutionnaire : Nan, je plaisante ! Je viens plutôt de tomber sur un petit service 100% en ligne qui permet de faire l'essentiel en terme de retouche photo. Ca s'appelle Picozu, c'est gratuit et ça fonctionne comme un petit Photoshop ou Une palette d'outils, des options dans tous les sens et surtout la possibilité de travailler avec des calques et d'appliquer des tonnes d'effets en tous genre. Je vous invite à tester Picozu car le boulot de dev est réellement impressionnant. Bref, je vous laisse découvrir tout ça. Source Rejoignez les 60339 korbenautes et réveillez le bidouilleur qui est en vous Suivez KorbenUn jour ça vous sauvera la vie..
