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Structure Synth

Structure Synth
Related:  2016 Juin

Context Free Art Libnoise Glossary Amplitude The maximum absolute value that a specific coherent-noise function can output. In libnoise, a coherent-noise function with an ampltude of n generates values between +n and -n, although in some cases (for example, when generating Perlin noise), this is not guaranteed. Coherent noise A type of smooth pseudorandom noise. Coherent noise is generated by a coherent-noise function, which has three important properties: Passing in the same input value will always return the same output value. An n-dimensional coherent-noise function requires an n-dimensional input value. In libnoise, all coherent-noise functions are three-dimensional. The following graph shows the output of a one-dimensional coherent-noise function n(x) with a frequency of 2: Compare it to the following graph that shows the output of a non-coherent-noise function n(x): Combiner module A noise module that mathematically combines the output values from two or more source modules together. Examples of combiner modules include:

Publication FAF, Université Miséricorde Fribourg - Forum d'architecture Fribourg CHF 98.- (hors frais d’envoi) Pour fêter son 10e anniversaire, le Forum d’architecture Fribourg a choisi de rééditer le fascicule publié en 1941 à l’occasion de l’inauguration des bâtiments de l’Université Miséricorde et épuisé depuis. Cet ouvrage richement illustré de plans et de photos décrit le chantier du prestigieux édifice, l’architecture de Denis Honegger et Fernand Dumas, la construction en béton armé des ingénieurs Alexandre Sarrasin, Henri Gicot, Beda Hefti et Jean Barras, ainsi que les solutions, innovantes pour l’époque, dans les domaines de l’acoustique, de l’éclairage, des techniques du bâtiment et des interventions artistiques. La nouvelle édition contiendra un facsimilé de l’original, un volume texte sur l’architecture et les travaux d’ingénieur et un volume de photographies actuelles. Je commande le livre au prix de CHF 98.-.

s Best Photos of recursive and structuresynth Flickr Hive Mind is a search engine as well as an experiment in the power of Folksonomies. All thumbnail images come directly from Flickr, none are stored on Flickr Hive Mind. These photos are bound by the copyright and license of their owners, the thumbnail links take to you to the photos (as well as their copyright and license details) within Flickr. Because some other search engines (Google, etc.) index parts of Flickr Hive Mind, you may have been led here from one of them. Welcome to Flickr Hive Mind, almost certainly the best search engine for photography on the web. Flickr Hive Mind is a data mining tool for the Flickr photography database, allowing search by: tags(keywords); Flickr photography groups; Flickr users, their contacts, and favorites; free text; the Flickr Explore algorithm for interestingness.

Generative Art Links Some links to Generative Art, Math & Fractals, and other creative ways of creating computional imagery. The list is not meant to be exhaustive: rather, it is a list of my favorite links. Generative Art Software General-Purpose Software Processing is probably the most used platform for Generative Art. Nodebox – A Python based alternative to Processing. vvvv is “a toolkit for real time video synthesis”. PureData a “real-time graphical dataflow programming environment for audio, video, and graphical processing.” Specific Systems Context Free Art – uses Context Free Design Grammars to generate 2D images. Structure Synth – my own attempt to extend Context Free Art into three dimensions. TopMod3D – “is a free, open source, portable, platform independent topological mesh modeling system that allows users to create high genus 2-manifold meshes”. Ready. K3DSurf – 3D surface generator (for a nice example check out this one by Schmiegl). Fractals and Math Art Software Fragmentarium. GLSL Sandbox by Mr.

Tutorials - Ambient Occlusion Lighting using GLSL Ambient Occlusion Lighting By Jérôme 'JeGX' GUINOTjegx [at] ozone3d [dot] net Initial draft: November 19, 2005 Last update: February 9, 2006 Translated from french by Samir Fitouri - soundcheck [at] ozone3d [dot] net Prerequisite 1 - Introduction Ambient Occlusion Lighting is a lighting technique which makes it possible to increase in a very appreciable manner the realism of a 3D scene. To arouse your interest, here is an example of a 3d real time rendering result that exploits the Ambient Occlusion, resulting from the Static Ambient Occlusion Lighting Demo (called thereafter Static AO demo): Fig.1 - Ambient Occlusion rendering. The AO technique (AO for Ambient Occlusion) is mainly focused on the ambient term of the lighting equation used in real time calculations. If = Ia + Id + Is where If is the intensity of the pixel final color, Ia the intensity of the ambient color, Id the intensity of the diffuse color and Is that of the specular color. Fig.2 - Constant ambient intensity rendering.

Laetitia Soulier Dans la série des « Matryoshka Dolls » de Laetitia Soulier, les espaces rouges et ondulés se fient aussi bien aux univers méticuleux de David Lynch qu’aux architectures trompeuses de Piranèse. On y retrouve d’un côté une atmosphère saisie de complexité et d’onirisme, une chaleur chromatique emprunte de mystères, de l’autre, des structures désinvoltes parsemées de coins et de recoins qui se confondent avec notre inconscient et nos imaginaires. Le mobilier de bois vernis répond à une luminosité douce et mélodieuse, le temps parait suspendu tandis que les murs sont cadencés par des motifs géométriques. © Laetitia Soulier, The Matryoshka Dolls 1/3, from The Fractal Architectures series © Laetitia Soulier, The Matryoshka Dolls 2/3, from The Fractal Architectures series © Laetitia Soulier, The Matryoshka Dolls 3/3, from The Fractal Architectures series Pour autant, ce qui relève de la fractalité ne repose pas tant sur les manipulations formelles que sur une logique d’ensemble.

XenoDream Software 3D graphics - index Code & form » Computational aesthetics Vertex Displacement Mapping using GLSL Vertex Displacement Mapping or simply Displacement Mapping is a technique allowing to deform a polygonal mesh using a texture (displacement map) in order to add surface detail. The principle is not new, it is even the basis of number of terrain generation algorithms (see the Terrain Generator GLUT project). The new thing is the use of the GPU to achieve in real time the mesh deformation. Update: November 5, 2006: The displacement mapping involves a graphics controller that allows to access at least to one texture unit inside the vertex shader. The access to a texture inside the vertex shader is called Vertex Texture Fetching. Update: November 22, 2006: It seems that there are some problems with the Forceware graphics drivers 91.xx and 93.xx. Update: September 30, 2008: Vertex texture fetching is now available on radeon: ATI Catalyst 8.10 Fixes the Displacement Mapping Bug in OpenGL @ Geeks3D. Fig. 1 - Number of Texture Units Inside a Vertex Shader Fig. 2 - DEMO_displacement_mapping.xml

[WIP] Procedural fractal mesh generation Hi everyone! Example settings for the branching generator. It's fast enough on my computer that it's pretty much realtime in the editor when changing values. GuruBlog GuruBlog Processing Sketches Links Search Twitter Follow me on Twitter Book Music Tags 3daddonadventanimationanimation nodesarduinoartbitwigblendercalendarCreativitycurvecyclesdrawingfacefluidforcefieldfreestylemakerbotmarkermaterialmodifiermonstermusicnproscparticlesphotophysicsprocessingprocessing.jspythonradioraspberrypirobotrubysimulationsynthtexturevolca
