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Elections (2016)

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Iowa state lawmaker leaves GOP over Trump. A Republican Iowa state senator is suspending his party membership to protest presumptive nominee Donald Trump Donald TrumpTrump: Judge comments 'misconstrued' Poll: Trump, Clinton in dead heat in Florida GOP senator says he won't back Trump MORE. "I will not stand silent if the party of Lincoln and the end of slavery buckles under the racial bias of a bigot," David Johnson told The Des Moines Register Tuesday. Johnson, who’s served in the Iowa legislature for 18 years as a Republican, said that he made the decision to switch his voter registration to “no party” following Trump’s remarks regarding a Hispanic judge hearing a case against Trump University.

He has not decided whether he will continue to caucus with Republicans in the legislature. Johnson though said that he would register as a Republican again if the party mounts a last-ditch effort against their presumptive nominee. “If Mr. “He simply cannot unify the GOP. A Deep Dive Into Party Affiliation. Sharp Differences by Race, Gender, Generation, Education Survey Report Democrats hold advantages in party identification among blacks, Asians, Hispanics, well-educated adults and Millennials. Republicans have leads among whites – particularly white men, those with less education and evangelical Protestants – as well as members of the Silent Generation. A new analysis of long-term trends in party affiliation among the public provides a detailed portrait of where the parties stand among various groups in the population. It draws on more than 25,000 interviews conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2014, which allows examination of partisan affiliation across even relatively small racial, ethnic, educational and income subgroups.

(Explore detailed tables for 2014 here.) The share of independents in the public, which long ago surpassed the percentages of either Democrats or Republicans, continues to increase. A closer look at … Race and ethnicity. Gender. Education. Generations. Religion. De 2015 à 2016 : un monde en marche (1/4) - Présidentielles américaines : Trump-Clinton, le match de l’après-Obama. ‘Progressive’ and ‘conservative’ have become meaningless terms in 2016. Nineties throwbacks seem to be everywhere these days: low unemployment, a Bush and a Clinton running for office, friends from “Full House” and “X-Files” entering our living rooms again.

And now identity politics are back, too. Catherine Rampell is an opinion columnist at The Washington Post. View Archive In this election, as in those during the last era when identity politics thrived, politicians are desperately trying to prove they’re a Star-Belly Sneetch, or else a Plain-Belly Sneetch, on the presumption that Sneetches always vote for their own. But rather than appealing to voter identities based on race, gender or class (or even tattooed tummies), today’s pols are citing ideological labels to incite herd-mentality voting: “conservative” and “progressive.” In recent weeks, presidential candidates have thrown themselves into semantic parsings arcane enough to make a linguist swoon. Among the key points of contention: Is supporting eminent domain “conservative”? Bernie Sanders’ grassroots revolution isn’t interested in Barack Obama’s bipartisan dream. Danny Wilcox Frazier/VII The students of Concord High School had just finished a week of exams but remained in school for an afternoon assembly.

The New Hampshire school’s guest speaker was 74-year-old Sen. Bernie Sanders. Rather than groaning about having to stick around for another couple of hours, though, the students were elated. Jim Newell is a Slate staff writer. “It’s so funny, we’ve been bringing some candidates in throughout the year, and everyone’s really excited and been asking good questions and having a great time,” said Chrigus Boezeman, a social studies teacher doubling effectively as Sanders’ hype man on this Friday in January, a few weeks before the New Hampshire primary.

A high school student body is never the most voter-rich crowd to address on a cramped two-day swing through a crucial primary state. “It’s not a question of personalities,” he continued. The students met this with rapturous applause. Like Sen. But Bernie Sanders is not Barack Obama. Sen. The Clothespin Campaign: A French History Lesson For Anti-Trump Republicans. I have had some painful experience with what it feels like to have the central allegiance of one’s public life take place within a movement shared almost exclusively by angry, aging white men, who mistrust if not dislike women and are sadly hostile to highly visible black men. And I know what it feels like to perpetually insist that, appearances aside, the cause itself is not defined by the ugly racial suspicions and prejudices of some of its adherents. As a passionate hockey fan, in other words, I feel deeply for my conservative friends right now.

They feel as we feel when a full-scale donnybrook breaks out on the ice, and our love of the game goes to war with our disgust. But, hockey aside, I’ve also, as a sometime resident of France, been through this before. It was no surprise last week when Jean-Marie Le Pen, the former leader of France’s far-right National Front, endorsed Donald Trump. (“If I were an American, I would vote Donald Trump,” Le Pen tweeted.) Will the G.O.P. Response to Antonin Scalia’s Death Hand the Election to the Democrats?

Around 4:30 P.M. Eastern time on Saturday, the San Antonio Express-News broke the news of the death of Antonin Scalia, the conservative Supreme Court Justice. Within a few hours, the Republican Party had placed itself on a trajectory that, if isn’t reversed, could throw the Presidential election to the Democrats. In apparent contravention of precedent and the U.S. Constitution, the leader of the Republican majority in the U.S. At least three of the Republican Presidential candidates—Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Ben Carson—also called for the replacement of Scalia to be delayed until after the election.

