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How to Get Up Right Away When Your Alarm Goes Off

How to Get Up Right Away When Your Alarm Goes Off
When your alarm wakes you up in the morning, is it hard for you to get up right away? Do you find yourself hitting the snooze button and going right back to sleep? That used to be part of my daily awakening ritual too. It’s nice and warm under the covers. Oh, I really should get up now. I should go to the gym. Maybe I’m trying to get myself up too early. I don’t have to get up right this minute, do I? I’ll bet my wife is toasty warm right now. [ Scootch… scootch… Zzzzzzzz ] Two hours later… Me: What time is it? Wife: Why do you keep setting your alarm if you aren’t going to get up when it goes off? Me: Oh, did you think that was my wake-up alarm? OK, so I wasn’t really intending for it to be a snuggle alarm. Fast forward to present day… My alarm goes off sometime between 4:00 and 5:00am… never later than 5:00am, even on weekends and holidays. But this time there’s no voice inside my head debating what I should do. So how do you go from scenario one to scenario two? Now how do you do this?

How to Become an Early Riser It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom. – Aristotle Are morning people born or made? In my case it was definitely made. In my early 20s, I rarely went to bed before midnight, and I’d almost always sleep in late. I usually didn’t start hitting my stride each day until late afternoon. But after a while I couldn’t ignore the high correlation between success and rising early, even in my own life. … and the next morning, I got up just before noon. Hmmm… I tried again many more times, each time not getting very far with it. It’s hard to become an early riser using the wrong strategy. The most common wrong strategy is this: You assume that if you’re going to get up earlier, you’d better go to bed earlier. It seems there are two main schools of thought about sleep patterns. The second school says you should listen to your body’s needs and go to bed when you’re tired and get up when you naturally wake up.

Feeling Tired in the Morning? Here's How to Wake Up Fast If you're like the typical American you don't bound out of bed in the morning eager to take on the challenges of the day. It's more likely that you crawl out of bed after tossing your alarm clock across the room in frustration. Being tired when you wake up in the morning is no laughing matter. If you're one of those unfortunate souls that can't seem to function until noon, you may be suffering from a condition known as sleep inertia. If you suffer from sleep inertia, it may help to reschedule your hours so you go to work later in the day. Another way to wake up fast in the morning is to establish a set sleep schedule and stick with it each day. Another trick to help you wake up fast is to flood your bedroom with light as soon as you awaken. To wake up fast, you need to eat a nutritionally sound, high protein breakfast. Lastly, if you have time, take a quick walk outdoors as soon as you awaken.

Corbett Barr | Lifestyle Business Weekly Tudatos álom, tudatos álmodás, irányított álom - Lucid Dream Estudio: Los inteligentes tardan más en dormir y prefieren la noche Las personas más inteligentes se sienten atraídos por la noche, momento y espacio que favorece su creatividad y desarrollo, es por ello que prefieren dormir más tarde e incluso desvelarse. Si bien diversos estudios alertan que dormir poco puede quitar años a la vida o ser perjudicial para la salud, la realidad es que quienes padecen de insomnio pueden ser más inteligentes. El dormir es un factor fundamental en la biología de los animales, y existe nueva evidencia que los patrones de sueño y la hora en la que una persona decide ir a dormir están ligados a su capacidad cognitiva, a su inteligencia. Al parecer la gente con mayor IQ (coeficiente intelectual) tiende a ser más activa durante la noche, mientras que aquellos no tan agraciados en en este rubro prefieren acostarse antes. LOS AUTORES. De acuerdo con Kanazawa, nuestros ancestros eran típicamente diurnos, y paulatinamente la tendencia se ha vertido hacia ir elevando su actividad nocturna.

Derek Halpern — Unmissable Articles Irregularly A tudatos álmodás - lucid dreaming A tudatos álmodás az ébrenlét és az álom keveredésével létrejött, köztes tudatállapot. A tudatos álmodás folyamán ráébredünk arra, hogy álmodunk. Ez az állapot viszonylag egyszerű gyakorlatokkal előidézhető, sőt egyesek befolyásolni is tudják álmaikat. A terület egyik legjelentősebb kutatója konkrét tippeket is ajánlott e képesség elsajátításához. A tudatos álmodás első lépcsőfokán az álmodó - habár ráébredt arra, hogy az átélt élmények nem valóságosak - nem igazán tud beleszólni azok alakulásába, és így továbbra sem érzi, hogy az álomtörténeteket ő alkotná. "Tudatunk tehetetlen királyként csücsül a trónján és passzívan szemléli a gyakran lenyűgöző álomélményeket" - mondja Simor Péter, a Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem Kognitív Tudományi Tanszékének doktori hallgatója az [origo]-nak. Paul Tholey, Európa egyik legjelentősebb tudatos álmodással foglalkozó kutatója konkrét tippeket is ajánlott a tudatos álmodás elsajátításához. A tudatos álom létrejötte A tudatos (lucid) álmodás EEG képe

Kevin Rogers|Direct Response Copywriting Expert|Marketing Consultant|The Copywriter's Edge | Free sales writing tactics proven to increase conversions How to Lucid Dream: 16 steps Featured Article Categories: Featured Articles | Dreams In other languages: Español: tener sueños lúcidos, Deutsch: Einen Klartraum träumen, Français: faire des rêves lucides, Português: Ter Sonhos Lúcidos, Русский: видеть осознанные сны, 中文: 做清醒梦, Nederlands: Zo kun je lucide dromen, Čeština: Jak na lucidní snění, Bahasa Indonesia: Bermimpi Sadar, 日本語: 明晰夢を見る, العربية: رؤية حلم جلي, ไทย: ฝันรู้ตัว, 한국어: 루시드 드림 꾸는 법, Tiếng Việt: Mơ có Ý thức Why Write for The Joy of Sharing – If you’ve had a life-changing experience or overcome an enormous obstacle, sharing your knowledge could change the lives of thousands of people who face the same problem.Exposure – For a beginning blogger, building a readership is a challenge. It’s tough when no one knows who you are. Writing for will allow you to reach thousands of new readers and gain some visibility in the blogosphere.Links/Traffic – When you contribute an article, you’ll receive credit and a byline with a link to your site. This will send you a healthy dose of traffic and PageRank.Original – Anything you submit must be your original writing that you still hold all rights to. *please note, due to the volume of submissions it may take up to 2 weeks to get a response from me…but you’ll definitely get one! If you’re interested in writing but aren’t sure about a topic, here are some suggestions we’re particularly interested in. bedtime calculator - StumbleUpon
