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11 Virtual Tools for the Math Classroom

11 Virtual Tools for the Math Classroom
More and more classrooms are gaining access to technology that can be used with students. Whether you're modeling a lesson, creating stations, or working in a one-to-one classroom, virtual tools can promote student engagement while increasing academic success. Here are some apps for iPads -- along with a few other tips -- that can transform your daily lessons and are definitely worth checking out! Base Ten Blocks Number Pieces is a great free app that allows every student with an iPad to have an endless number of base ten blocks at their fingertips. Protractor Even on an iPad, a protractor can be used as a tool to measure angles. Graph Paper Geometry Pad lets children draw lines and shapes on graph paper. Geoboard Say goodbye to rubber bands! Ruler Ruler is a neat app to try out on your iPad -- it simply turns your screen into a ruler. Pattern Shapes A neat alternative to traditional pattern blocks, Pattern Shapes from the Math Learning Center is a must-have for iPad math classrooms. Clock

Home | Math Movie Network PingPong - SPOT Networking The Challenge Online | National Numeracy Central to the National Numeracy Challenge is the Challenge Online. This is a confidential, friendly, easy to use interactive website designed to assess and improve your everyday maths skills in bite-sized steps, while building confidence along the way.The Challenge Online is available for everyone. If you become a partner, we can provide you with unique web links. Introduction to the Challenge Online The Challenge Online Journey Take the Challenge Check-UpThe 'Challenge Check-Up' is our assessment which confidentially assesses your current understanding of everyday maths. Levels and targets Following the Challenge Check-Up you are provided with the level you are working at - the table below gives you rough equivalences of what these levels mean. For further UK equivalences or for an explanation of measuring adults’ skills see our page - what do ‘levels’ mean in assessing adults’ numeracy skills? More information You may be interested in this… National Numeracy Challenge

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36 Math Apps For Elementary School Students From edshelf - by edshelf: Reviews & recommendations of tools for education As more classrooms adopt mobile devices such as iPads, teachers and technology integrators are faced with the question: “What apps do I install?” That is quite a hefty question too. Fortunately, there are intrepid technology enthusiasts – like Chris Beyerle – who actively curate collections of apps. Which math apps do you use? 36 Math Apps for Elementary School Students From edshelf Image attribution flickr user barrettelementary

Educreations Interactive Whiteboard | Providing lesson plans and teaching resources on money management to help teachers of financial capability Our Story for iPad: The Best Digital Storytelling App for Young Writers There are a lot of digital storytelling apps for the iPad. Each is just a little bit different from the others, but one stands out among the others, at least for me, because of its simplicity, ease of use, and ability to tell great stories. On top of all that, it is 100% free! Open the app for the first time and you are greeted with three choices Get Started, Create a New Story, or Use Existing Story. To begin adding story details, tap on the image you want to use in the timeline at the bottom of the screen. If you want to return to the story to work on it later, press the save button (the floppy disc icon) to store your progress for another day. Overall it is a great app. Otherwise, I think this is a very worthy app for any elementary or primary classroom, and can be a great way for you to create digital stories with your students. Like this: Like Loading...

Verkko-opetuksen pedagogisia malleja Tutkijat ja opettajat ovat vuosien saatossa kehittäneet lukuisia erilaisia ja muunneltuja opetusmenetelmiä ja lähestumistapoja opetukseen. Seuraavassa on kuvattu lyhyesti muutamia yleisimmin verkko-opetuksessa käytettyjä pedagogisia malleja. Ankkuroitu opetus Ankkuroitu opetus (anchored learning): oppimista, jossa aktiviteetit on sidottu tiiviisti reaalimaailman tilanteisiin (ankkureihin); ongelmatilanteet ratkaistaan ryhmässä; rohkaisee oppijoita näkemään tiedon työkaluna, jota voidaan käyttää uusissa tilanteissa, sen sijaan, että opeteltaisiin vain faktoja [21] Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt (1993) Anchored instruction and situated cognition revised. Kognitiivinen oppipoika Kognitiivisen oppipoikamallin (cognitive apprenticeship) tarkoituksena on opettaa oppijalle asiantuntijoiden käyttämiä kognitiivisia prosesseja eli ajattelu- ja toimintamalleja. Collins, Brown & Newman (1989) Cognitive apprenticeship: Teaching the crafts of reading, writing, and mathematics. DIANA-malli

Childrens' Math Literature
