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The State Hermitage Museum

The State Hermitage Museum
The collection of the State Hermitage includes more than three million works of art and artefacts of the world culture. Among them are paintings, graphic works, sculptures and works of applied art, archaeological finds and numismatic material. The main architectural ensemble of the Hermitage situated in the centre of St Petersburg consists of the Winter Palace, the former state residence of the Russian emperors, the buildings of the Small, Old (Great) and New Hermitages, the Hermitage Theatre and the Auxiliary House. The museum complex also includes the Menshikov Palace and the Eastern Wing of the General Staff building, the Staraya Derevnya Restoration and Storage Centre and the Museum of the Imperial Porcelain Factory.

bibliotheca Augustana Agathias (ca. 530 - ca. 580) Aischylos (ca. 525 - 456) Aisopos (floruit ca. 600) Rufino Tamayo:  Intensidad Dramática en la Pintura Mexicana Nacido en Oaxaca, pintor mexicano cuyo estilo combina temas populares autóctonos con las formas artísticas de la vanguardia europea como el cubismo. Rufino Tamayo estaba entre los artistas amigos de la revista Contemporáneos de la ciudad de México, la cual buscaba lo universal de lo nacional y luchaba en contra de la politización del arte postulada por el muralismo mexicano. Para Tamayo la politización significaba emplear recursos no artísticos para hacerlos pasar por artísticos. Su obra evolucionó de una pintura de pequeñas dimensiones (con un color insensible a las influencias posimpresionistas) a un cromatismo mucho más brillante al servicio de la temática social. Tamayo también recuperó la pintura de caballete, que combinó con la pintura mural de carácter social, como La revolución (1938, Museo Nacional de Antropología), tras lo cual marchó a vivir a Nueva York.

Museos Vaticanos - Web oficial Villas Pontificias, todavía más cercanas y abiertas a todos Nuevas historias y nuevas emociones en las Villas Pontificias de Castelgandolfo que, desde septiembre, amplían su oferta cultural gracias al lanzamiento de nuevos itinerarios, visitas y originales soluciones de movilidad. Más de un año después de la apertura al público del Jardín Barberini, la propuesta turística, nuevamente examinada y ampliamente renovada, pone a disposición de las familias y de cada uno de los visitantes un rico abanico de alternativas. Un creciendo de novedades entre las cuales destaca el acceso de los visitantes al Palacio Apostólico —hasta ahora no permitido— para la visita del nuevo espacio museístico La Galería de los Pontífices.

Wikipedia The Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (Glypto-, from the Greek root glyphein, to carve and theke, a storing-place) is an art museum in Copenhagen, Denmark. The collection is built around the personal collection of Carl Jacobsen (1842–1914), the son of the founder of the Carlsberg Breweries. Primarily a sculpture museum as indicated by the name, the focal point of the museum is antique sculpture from the ancient cultures around the Mediterranean including Egypt, Rome and Greece, as well as more modern sculptures such as a collection of Rodin works which is considered the most important outside France. However, the museum is equally noted for its collection of painting that includes an extensive collection of French impressionists and Post-impressionists as well as Danish Golden Age paintings. The French Collection includes works by painters such as Jacques-Louis David, Monet, Pissarro, Renoir, Degas and Cézanne, as well as those by Post-impressionists such as van Gogh, Toulouse-Lautrec and Bonnard.

Biblioteche Raccolte di ebook, libri in versione elettronica liberamente e gratuitamente scaricabili nei formati più diffusi pdf, lit, rtf, doc, txt. L'editoria elettronica permette grandi possibilità e si possono trovare e leggere non solo opere classiche delle quali sono scaduti i diritti d'autore e quindi liberamente fruibili ma anche manuali, saggi, e opere di autori emergenti o che scelgono di divulgare gratuitamente il proprio lavoro sempre più numerosi atteso che la "pubblicazione" in rete può essere fatta senza alcun costo. Stampare un proprio libro con sistemi tradizionali, anche in tirature limitatissime è estremamente costoso. per non parlare poi degli eventuali costi di distribuzione: per un migliaio di copie possono non essere sufficienti 15.000,00 €. Museu Picasso de Barcelona Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore (Maryland) of Fine Arts, Boston Art Gallery, Buffalo (Nova York) Art Museum, Harvard University, Institute of Museum of Art, Cleveland (Ohio) Institute of Museum of Art, Filadèlfia (Pennsilvània) Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Museum, Nova of Modern Art (MoMA), Nova Museum of Art, Nova Foundation, Merion Station, Pennsilvà Simon Museum, Pasadena (Califòrnia) Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco Museum and Sculpture Garden, Gallery of Art, Collection,

Museum Official Website Louvre Directory. Gallery of Lost Art The National Gallery, London: Western European painting 1250–1900 L'Emeroteca Digitale della Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense - Periodici, quotidiani, giornali storici digitalizzati
