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Hi, I'm Meredith. Make Me Want to Hire You.

Hi, I'm Meredith. Make Me Want to Hire You.
The minute people find out what I do for a living, they want advice. I am a Human Resources Manager. I recruit, I hire, I fire, and everything in-between. I know a lot of people are looking for work, and today, I am going to help you get that job. So pay attention! Don’t use a stupid email address. I look at your resume for about 10 seconds. Get on LinkedIn! I don’t really read your cover letter. Pay your phone bill. If you were fired from your last job, write “I will explain in the interview.” on your application. I wasn’t kidding about the salary requirements. Yes, we drug test. Dress nicely. Have a firm hand shake. When I ask for references, your mother and pastor do not count. I am going to ask you some weird/tough/silly questions. Where do you want to be in five years? You can call me twice. Don’t just pop in and wait to see me. I send rejection emails because I think it’s nice to let you know to keep looking. Do you have a specific question?

77 Surprising Health Benefits of Yoga By Meredith Walker Over the past several years, yoga has experienced an upsurge in popularity in the western world among medical professionals and celebrities alike. While many associate yoga with new age mysticism or the latest fad at the gym, yoga is actually an ancient practice that connects the mind, body, and spirit through body poses, controlled breathing, and meditation. The practice of yoga has many health benefits associated with it, so read below to discover 77 benefits of incorporating yoga in to your or your patient’s fitness program. Health Benefits Within From lowering blood pressure to increasing pain tolerance, the following health benefits can all be discovered within the body.

Inspired Entertaining: DIY Chalkboard Wine Glasses Last month I got an email from one of those "deal of the day" websites featuring a very cute set of wine glasses with chalkboard stems from a company called Chalkboard China. I've seen chalkboard glasses before, and always thought them to be a fun and chic way for guests to keep track of their glass throughout the night so you don't end up with mixed-up glasses or dozens of half-full glasses left around the house. But all the ones I've seen in stores feature a strip of chalkboard paint across the bowl of the glass, which I've always felt looks awkward and takes away from the beauty of the wine or beverage in the glass.

mental_floss Blog & 11 Pencil Vs. Camera Images - StumbleUpon 986 653Share10.7K Born in Abidjan, Ivory Coast and now living in Belgium, Ben Heine is an amazing artist who overlaps hand-drawn works of art with photos to create stunning images. I selected eleven of his Pencil Vs. Nerd Paradise : How to Write a 20 Page Research Paper in Under a Day Posted on: 10 Cado 7:0 - 5.27.29 So you've procrastinated again. You told yourself you wouldn't do this 2 months ago when your professor assigned you this. Poster For Step By Step Instructions Yoga Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) Step by Step Link to this page Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) means a salute to the sun. It is a continuous series of 8 related Yoga postures, some done twice, in what totals 13 poses. It is designed to warm up your whole body and integrate the body, mind and breath.

Easy Craft Ideas - Accordion Book This easy to make accordion book is a personalized way to organize all of your small odds and ends. Each envelope page can hold something different such as- "to do" lists, stamps, tickets, coupons, and business cards. Also a fun craft idea for a gift - fill with photos, tickets, and other keepsakes and share with a special friend. The science of the golden spider-silk cape Andrew Purcell, online producer (Image: Oli Scarff/Getty Images) The world of art and design is abuzz with talk of the spider-silk cape being shown at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London.

Shop - A Marketplace for Buyers and Sellers last updated: Apr 14, 2014 <div class="clear"><div class="right" style="margin:0px;"><div id="pagination_doc"><div><div class="left pagination"><span class="current">1</span><a href="/Over__The__Top-Tops-for-sale/search/shops/2">2</a><a href="/Over__The__Top-Tops-for-sale/search/shops/3">3</a><a href="/Over__The__Top-Tops-for-sale/search/shops/4">4</a> ... <a href="/Over__The__Top-Tops-for-sale/search/shops/10">10</a><a href="/Over__The__Top-Tops-for-sale/search/shops/11">11</a></div><div class="left next_page_browse"><a href="/Over__The__Top-Tops-for-sale/search/shops/2"><img alt="Right_arrow4" src=" /></a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="clear2"></div> Vote. 38 voted Favorite photo

The Mad Philosopher & 61-Point Relaxation The following relaxation exercise comes from Stephen LaBerge and Howard Rheingold’s Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming (1990), which they adapted from Swami Rama’s Exercise Without Movement (1984). It’s one of my favourite meditations—one that I can do in bed, waiting in line at the bank, or while riding in a taxi. Anywhere I can be still, really. I need more practice, though, because I rarely succeed in ending on the number 61. I’m often off by one or two.

DIY Pop Up Cards Today’s column is by Oh Happy Day contributor Michaela of Bliss! I’ve been seeing a lot of pop-up cards around the web lately, all using very intricate, sometimes complicated folding and glueing techniques. Since I’m really more of the simple-diy-lover, I’ve put together a quick and versatile pop-up card tutorial. The idea is that you can use one basic technique for an endless amount of different pop-up cards. Start with a simple card and fold it in half. Then cut parallel lines (in pairs of the same length) into the middle fold as shown in the picture.

The top 25 must-see movies of 2012 - Den of Geek - StumbleUpon Update: You can now find out list of the top 25 must-see movies of 2013 here.And our 25 must-see movies of 2014 are here. As 2011 draws to a close, one eye is inevitably on the treats that are lying ahead for 2012. With that in mind, we've got our line-up of, as things stands, the 25 films that are brightest on our radar.
