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14,000 Free Images from the French Revolution Now Available Online

14,000 Free Images from the French Revolution Now Available Online
It’s often said that the French Revolution (1789-1799) created the “blueprint” for all revolutions to come. Unlike any event before it, the Revolution drew its strength from ideology — an ideology that turned on the belief that France had created a radical break with its monarchical past, and would now radically re-organize itself along egalitarian and democratic lines. To drive this message home, the revolutionaries produced thousands of pamphlets and political works of art. What’s more, they created a new revolutionary calendar and a series of revolutionary festivals that helped give cultural expression to the idea that France had entered a new political age. More than a century later, the Russian revolutionaries would use the French blueprint and all cultural tools at their disposal to promote its Marxist ideals. You’ve seen the posters. The images in the archive can be sorted by theme. via Hyperallergic Related Content:

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