Others better qualified than me can discuss the constitutional implications of such statements. Could this really happen? If the Republicans block the nomination without properly considering it, which also seems likely, a huge political row will ensue, enveloping the Presidential race. Small wonder, some senior Democrats already appear to be dancing a jig. Hillary takes on Bernie’s worldview at the PBS debate. Win McNamee/Getty Images It’s taking time, but Hillary Clinton is inching toward a theme. “I am not a single-issue candidate, and I do not believe we live in a single-issue country,” she said at the close of the Democratic debate in Milwaukee.

“I think we have to overcome and break down the barriers that are holding people back, whether it’s poison in the water of the children of Flint, or whether it’s the poor miners who are being left out and left behind in coal country, or whether it is any other American today who feels somehow put down and oppressed by racism, by sexism, by discrimination against the LGBT community, against the kind of efforts that need to be made to root out all of these barriers.

That’s what I want to take on.” Jamelle Bouie is Slate’s chief political correspondent. Unlike so much of her rhetoric, which hedges and qualifies and tries to place policies in context, this was clear and full-throated. The other choice, when you can’t stop a rival, is to co-opt him. Bernie Sanders Just Changed the Democratic Party. Bernie Sanders and the New Populism. From up close, election campaigns appear to be messy and contingent affairs that pivot around individual characters and tactics. Did Donald Trump make an error, after all, in skipping last week’s Fox News debate? Can Marco Rubio handle the spotlight? Will Hillary Clinton shift further left to counter Bernie Sanders? If you step back a bit, though, all of the players look more like pieces in a board game, whose rules and layout are predetermined. As Karl Marx famously remarked, in “The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon,” “Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past.”

Going into the 2016 Presidential election, our economic inheritance is forty years of income stagnation and rising inequality, which culminated, in 2007 and 2008, in a global financial crisis and a government rescue of bankers and other financial interests. In Democratic Debate, Hillary Clinton’s Focus Is on G.O.P. This video is not currently supported on your browser. Continue reading the main story Video largely looked past her Democratic rivals in Saturday night’s debate, instead repeatedly assailing the Republican field, led by Donald J.

Trump. She called Mr. Trump a threat to the nation’s safety, saying he was fast “becoming ISIS’ best recruiter.” Deflecting persistent attacks from Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and former Gov. Martin O’Malley of Maryland over gun control, Wall Street and foreign military entanglements, she accused Mr. Mrs. “I worry greatly that the rhetoric coming from the Republicans, particularly Donald Trump, is sending a message to Muslims here in the United States, and literally around the world, that there is a clash of civilizations,” she said, “that there is some kind of Western plot or even war against Islam, which then, I believe, fans the flames of radicalization.” Continue reading the main story Mrs. Her above-the-fray posture in the debate, held at St. Mr. Mrs. Bloomberg, Sensing an Opening, Revisits a Potential White House Run.

Comprendre le processus électoral américain en 3 minutes. Réaction (0) L’Iowa est le premier état à se lancer dans les primaires, la première phase du long processus de l’élection du président des États-Unis. Le Figaro revient sur toutes les étapes de cette année électoral à venir. Réagir à cette vidéo Pour commenter cet article, veuillez vous connecter avec votre compte Mon Figaro. Connexion Plus de chaînes L'acteur collabore de nouveau avec la marque suisse Custos.

Le cargop Modern Express est en détresse dans le golfe de Gascogne.Il mesure 364 mètres de long et transporte 3.600 tonnes de bois et d'engins de travaux publics. Quand les chauffeurs de taxis s'en prennent...aux chauffeurs de taxis. La jeune femme qui débute sa carrière «comme n’importe quelle comédienne de 25 ans», a décidé d’assumer son nom et prouver qu’elle est capable de réussir grâce à son travail.

Souvent accusée de véhiculer une image faussée des jeunes filles, la célèbre poupée américaine se décline désormais dans toutes les tailles et couleurs de peau. Chargement. Iowa revealed the three themes that define the 2016 campaign. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) at a caucus night rally Monday in Des Moines. (Alex Wong/Getty Images) Who will win the Republican and Democratic nominations is still anyone’s guess, but the Iowa caucus voters defined three themes that are likely to roll through the rest of this year’s campaign: alienation, disruption and resilience.

Let me unpack those words. Our political system has been shaken by the anger of middle-class voters who doubt the elite’s political nostrums; the insurgent candidates’ provocative, populist counterarguments have had a disruptive effect on both parties; and yet, the most extreme and demagogic responses seem to have been rejected by a resilient electorate. David Ignatius writes a twice-a-week foreign affairs column and contributes to the PostPartisan blog.

Facebook How will this fractious campaign look to people overseas who are at once hungry for American leadership and dubious about its staying power? You can’t call Sanders a crank or an accident anymore. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are damaged, but the Republicans have a winner. They have discovered that Trump is not unstoppable. Far from it – he will have difficulty translating poll numbers into votes. Because his national exposure was so great, and his national numbers so high, the media tended to believe his claim that he was in for a “huuuuge” victory. Yet aside from the fact that he uses Twitter like a seasoned troll, his approach to politics proved antiquated. Trump is a TV candidate in a digital era. The Media Research Center calculates that during one month of evening news broadcasts on NBC, CBS and ABC, Trump got 60 per cent of coverage, Cruz got 30 per cent and the Florida senator Marco Rubio just 4 per cent.

That, very simply, is why he has seemed irrepressible. He was never off the telly. Trump also didn’t prove popular among ideological conservatives or lifelong Republicans. The good news for Republican elites, however, is that this polarisation is mirrored among the Democrats. The force is strong with this one.